
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一个月内的短期汇short forward rate
一台机器的概极限the probability limit of a machine
一定劳动生产的劳动量amount of labour expended with a certain labour productivity
一揽子运费blanket rate
一篮子汇a basket of exchange rates
一篮子汇basket of exchange rates
一般与互惠税general and conventional tariff
一般利润general rate of profit
一般利用general availability
一般效general efficiency
一般税general tariff rate
一般税general tariff system
一般货物运费general cargo rates
三重税the treble tariff
上门arrival rate
上门取送价collection and delivery rate
上面所规定的附加费用是根据运费来计算的The additional charges specified above are based on freight rates
下降scale of decrease
不分级运费F A K Rate
不加控制的调整the uncontrolled rate of adjustment
不加控制的调整uncontrolled rate of adjustment
不同的兑换exchange rate differential
不增长the zero-growth level
不增长zero-growth level
不定期船舶运费the tramp shipping freight rate
不断下跌的汇一直是企业利润亏损的引发因素Failing exchange rates have been a contributory factor to the enterprise's loss of profits
不能变现的比nonliquid ratio
不能贴现的比a non-liquid ratio
不自由浮动汇dirty floating exchange rate
不论免赔大小的海损average irrespective of percentage
不论比大小irrespective of percentage
不附带条件的费the non-tied rate
与官价汇同时并存的平行汇率parallel rate of exchange
专业化比specialization ratio
专业经营的商品proportion of marketable products from the specialized undertaking
专家们就浮动外汇问题提供建议The experts advised on the float of exchange rate
专门化比specialization ratio
世界劳动平均生产average labour productivity in the world
世界生育world fertility
业主产权资本对资产总额比owner equity to total assets ration
业主想以优惠税从公司提取现金The owner is looking to get cash out of the firm at favorable tax rates
业主权益比proprietary ratio
业主资产收益return on equity
业务效operating efficiency
日本东京银行间拆放利Tokyo interbank offered rate
两价汇dual exchange rate
两位数的通胀two-digit inflation
企业一般管理费分摊the overhead rate
企业利润earnings ratio
企业劳动力周转the firm labour turnover
优先开口preferred operating rate
优先开工the preferred operating rate
优先汇preferential rate
优先汇preference rate
优先股比低的资本low geared capital
优先股比高的资本high-geared capital
优先股股息保偿preferred-stock dividend-coverage ratio
优先股股息保偿preferred-stock-dividend-coverage rate
优惠preferential rate
优惠concessional rates of a loan
优惠利favourable interest rate
优惠利preferential interest rate
优惠利贷款prime based loan
优惠放款利prime lending rate
优惠汇preferential exchange rate
优惠贷款the favoured rate of credit
优惠贷款利prime rate
优级品high quality product rate
优选开工preferred operating rate
会计收益报酬accounting rate of return
会计汇 accounting rate
伦巴德利以易转换、易变现资产为抵押的贷款利率Lombard rate
伦敦同业拆放利London Interbank Offered Rate
英国伦敦银行同业买方或存款利London interbank bid or deposit rate
伦敦银行同业存贷利计算平均值London Interbank Bid Rate
伦敦银行同业往来贷款利London Interbank Offered Rate
英国伦敦银行同业拆放利London Interbank Offered Rate
英国伦敦银行同业拆放利London Interbank Offer Rate
倒闭mortality rate
借入资本成本对借入资本的比ratio of cost of capital borrowed to borrowed capital
借出对借进率lending rate vs borrowing rate
借方/贷方比debtors/creditors ratio
借款与放款间的差幅the spread between borrowing cost and lending rates
借款拖欠the delinquency rate
比较图chart of percentage comparisons
分期偿还amortization rate
分类折旧group depreciation rate
分组运group rate system
分部毛利departmental rate of gross margin
分配差异rate variance
分配效the allocative efficiency
分配效distribution efficiency
分配效allocative efficiency
创利contribution margin ratio
初级利prime rate
contribution rate
互换interest swap
偿付比率interest coverage ratio
变动对投资的重要性significance of interest rate changes for investment
封项买方支付一笔费用或保险金,以保证一种特定利率上涨幅度不超过一定水平interest rate cap
影响的决策interest rate affecting decision
循环interest-rate cycle
担保interest rate guarantee
控制control of interest rates
政策interest policy
模式the pattern of interest rates
模式pattern of interest rates
水准的变动change in interest level
水平level of interest rates
津贴interest subsidy
津贴interest rate subsidy
的功能function of the interest rate
的结构structure of interest rates
相等leveling of rate of profit
管理control of interest rate
职能function of interest rate
利息interest rate
利息报酬内部报酬率法interest-rate-of-return method the internal rate of return method
利用utility ratio
利用capacity operating rate
设备利用utilization rate
设备利用uniform rate of profit up-time rate
利用usage factor
利用效utilization ratio
利用比the utilization ratio
各项比的尖塔式图表a pyramid diagram of ratios
各项比的尖塔式图表pyramid diagram of ratio
合成机compound probability
合格下限lower specification limit
同一费F.A.K. rate
同一费freight all kind FAK rate
同一费F A K Rate
同等边际生产的法则law of equi-marginal productivity
名义名义利率,名义汇率nominal rate
名义利未随物价水平调整的normal interest rate
名义利nominal interest rates
名义年利the nominal annual rate
后验机probability a posterior
向后连系backward linkage
吨位的生产productivity of tonnage
土地的边际生产marginal productivity of land
在制产品周转turnover of goods in process
在制品周转the work-in-process turnover
在秋季的这几个月中,旅馆的住房高达90%During the autumn months the occupancy rate in the hotel was up to 90%
在这个国彖贷款的利非常高The loan is very dear money in this country
备用税dividends duty
复关税税double liabilities
复利计算频compounding frequency
复合利compound interest rate
复合增长年compound annual rate of growth
复合税composite tariff system
复式汇multiple rate of exchange
复式汇外汇管理制度multiple rate system of exchange control
复式税multiple scheduled tariff
复报酬compound rates of return
外国人持有股票比foreign stockholding ratio
外汇foreign-exchange rate
外汇下跌使海外销售额增加Overseas sales have benefit-ed from the fall in the exchange rate
外汇升水premium rate
外汇承兑accepter rate of exchange
外汇汇discount rate
外现利explicit rate
外部收益external rate of return
多元汇multiple rate of exchange
多元汇multiple exchange rate system
多元汇制度multiple rates of exchange system
多元汇制度multiple rates
多比分析a multiratio analysis
多比分析multiratio analysis
多种汇multiple exchange rates
多种汇模式a multilateral exchange rate model
多种税multiple tariff
多级税graded tariff
多边汇模式multilateral exchange rate model
多重内在multiple internal rates
大幅度浮动汇制度a wide hand
小企业倒闭the mortality rate of small business
小差距汇幅度a narrower exchange rate margin
小时功one-hour rating
小时取费hourly rates
小时工资pay rate per hour
小时费hourly rates
小步调整的汇钉住办法滑动平价crawling peg sliding peg
尖塔式角锥形pyramid ratios
市价与盈利比price earnings ratio
市价与销售价比price-to-sale ratio
市价或贏利与增长的比price/earnings to growth
市场market ratio
市场利market interest
市场利the easiness of money market
市场利息market interest rate
市场折扣market rate of discount
市场效the market efficiency
市场比market ratio
市场贴现market rate of discount
市场集中比concentration ratio
布达佩斯国际银行提供的利Budapest Interbank Offered Rate
开始认价比opening-to-application ratio
开始议价比opening-to-application ratio
开工capacity ratio
开放市场汇open market rate
开盘汇opening rate (价)
开盘汇与收盘汇率the opening rate and closing rate
开航sailing factor
异常兑换abnormal exchange rate
MAPI 资产更新 急迫MAPI urgency rating
意外事故发生the accident frequency
意外事故频accident frequency
成交运费fixing rate
成功的概chances of success
单位成本cost rate (per unit)
成本与生产力比cost productivity ratio
成本-价格比cost-price ratio
成本及收入的增减cost and income gradient
成本定折旧method of fixed percentage on cost
成本定法折旧depreciation by fixed percentage of cost
成本效指数cost efficients index
成本效益效cost effectiveness ratio
成本降低rate of cost reduction
成长rate of growth
我们必须采取可以影响施工效的措施We have to adopt the measures that may affect the efficiency of the project
我们想知道你们是否按1%至2%左右保险费对核准的船只运往纽约的杂货开具预约保单,金额约为一万美元We wonder if you can issue an open policy for $10.000 at a rate of about 1 % to 2% on general shipments by approval vessel to New York
我方价格根据外汇兑换可予以变动Our prices are variable in accordance with the rate of exchange
我方可按借出资本总数每年5%的利来计息We shall work out the interest at the rate of 5% per annum on the total amount of lending capital
我方管理人员办事效极高Our management team is extremely efficient
持有的投资平均额的利润按年计算the annualized rate of return on the average investment held
指标增长比target growth rate
订正了的estimate at revised rate (估算)
按优惠利at a favourable interest rate
按余值变depreciation by changing percentage of cost less scrap
按协议费计算的保险费the premium as arranged
按单位平均费straight-line rate
按固定出递减净值的方法fixed percentage of decreasing net value method
按固定税课征taxation according to fixed rates
按季度计算的费the seasonal rate
按差别税征收的税graded tax
按年龄的死亡the age-specific death rate
按年龄的死亡age-specific death rate
按投资收益利润率、所得定价return-on-investment pricing
按投资收益定价return on investment pricing
按折价换算conversion with the co-efficient
按时间调整的报酬time adjusted rate of return
按时间调整的报酬the time-adjusted rate of return
'按时间调整的报酬time-adjusted rate of return
按时间调整的收益the time-adjusted rate of return
按有利的利at a favourable interest rate
按某种比价格scale-down up of prices
按概比例抽样the sampling with probability proportionate to size
按次计费measure rate
按比增加scale up
按比扩大scale up
按比降低scale down
按目标利润定价target rate-of-return pricing
按英里计算的运费mileage rate
按订正费at revised rate
按订正费计算at revised rate
按销售净额计算的营业费用operating ratio based upon net sales
按风险订的贴现risk adjusted discount rate
按风险调整的利risk-adjusted interest rate
按风险调整的贴现risk-adjusted discount rates
易变汇variable rate
最优惠利prime rate
最优贷款利top priority lending rate
最低利rate floor
最低利prime rate of interest
最低利lowest interest rate
最低利prime rate
最低周转minimum turnover
最低妻求报酬minimum requirements of acceptability
最低容许收益盈利minimum acceptable rate of return
最低收益minimum rate return
最低期望报酬minimum attractive rate of return
最低预期回报cut-off rate of return
最低预期资本回收hurdle rate
最佳度效efficiency optimum
最佳效best efficiency point
最佳的资本形成optimum rate of capital formation
最佳通行税best prevailing tarrif rate
最佳通行税best prevailing traffic rate
最初采收primary recovery
最大回收复得maximum recovery rate
最大复得maximum recovery rate
最大机method of maximum probability
最大经济采收maximum economic recovery
最大采收maximum efficient rate
最小报酬attractive return rate
最小期望报酬minimum attractive return rate
最小频minimum frequency
最惠国关税most many, much 的最高级 favoured nation tariff rates
最惠国关税税most favored nation tariff rates
最惠国税most many, much 的最高级 favoured nation tariff
最有代表性的汇most many, much 的最高级 representative rate
最适度利optimum rate
最适当利optimum rate of interest
最适当的加价optimal rate of mark-up
最适当的卡特尔加价optimal cartel mark-up rate
最高maximum rate
最高利rate cap
最高所得税maximum income tax rate
最高效估计量most many, much 的最高级 efficient estimation
最高最低税maximum and minimum tariff (system, 制)
最高税the maximum tariff
最高许可the maximum authorization rate
monthly rate
有了固定最高利,投资者十有八九可以获得更优惠的贷款条件With a high cap rate, investors are almost certain to get better terms from the banks
有保证的增长the warranted rate of growth
有保证的增长warranted rate growth
有保险之失业insured unemployment rate
有劳动能力的居民死亡统计表labour force life table
有成本效cost efficient
有效effectiveness ratio
有效利effective interest rate per interest period
有效利effective rate of interest
有效利effective rate
有效利efficient rate of interest
有效利-annual percentage rate of interest
有效利effective interest rates
有效利-effective rate of interest
有效功the useful efficiency
有效年利effective annual interest rate
有效提成effective royalty rate
有管理的浮动汇managed floating exchange rate
期望利润expected rate of profit
期权分析内部收益options analysis internal rate of return
期权分析内部收益options analysis IRR
期票贴现long rate
期货现货futures physical ratio
标准化制造费用the standardized burden rate
标准化比standardized ratio
标准年the standard annual rate
标准费the yardstick rate
模式利美政府债券pattern of interest rates
欧洲汇幅度Euro band
欧洲生产European Productivity Agency
欧洲经济共同体小差距汇幅度narrow EEC band
清偿国库券tender rate treasury bills
清算比liquid funds ratio
清算比liquidity ratio
渔业外向化比简写为RFEratio of fisheries extroversion
理想的自有资牢-债务比ideal equity-debt ratio
生产output capacity
生产productive rate
生产production rate
生产产出/投入,产量productivity (output/input)
生产会计the productivity accounting
生产会计productivity differential profit
生产会计productivity accounting
生产分析a productivity analysis
生产分析productivity analysis
生产因素productivity factor
生产增长increase in productivity
生产工程学productivity engineering
生产差别利润productivity differential profit
生产指数index of productivity
生产比例productivity ratio
生产测定productivity management
生产系数productivity factor
生产计算the productivity accounting
生产计算productivity differential profit
生产计算productivity accounting
生产评价服务productivity evaluation services
生产高的large duty
生产变化the fertility gradient
生产成本利润rate of profit based on the cost of production
生产/成本比output/cost ratio
生产效production efficiency
生产效高的工人productive worker
生产的复利式增长the compound rate of growth of output
生产的复利式成长compound rate of growth of output
生产能力利用capacity ratio
生产能力比capacity ratio
生产能量,额定量功率,定额产量rated capacity
生产设备完好rate of usability of productive equipment
生产转换rate of production transformation
生利yield rate (指股票债券所生利益)
生存survival rate
生育the fertility rate
生育比fertility ratio
生长growth rate
用外币支付的汇foreign currency rate (费率)
用本国或外国货币支付的汇rate in home foreign currency (费率)
用电设备效efficiency of power-driven equipment
真实增长real growth rate
真正人口自然增加true or intrinsic rate of natural increase
真正利true interest rate
真正利润true rate of profit
真正回收收益率true rate of return
真正平衡比true equilibrium rate
tax ratio
duty rate
rate of tax (taxation)
按加工程度滑动the escalation of tariff according to the degree of processing
簿book of rates
schedule of terms and condition
scale of taxes
表内的货物分类tariff classification of goods
订正tariff amendment
调查委员会board of equalization
限额tariff quotas
限额tariff quota
税后报酬after-tax rate
税负tax bearing rate
tight rate
老年受抚养dependant rate of the aging
舍取cut-off rate
营业operating efficiency
营业利息费用与销货比ratio of operating interest expense to transactions
营运收益operating earnings rate
调整regulation factor
调整adjustment factor
调整兑换exchange-rate adjustment
调整兑核the realignment of exchange rate
调整利interest rate adjustment
调整工资adjustment of wage rates
调整汇exchange adjustments
调整汇exchange adjustment
贝氏概决策法a Bayesian probability decision method
贝诺利概分析Bernoulli distribution
负债与股产权比debt-to-equity ratio
负债与自有资本比debt/equity rate
负债与资产比debt-to-asset ratio
负债产权debt equity ratio
负债净值the net worth to debts ratio
负债净值ratio of debt to net worth
负债对净值比debt to-networth ratio
负债对资产总额比debt-to-total assets ratio
负债比debt-equity ratio
负债比equity ratio
负债资本the net worth to debts ratio
负利negative rate of interest
负载因素比load factor ratio
贡献收益contribution rate
贡献比contribution ratio
贡献毛益创利额rate of contribution margin
财务与经营比financial and operating ratios
财务内部收益financial internal rate of return
财务净现值financial net present value ratio
财务净现值finance net present value rate
财务收益financial rate of return
财务比financial ratios
财务比financial ratio
账款周转account turn over
货币市场利money market rate
货币汇统筹制度currency pooling system
货币流通速度与利的关系interest-velocity relation
货币资本比money capital ratio
货币金属的劳动生产labour productivity of the currency metal
货物损耗proportion of goods damaged
货物运费goods rate
适当利appropriate interest rate
逆周转reflowing turnover rate
透支额的利应适合于最小放款利率The rate of interest on overdrafts is geared to the minimum loaning rate
递减rate of decrease
递减的边际代替假设the assumption of diminishing marginal rate of substitution
递减税descending tax scale
递减边际代替diminishing marginal rate of substitution
递增性 利润incremental rate of return
递远递减价graduated tariff
递远递减运费the taper freight rate
通知存款rate of call
通货膨胀的离差index of inflation rate
通货膨胀逐步下降The inflation rate is gradually coming down
通货膨胀调整的贴现inflation-discount rate
通货膨胀调整的贴现inflation-adjusted discount rate
通货账面利book rate of currency
通贷膨胀rate of inflation
通道面积和全厂面积的比ratio of aisle space to total area
速兑比quick ratio
速动quick ratio
速动资产对流动负债比ratio of quick assets to current liabilities
速动资产比quick assets ratio (即流动资产与流动负债之比)
造成缺勤的工伤发生disabling injury frequency rate
销售净额与资产总额比ratio of net sales to total assets
销售利润profit margin on sales
销售利润margin on sales
销货净利net profit to sales ratio
销货折扣百分percent of discount taken
销货收益return on sales
销货边际利益三角形比P/V triangle
需用demand factor
鼓励提高人口出生的政策pronatalist policy
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