
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一般税tarif general
一般税general tariff
一般货物的运费general cargo rate
不利汇unfavourable exchange
不另定费not otherwise rated
个人日工资individual per diem rate
中央银行汇central bank rate
产值增长rate of increasing output value
产品合格rate of qualified products
产品合格rate of products meeting standards
产品税税rate of product tax
产岀rate of output
产岀投资比output investment ratio
产量比output ratio
从价运费ad valorem rate
以外币表示的汇rate in foreign money (与以本国货币表示的汇率(rate in home money) 相对)
以最少劳动取得最高效achieve the maximum of efficiency with the minimum labour
股票价格收益price earning ratio
优惠汇fine rate
优惠税preferential rate of taxation
优惠贷款favoured rate of credit
伦巴第证券抵押贷款利Lombard rate
伦敦存款利London deposit rate
伦敦金融市场利Lombard rate
伦敦银行间同业拆放利London interbank offered rate
估价比valuation ratio
伸缩性汇flexible exchange rate
伸缩性汇flexible rate system
作效高的专家efficient expert T
使用效occupation coefficient
保险协定费tariff rate
保险费schedule of rate
借资与总资本比gearing ratio
债务偿还debt-service coverage (现金增值 (cash generation) 与债务偿还(debt repayment) 之比)
假定比hypothetical ratio
假设的增长assumed growth rate
停埠船舶运费berth cargo rates
储蓄savings ratio (指储蓄 (savings) 占可支配收入 (disposable income) 的百分比)
储蓄rate of savings (指储蓄 (savings) 占可支配收入 (disposable income) 的百分比)
公司资本周转firm capital turnover
共同关税tarif des douanes communes
共同对外关税common external tariff
关税customs tariff
关税tariff rates
再贴现re discount rate
净人员流动net labour turnover rate
净值收益return of net worth (指股东产权收益率 (rate of return on stockholder equity))
净值收益return on net worth (指股东产权收益率 (rate of return on stockholder equity))
净利润对资本的比ratio of net profit to capital
净利润比net profit margin
净收益与普通股息比dividend cover
净现值net present value ratio
减低税tarif reduit
出口差别税differential export tax
分等级运费taper freight rates
分类比specific rate
利润与销售比PS ratio
利润与销货数量比profit-volume ratio
利用use factor (系数)
利用percentage of utilization
利用比utilization ratio
利益profit rate
到货arrival rate
伦敦交易商"到货"利"to arrive" rate
额定power rating
加成percentage mark-up
加班工资overtime rate
劳动生产测定productivity measurement
单位功specific duty
单位功工作能力specific duty
单纯远期汇outright forward rate
占支配地位增长dominant growth rate
危险品运价dangerous cargo rate
即期汇票汇demand rate
厂房设备周转turnover o£ plant and equipment
原保费original premium rate
原始净值费original net rate
原始加价original mark-up
原材料综合利用rate of comprehensive use of raw materials
参考汇reference rate (利率)
双元汇dual exchange rate (即商业汇率 (commercial rate)、金融汇率(financial rate))
双重关税税double line tariff
变动汇variable exchange rate
变动费用比variable expense ratio
变化方程rate equation
变化曲线图rate of change curve chart
可变利票据variable-rate bill
可变概variable probability
可用available ratio
可调整抵押贷款adjustable rate of mortgage
可调整汇与固定汇率adjustable and fixed rates
可调钉住汇adjustable peg rate
可靠概reliable probability
名义保护nominal rate of protection
名义援助nominal rate of assistance
含水比water ratio
吸收rate of capacity
呆账比bad debt ratio
商品rate of commodification
商品周转merchandise turnover
回扣rebate rate
回答responding rate
回采percentage recovery
回采percentage of recovery
团体效group efficiency
固定汇pegged exchange rate
固定资产交付使用rate of fixed assets put into operation
固定资产周转fixed assets turnover
固定资产周转turnover o£ plant and equipment
固定资产周转turnover of plant and equipment
固定资产对资本负债的比ratio of fixed assets to capital liabilities
固定资产报废retirement rate of fixed assets
国家协定税general and conventional tariff
国家银行利national bank rate
国民收入与人均收入的增长rate of increase of national and per capita incomes
均衡增长equilibrium rate growth
交换意见肯定会促成双方更进一步加深理解The frank exchange of views will certainly contribute to better understanding between our two parties
基本关税basic tariff
基本概fundamental probability
基本汇base rate
基本计时或计件工资basic rate
基本计时或计件工资base rate
增长下降decline of growth rate
复式税multiple linear tariff
复汇措施multiple exchange practice
外债清偿debt service ratio
外汇折合foreign currency conversion
外汇汇rate of exchange
外汇汇调整时机timing of readjusting foreign exchange rate
外汇汇重新调整readjustment of foreign exchange rate
外贸依存ratio of dependence on foreign trade
多式汇模式multilateral exchange rate model
多比分析multi ratio analysis
失业percentage of unemployment
失控速runaway speed
存款与资本比deposit ratio
季节性关税税seasonal tariff
官定汇official rate
官定汇上下限upper and lower limits of official rate of exchange
直接定期定租赁straight lease (到期后所租设备归还岀租人)
定期调整利长期贷款revolving term loan
定期费time rate
定额产量rated capacity
实际利effective interest rate (与名义利率 (nominal interest rate) 相对)
容量rate of capacity
工业倒闭rate of industrial mortality
工作速operating rate
工日利用utilization rate of workdays
工资rate of wages
工资差别wage rate variance
工资统计statistics of wage rate
工资或费削减rate cutting
差额运费differential rate system
市场饱和百分percent of saturation of market
幅度很大的浮动汇制度wide band
平价汇par exchange
平均运费flat rate
年增长annual growth
年平均增长annual average rate of increase
并装费consolidated rate
广告费rate card
库场周转turnover capacity of storage space
应付汇rate of giving accounts (指用直接报价 (direct quotation) 表示的汇率(rate of foreign exchange))
应付票据对应付账款的比ratio of notes payable to accounts payable
应付账款周转turnover ratio of payables (与应收账款周转率(turnover ratio of receivables) 相对)
应收汇rate of receiving account (与支付汇率,应付汇率(rate of giving account) 相对,指用间接报价 (indirect quotation) 表示汇率(rate of foreign exchange))
废品rate of rejects
废品损失报告spoilage report
废品百分percent defects
建筑面积竣工rate of floor space completed
开工capacity utilization rate
强制汇forced exchange rate
当地运费local rate
总体效general efficiency
总功total output
总增长total growth rate
总延长total extension
总投资rate of total investment
总投资盈利profitability of the total investment
总资产周转total asset turnover
总资本化比total capitalization ratio
总重与有效载重比gross weight-to-payload
成本减低rate of cost reduction
成本收益return on cost
扩展expansion rate
抑制过高利inhibit excessively high interest rate
投资利润分析investment profitability analysis
投资收益return of capital investment
投资收益return in invested capital
投资收益investment rate of return
折合conventional rate
折扣cutoff discount rate
折扣rebate rate
折扣cutoff rate
折旧depreciation rate (包括单项折旧率,分类折旧率,综合折旧率)
报复性关税税retaliatory tariff
押汇平价汇flat rate of negotiation
抽样比sampling rate
抽样比rate of sampling
担保的增长warranted rate of growth
征税taxation according to fixed rate
按不受汇损失付款payable without loss in exchange
按均等概抽选selection with equal probability
按汇支付payable with exchange
按经认可的银行向伦敦丹出的汇票售出牌价付款,汇以背书时为准payable by approved bank's drafts on London, exchange per endorsement
按被调量变化调节rate control
按资本比分配division in capital ratio
按销售净额计算的营业比operating ratio based on net sales
按销售净额计算的营业比operating ratio based upon net sales
换汇汇swap rate
换汇汇swap margin
提前偿付折扣anticipation rate
提高关税税raise the customs tariff
操纵外汇汇manipulate the exchange rate
支付汇rate of giving accounts
收入汇rate of receiving account
收益缩为 RRrate of return (指利润 (profit) 占投入资本 (invested capital) 或股本 (equity) 的百分比)
亦缩为 effcy.efficiency
Y 效Y-efficiency
美国埃默森+二原则twelve principles of efficiency (管理人员有明确目标 (managerial personnel having definite targets), 有丰富常识 (having rich common knowledge), 提供优质咨询 (offering first-rate advisory services), 有严格纪律 (observing strict disciplines), 经营交易公平 (doing business fairly), 作业有可靠及时记录 (having reliable and timely job records), 按计划安排工作(scheduling organization of the work), 作业标准化 (carrying out job standardization), 有日历进度表 (having calendar progress schedules), 保持工作环境良好 (keeping a good working environment), 使用书面工作任务单 (using written work sheets), 实行效率奖励 (implementing the efficiency premium system))
估价efficiency estimation
目标efficiency objective
考核efficiency rating
数量比quantity ratio
大批货物数量费quantity rate
新佣金从下一份合同起生效The new rate of commission is to take effect from the next contract. It is not to be backdated to any previous ones
日息per diem
时效调整收益time adjusted rate of return (指内部收益率 (internal rate of return))
普通利usual interest rate
普通税tarif general
更变了的比changed rate
替代rate of substitution
最低关税税minimum tariff
最低利prime rate of interest
最低预期资本回收cutoff discount rate
最佳效optimal efficiency
最大增长maximum rate of growth
最大生产maximum productivity
最大输岀功peak output
有保障效guaranteed efficiency
有效援助effective rate of assistance
有效效used efficiency
有用效useful efficiency
材料利用utilization rate of materials
杠杆leverage ratio (债务与债券占总资产的比率)
杠杆debt factor
标准化standardised ratio
标准化分摊standardised burden rate
核算利accounting rate of interest
偏离probable deviation
分析probability analysis (指不确定性分析之一 (uncertainty analysis))
权数probability weight
系数probability coefficient
计算probability calculation
论定理theorem of probability theory
误差probabilistic error
误差率probability error rate
陈述probability statement
预测probabilistic prediction
正品rate of certified products
正常利用proper use factor
正常失业normal unemployment rate
正常汇normal exchange rate
债券正收益曲线positive sloping yield curve
债券正收益曲线positive yield curve
此项佣金只适用于草制品The rate of commission applies only to straw products
每秒周数或频cycles per second
每股收益比per share earning ratio
作用rate act
差异rate variance
极大化ratio maximization (与比率极小化(ratio minimization) 相对)
水费water rate
taux du change
变动下限minimum limit
变动下限downward limit
回升upturn in rate of exchange
模式pattern of exchange rate
波动的官定上下限official upper and lower limit of fluctuation
泊松概Poisson probability table
法定关税statutory rate of duty (指国定税则中的税率 (national tariff), 与协定税率 (conventional rate) 相对)
活期利rate of call
流动利floating interest rate
流动汇float rate (与固定汇率 (fixed exchange rate) 相对)
流动汇floating exchange rate (与固定汇率 (fixed exchange rate) 相对)
流动资金利用utilization rate of current fund
浮动利存单floating rate CDs (floating rate certificates of deposit, 欧洲美元市场 (Euro-dollar market) 上的一种定期存款单,其利率随伦敦银行同业提供利率 (London interbank offered rate) 或新加坡银行同业提供利率 (Singapore interbank offered rate) 变动而调整;比较 floating rate notes 浮动利率期票)
浮动最低利floating prime rate of interest
浮动汇存款单floating rate certificate of deposit
海关税一览表customs schedule
混合性比mixed ratio
溢短允许more or less allowed
滑动比提成sliding-scale royalty
滑动税sliding tariff
滑动税sliding-scale tariff
滑动税sliding duty
滞留费费demurrage rate
火险中火损比burning ratio
爬行钉住汇制度crawling peg system
物价增长rate of price increases
物资周转turnover rate of material
牲畜出栏rate of domestic animals for sale
特别运费special rates
特定商品运费particular commodity rate
特种货物运费specific commodity rates
现汇汇spot rate of exchange
现状汇tel quel rate
生产能力rate of capacity
生产能力利用utilization of capacity
生产能力利用poor capacity utilization
生产能力利用水平level of capacity utilization
电汇汇TT rate
出口限额百分分配制percentage quantity system
百分标准percentage criterion (G. S. P. 普惠制关于商品原产国原料的规定标准)
百分增percentage growth rate
盈余earnings yield
盈余与股票价格比earnings yield
盈利earnings yield
盈利与股息比dividend cover
直接远期汇outright forward rate
相似similarity rule
相对对比percent contrast
短期保险费short-period premium rates
短期费short rate
短期远期外汇汇short forward rate
社会劳动生产social productivity
租赁费lease rate
rate of tax
减低reduction of rates
稳定汇steady exchange rate
空舱载货运费berth cargo rates
等值利息收益equivalent interest yield
管制汇外汇管制controlled rate
管理效management rate
管理费用总上涨overall inflation rate of overhead costs
粗略增长crude rate of increase
累积年增长cumulative annual rate of growth
累进税progressive rates
累退税degressive tax rate
纯利润rate of clear profit
组装效volumetrical efficiency
组装效volumetric efficiency
经济管理效management efficiency
经济运行效efficiency of economic operation
经营效operational efficiency
绝对免赔absolute franchise
绝对免赔deductible franchise
统一费关税flat-rate tariff
综合折旧general depreciation rate
综合负荷overall load rate
综合运费freight all kinds rate
置信概分布fiducial probability distribution
美元兑换the rates against US dollars
美国农产品比价parity ratio
美国联邦利Fed fund rate
股利dividend yield
股本与债务比equity-debt ratio
股本资本盈利profitability of the equity capital
股票市场比market ratio
自有资本对借入资本的比ratio of owned capital to borrowed capital
自有资本收益rate of return on equity
自由汇free exchange rate (与法管汇率 (official exchange rate) 相对)
自由浮动汇freely fluctuating exchange rate (包括:汇率下浮 (floating downward),汇率上浮 (floating upward))
自由浮动汇freely fluctuating rate of exchange system
自足缩写为SSRself-sufficiency rate
节约效economical efficiency
欧共体英国对外税tariff commun extérieur
补偿compensation rate
表列费scheduled rating
装卸rate of loading and unloading
观测到的故障10 observed failure rate
规定概水平specified probability level
规定的利regulated interest rate
计件运费package rate
计数counting yield
计算岀的生产calculated productivity
许可损耗wastage allowance
许多国家被迫采取浮动汇Many countries have been compelled to float the exchange rate of their currencies
设备利用capacity factor
设备完好rate of fineness of equipment
设备综合效overall equipment efficiency
访问顾客calling rates
该商品按5%免赔出售The merchandise is sold with a franchise of 5%
课税rate of taxation
调整后的名义利adjusted nominal rate
调整后的名义汇adjusted nominal rate
负债rate of debts
负债leverage ratio
负债产权比debt ratio 负债率
负债产权比debt-equity ratio
负税tax bearing ratio
负载duty ratio
财务比企业财务状况financial ratio
财政关税税revenue tariff
账面折合booking rate
货柜费ULD rate
货物周转velocity of goods circulation
贴现taux d' escompte
贴现利discount rate
贴现利rate of discount
制定机构rating organization
或生产率确定rate setting
或生产率确定rate fixing
资产总额周转total asset turnover
资产总额收益all capital earnings rate (企业税后净利与资产总额比率)
资产更新ratio of replacement
资本与负债比gearing rate
资本产值比capital output ratio (即指资本与总产值之比)
资本产值比capital coefficient (即指资本与总产值之比)
资本-产岀增长比incremental capital output ratio
资本化比capitalization rate
资本投资效efficiency of capital investment
资本搭配gearing rate
资本构成capitalization ratio
资本比capital rate
资金占用rate of capital employed
资金周转rate of capital turnover
资金搭配gearing ratio of funds
距离与距离变化测量系统range and range rate system
转换浮动利本票convertible floating rate note
输出rate of output
输出功output rate
边际比margin al rate
运营汽车trucking rate
运费freight tariff
进出口交换比net barter terms of trade
进出口交换比terms of trade
进口货物运费import rate
远期外汇汇forward exchange rate
远距离递减运费tapering distance rates
退货sales return ratio
递减故障decreasing failure rate
递减税regressive tax rate (与累进税率 (progressive tax rate) 相对)
递减运价degressive freight rate
递减运费tapering freight rates
通常利汇, 费欧洲经济共同体conventional rates EEC
作用rate act
微商控制rate control
速遣费rate of despatch money (一般为滞期费率(rate of demurrage) 的一半)
金融市场利monetary market rate
金融汇外汇financial rate
铁路运费rail rates
银行买价汇buying rate
银行贴现汇率,利率bank rate
销售利润sales profit rate
销售收益return on sales
销售收益rate of return on sales
长期债务与股本的比long-term debt-equity ratio
长期汇票贴现long rate
长期贷款利long-term lending rate
间接生产费用分配burden rate
间接费用分配burden rates
附加费surcharge rate
陆路共同地点运费OCP rate
雇佣employment rate (与离职率 (separation rate) 相对)
雇用增加accession rate
零担货运费LCL rate
非自由的浮动汇managed flexibility system (指可调整钉住汇率制 (adjustable-peg system))
项目换汇project exchange rate
项目盈利profitability of the project
项目目标盈利target profit rate of the project
预定分配predetermined distribution rate
预定比predetermined ratio
预定负荷predetermined burden rate
预期误差expected error rate
预计间接制造费用分摊predetermined overhead rate
高利政策dear money policy (即指紧缩银根政策 (tight money policy))
高得票heavy poll (与低得票率 (light poll)相对)
高效使用资金efficient use of capital
高效市场efficient market
高效生产efficient production
高生产效high-cycle efficiency
高碎损a high rate of breakage
齿轮比gearing ratio