
Terms for subject Ecology containing | all forms
上升rise rate
上升速rising speed
上升速rise rate
中分辨成像光谱仪moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer
产草量年变annual variation rate of forage yield
人口出生fertility rate
代谢作用效efficiency of metabolism
低负荷low rate
低负荷生物滤池low-rate biofilter
作物雨水利用效rainwater use efficiency of crop
供料rate of feed
光伏功photovoltaic power
光合效photosynthetic efficiency
光合转化效photosynthetic conversion efficiency
光合速rate of photosynthesis
光合速photosynthesis rate
入射波功incident power
入渗速rate of soil water infiltration
养分再吸收效nutrient resorption efficiency
养分释放相对百分relative percentage of nutrient release ratio
再曝气reaeration rate
冲洗效cleaning efficiency
净光合速net photosynthetic rate (Pn)
出苗emergence rate of seedling
分离速detachment rate
剂量测量计dose rate meter
加料指饲料调制 饲料rate of feed
单元平均入渗速unit average infiltration ratio
即时死亡instantaneous rate of mortality
变化rate of mutation
可再生能源和能源效合作项目Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program
叶片相对含水leaf relative water content
含胶gutta-percha content rate
听力损失percent hearing loss
吸入中毒概系数index of potential inhalation toxicity
吸水倍water absorbent rate
周转速turnover rate
回收degree of recovery
国产化localization rate of parts and components
土地利用land use ratio
土壤侵蚀速rate of soil erosion
土壤分离速soil detachment rate
土壤微生物层化比soil microbial stratification ratio
土壤水分扩散soil water diffusivity
土壤流失速soil erosion rate
土壤电导soil electrical conductivity
土壤电导electrical conductivity of soil
地球反射earth albedo
地球表面平均反射earth's average surface albedo
垦殖reclamation ratio
城市生活污水处理domestic sewage treatment ratio
城市生活污水达标domestic sewage up-to standard rate
城市绿化覆盖percentage of urban greenery coverage
大肠菌族的最大概most probable number of Coli form group
存活-应力-寿命曲线PSN curve
存活-应力-寿命曲线curve of probability stress life
实际死亡effective mortality rate
富集accumulation rate
导水hydraulic conductivity
工业允许水循环利用permissible water cycle of industry
工业废水处理industrial wastewater treatment ratio
工业废水排放达标industrial wastewater up-to standard rate
废水排放wastewater rate
归化植物rate of naturalized plants
径流功runoff power
总吸声total absorption of sound
总平均发病incidence to total average
总除尘效overall collection efficiency
恒定滤失速constant filtration rate
意外事故发生频accident frequency
成土与土壤侵蚀速soil formation and erosion rate
成本效分析cost-effectiveness analysis
成本效原则cost-effectiveness principle
成本效模式cost-effectiveness model
截留intercepting rate
投加rate of feed
持水water holding capacity
持水holding water rate
振动功vibrational power flow
排放rate of discharge
排放discharge ratio
推移质输沙bedload transport rate
提吸rate of uptake
放射效radiation efficiency
散落物剂量放射性尘fallout dose rate
早材earlywood ratio
时间-剂量-死亡模型time-dose-mortality model
晚材latewood percent
更新频update frequency
更新频vertical refresh rate
最低死亡minimum mortality
最大出生maximum natality
最大处理效maximum treatment efficiency
最终采收final recovery rate
有效保护effective protection rate
杀菌germicidal ratio
枯落物分解速litter decomposition rate
标志鱼季节性重捕seasonal recovery of marked fish
核实check ratio
森林覆盖forest coverage
植被覆被vegetation coverage
克里金probability Kriging
probability paper
疲劳寿命曲线PSN curve
疲劳寿命曲线curve of probability stress life
死亡mortality rate death rate
死亡rate of death
比导specific conductivity
气候变climatic variability
气候概climatic probability
氧利用oxygen utilization rate
氮效nitrogen efficiency
氮效系数nitrogen efficient coefficient
氮矿化速nitrogen mineralization rate
氮素禾用nitrogen use efficiency
氮肥利用utilization ratio of nitrogen
水分利用water use efficiency
水分利用效water use efficiency
水分利用效water utilization efficiency
水分利用效efficiency of water application
水分生产效water produce efficiency
水库截留泥砂效reservoir trap efficiency
污垢fouling rate
污染源贡献pollution source contribution ratio
沉降效settling efficiency
沙化sandy degree
河流脱氧stream deoxygenation rate
油层采收reservoir recovery
泥砂定曲线sediment-rating curve
曲线rating curve
海水电导seawater electrical conductivity
消化digestion rate
消化rate of digestion
消除elimination rate
液流速sap flow velocity
淤积deposit rate
温度递减temperature lapse rate
溶出dissolving rate
滑坡频landslide occurrence frequency
滞留retention rate
rate of filtration
滤尘效filtering efficiency
滴定titer method
澄清效clarifying efficiency
灾难性死亡catastrophic mortality
热传导thermal conduction rating
热功heat energy
热反射heat reflectance
热导thermometric conductivity
热量耗散heat dissipation rate
烷烃百万分parts per million of alkane
燃料消耗fuel consumption ratio
环境效environmental efficiency
环境效原则environmental effectiveness principle
环境致癌发生environmental cancer attack rate
生态系迁移ecosystem transfer rate
生殖reproduction rate
生物降解biodegradation rate
生长速growth speed
用水rate of water consumption
电泳迁移变动分析electrophoretic mobility shift assay
病死fatality rate
癌症死亡cancer mortality
百分基准percentage basis
百分试验percentage test
真空过滤脱水vacuum filter yield
真空过滤器效vacuum filter yield
瞬间水分利用效instantaneous water use efficiency
石油产出enhance oil recovery
磨碎rate of water
社会折现social rate of discount
离子交换树脂的再生效regeneration efficiency of ion exchange resin
积累转换概cumulative transition probability
稳定入渗stable infiltration rate
稳定碳同位素分辨stable carbon isotope discrimination (A¹³C)
突变rate of mutation
粮食生产胁迫力stress of land productivity
纹孔闭塞pit aspiration ratio
经济增长economic growth
绿色能源与能源效Green Energy and Energy Efficiency
耐火durability index
耗氧速rate of oxygen-consumption
耗氧速oxygen consumption rate
耗水rate of water consumption
肥料利用fertilizer use efficiency
能源利用效energy use efficiency
能源总回采overall recovery rate of energy resources
能源效承诺energy efficiency commitment
能源资源开发利用development and utilization rate of energy resources
能量转换energy conversion rate
脱氧rate of deoxygenation
脱除效removal efficiency
腐烂rate of decay
自净rate of self-purification
自然侵蚀速natural erosion rate
自然资源保证assuring ratio of natural resources
蒸腾速transpiration speed
蒸腾速transpiration rate (Tr)
蔓延速spread rate
蛋白质沉积protein retention
覆盖fraction of coverage
质量含水mass soil water content
资本产出比capital output ratio
资源静态价格霍特林效条件Hotelling efficiency condition of resource static price
输沙sand-transporting ratio
输沙sand transport flux
输沙rate of sand transporting
输砂砂量与砂,水总量之比sediment transport concentration
输砂sediment flux
进给rate of feed
采样sampling rate
释热量热计试验heat release rate calorimeter test
重现recurrence rate
钾肥利用potassium utilization efficiency
降低风速比ratio of reducing wind velocity
降水利用rainwater use efficiency
降水蓄渗rainfall infiltration rate
降解速decomposing rate
降解速degradation rate
降雨概rainfall probability
随年龄变化的自然死亡change in natural mortality with age
集尘效dust collection efficiency
集水效rainwater harvesting efficiency
集流效efficiency of rainwater catchment
零人口增长zero population growth
零功热中子反应堆zero energy thermal reactor
零功热核装置zero energy thermonuclear apparatus /assembly
零功罐式反应堆zero energy tank reactor
零功铀装置zero energy uranium system
需氧处理效aerobic treatment efficiency
需水rate of water demand
非饱和土壤导水soil unsaturated conductivity
非饱和导水unsaturated conductivity
预期患病expected morbidity rate
预期死亡expected mortality
预期死亡expected death rate
额定功rated capacity
风化速强化值intensified value of weathering rate
风蚀wind erosion rate
风蚀指标wind erosion index
风蚀速rate of wind erosion
食物利用效food utilization rate
饱和导水saturated hydraulic water conductivity
高死亡excess death rate
高污染、低效high pollution and low efficiency
高空间分辨遥感图像Hi-spatial resolution remote sensing image
高负荷曝气法high-rate aeration
高负荷氧化塘high-rate oxidation pond
高负荷消化high-rate digestion
高负荷生物滤池high-rate biofilter
高负荷生物滤池high-rate tricking filter
高负荷生物滤池high-rate biological filter