
Terms for subject Demography containing | all forms
一般生育general fertility rate
下降的出生decline in the birth-rate
下降的出生falling birth-rate
世代generation rate
世代cohort rate
世代再生产generation reproduction rate
世代再生产cohort reproduction rate
中心死亡central death rate
产出generation rate
产出cohort rate
人口增长population growth rate
人口增长rate of population growth
低于更替水平出生below replacement fertility
儿童死亡减写为CMRchild mortality rate
儿童死亡减写为CMRchild death rate
儿童死亡child mortality
内在自然增长true rate of natural increase
内在自然增长intrinsic rate of natural increase
再婚remarriage rate
再生产replacement rate
再生产reproduction rate
净再生产net reproduction rate
净再生育net reproduction rate
出生下降decline in the birth-rate
出生下降falling birth-rate
分产次出生概parity-specific birth probability
分原因死亡cause-specific death rate
分原因死亡cause-specific mortality rate
分性别、年龄的死亡sex-age-specific mortality rate
分性别、年龄的死亡sex-age-specific death rate
分性别的结婚sex-specific marriage rate
初婚first marriage rate
初婚概first marriage probability
劳动就业rate of accession to the labour force
劳动就业accession rate to the labour force
围产期死亡perinatal mortality rate
固有出生stable birth rate
固有出生intrinsic birth rate
固有死亡stable mortality rate
固有死亡intrinsic mortality rate
国家贫困national poverty rate
国家贫困national poverty headcount
多产次生育parity-specific fertility rate
女性再生产maternal reproduction rate
女性再生产female reproduction rate
婚姻解体marriage dissolution rate
婚生legitimate fertility rate
婚生marital fertility rate
存活概probability of survival
完全生育lifetime fertility
完全生育completed fertility
差别死亡mortality differences
差别死亡differential mortality
已婚再生产nuptial reproduction rate
已婚妇女生育legitimate fertility rate
已婚妇女生育marital fertility rate
年度死亡概annual death probability
序列生育order-specific fertility rate
总共一般生育total general fertility rate
总出生crude birth rate
总和出生total birth rate
总生育total fertility
总生育overall fertility rate
总生育total fertility rate
总生育synthetic measure of fertility
总生育general fertility rate
总繁殖gross replacement rate
总繁殖gross reproduction rate
拒绝refusal rate
按年龄的已婚妇女生育age-specific marital fertility rate
按年龄的总生育age-specific overall fertility rate
按年龄的离婚age-specific divorce rate
按年龄的结婚age-specific nuptiality rate
按年龄的结婚age-specific marriage rate
按移动序列计算的迁移概migration probability by order of move
新生儿死亡neonatal death rate
新生儿死亡neonatal mortality rate
新生期后死亡postneonatal mortality rate
最优增长optimum rate of growth
有生年生殖life years reproduction rate
未婚妇女生育illegitimate fertility rate
未婚妇女生育non-marital fertility rate
未来死亡概perspective death probability
标准化出生standardized birth rate
标准化死亡standardized death-rate
标准化死亡standardized mortality rate
标准死亡standard death-rate
标准死亡standard mortality rate
寿命life expectancy
估计 寿命使用期life expectancy
寿命expectation of life
死亡mortality rate
死亡概probability of dying
死亡概death probability
rate of natural increase
特定序列瞬时生育order-specific instantaneous fertility rate
生存概probability of survival
男性生殖paternal reproduction rate
男性生殖male reproduction rate
相对再婚频relative frequency of remarriage
瞬时instantaneous rate
瞬时增长instantaneous growth rate
瞬时死亡force of mortality
瞬时死亡instantaneous death rate
瞬时生育instantaneous fertility rate
离婚divorce rate
离职rate of separation from the labour force
离职separation rate from the labour force
离职, 1/2夤吐rate of separation from the labour force
离职, 1/2夤吐separation rate from the labour force
稳定人口的死亡death rate of the stationary population
第一迁移概first migration probability
粗出生crude birth rate
粗死亡crude death rate
粗结婚crude marriage rate
累积初婚频cumulated first marriage frequency
累积生育cumulative fertility
繁殖replacement rate
繁殖reproduction rate
结婚频marriage frequency
综合人口出生total fertility rate
综合人口出生total fertility
综合人口出生synthetic measure of fertility
综合再生产joint reproductionrate
职业死亡occupational mortality
解雇rate of separation from the labour force
解雇separation rate from the labour force
迁移migration rate
重置replacement rate
重置reproduction rate
队列generation rate
队列cohort rate
队列再生产generation reproduction rate
队列再生产cohort reproduction rate
非婚生育illegitimate fertility rate
非婚生育non-marital fertility rate