
Terms for subject Electronics containing | all forms
一小时功hourly rating
一次群速接口primary rate interface
一次通过合格first-pass yield
一维功谱密度one-dimensional power spectral density
一致最大功准则uniformly most power criteria
一般信元速算法generic cell rate algorithm
万亿分parts per trillion
三倍频谐波triple-frequency harmonic
三元件功变送器three-element power transducer
三电功表法three wattmeter method
三相无功功three-phase varmeter
三种费电度表triple-tariff meter
三种费电度表three-rate watt-hour meter
三费分时电价three-rate time-of-day tariff
三费电价three-rate tariff
三通功放大器triple-pass power amplifier
上升rate of rise
上阴极射频功upper cathode radio frequency power
下阴极射频功lower-cathode radio frequency power
不保证的功non-firm power
不可用unavailability factor
不同用户的费rates to consumers
不同负荷费tariff for different load
不均匀功分配器unequal power distributor
不定比特unspecified bit rate
不定比特unassigned bit rate
不封闭孔隙unclosed porosity
不正确接人概incorrect access probability
不泄漏概non leakage probability
不稳定instability factor
不能利用unavailability rate
不衰减功振荡non attenuated power oscillations
不间断功uninterrupted power supply
与频有关的frequency dependent
专用功剧增的反应堆试验special power excursion reactor test
专用功 MOS 场效应晶体管application specific power MOSFET
专用功集成电路application specific power-integrated circuit
专用智能功模块application specific intelligent power module
业务比特service bit rate
企业的可获利润profitability of an enterprise
休止静止resting frequency
倍增常数multiplication rate constant
倍增本征值multiplication rate eigenvalue
倒置结构高电子迁移晶体管inverted-structure high electron mobility transistor
倒置高电子迁移晶体管inverted high electron mobility transistor
借助自动缺陷分类技术提高集成电路生产increased manufacturing productivity through automatic defect classification technology
分子传导molecular conductivity
分散功scattered power
分时费time-of-use rate
分时费time-of-day rate
分离功separative power
分组信息发送速sending packet rate
分组差错packet error rate
分组插人packet insertion rate
分组达到速packet arriving rate
分谐波频subharmonic frequency
分贝-频对数特性decibel-log frequency characteristic
分辨-离焦量关系曲线resolution-defocus diagram
分配有效折射deal effective-index method
分隔过渡,窜渡,区分,交界,交岔crossover frequency
切换频switching frequency
切断断路switching off frequency
切断功供给power dump
初始故障initial failure rate
初始电容initial permittivity
初始电容介电常数initial capacitivity
初始磁化initial susceptibility
初始转换initial conversion rate
包出错packet error rate
包壳导热conductivity of cladding
包壳破损最小概minimum chance of cladding failure
包壳破裂clad failure rate
包络峰值功peak envelope power
北约超高频频分配系统NATO UHF frequency assignment system
各向均匀同性等效辐射功equivalent isotropically radiated power
各向均匀有效辐射功effective isotropically radiated power
各向异性曲anisotropic buckling
合闸频turn-on frequency
同时synchronizing coefficient
同时coincidence factor
同时-负荷率关系曲线coincidence factor-load factor CF-LF relationship curve
同时-负荷率关系曲线CF-LF coincide factor-load fac-tor relationship curve
同步功系数synchronizing power coefficient
同步概分布synchronization probability distribution
同步频synchro frequency
同步频编码技术synchronous frequency encoding technique
名义贴现apparent discount rate
后处理reprocessing rate
后备无功功reactive-power reserve
后孔检测磁超分辨技术rear aperture detection magnetic superresolution technology
后段电费follow-on rate
后验概a posteriori probability
后验概分布a posteriori probability distribution
向量功complex power
吞吐量比throughput ratio
circular frequency
圆误差概circular error probable
圆误差概circular error probability
圆锥扫描速conical scan rate
反应堆功控制系统reactor power control system
堆芯出口平均含汽average core exit steam quality
堆芯出口平均含汽core average exit quality
堆芯功分布reactor core power distribution
堆芯功分布控制core power distribution control
堆芯功分布控制core power distribution control
堆芯功分布评价估算core power distribution estimation
堆芯功分布评估core power distribution estimation
堆芯功分布预测core power distribution prediction
堆芯功分布预测core power distribution prediction
’堆芯功密度core power density
堆芯功径向分布core radial power distribution
反应堆堆芯功按体积分布core power distribution
堆芯曲core buckling
堆芯热功core thermal power
堆芯熔化概core-melt probability
堆芯熔化概core-melt probability
备录priming rate
备用百分数percent reserve margin
备用功stand-by power
备用功stand-by capacity
备用功capacity reserve
备用费stand-by tariff
复交流功alternating power
复交流功complex alternating power
复功complex apparent power
复功complex power
复合功complex power
复合效recombination efficiency
复合电容介电常数complex capacitivity
复合磁导complex permeability
复数功系统complex power system
复杂折射光纤multiple index fiber
复杂折射光纤分层纤芯结构multiple index fiber segmented-core structure
复电导complex conductivity
复视在功complex apparent power
复视在功complex power
外差频振荡器heterodyne frequency oscillator
外推失效extrapolated failure rate
外汇兑换foreign exchange rate
外部量子效external quantum efficiency
多余功surplus power
多信道话音频multichannel voice frequency
多功能多频multi-function multi-frequency
多数据数字用户线multiple-data-rate digital subscriber line
多晶高分辨X射线衍射仪multicrystal high-resolution Xray diffractometer
多次碰撞概multiple collision probability
多费电价multiple tariff
多费电度表multi-rate meter
多费电能表multi-rate meter
多载波功放大器multicarrier power amplifier
多速单线对数字用户线multirate single-pair digital subscriber line
多速最轻负荷分组路由选择multi-rate least loaded routing with packing
多速最轻负荷路由选择multi-rate least loaded routing
多重电费multiple tariff
多频合成器multiple frequency synthesizer
多频系统multifrequency system
夜间费night-time tariff
射束功beam-power tube
射电天文与空间科学频分配联合会间委员会Inter-Union Commission on Allocation of Frequencies for Radio Astronomy and Space Science
射程误差概range error probability
射程误差概range error probable
γ射线剂量常数gamma ray dose rate constant
X 射线反射测量X-ray reflectivity measurement
射频功RF wattmeter
小功变压器low-power transformer
小功射频单元low power radio frequency element
小功扩频雷达low power spread spectrum radar
小功弱电流低电压控制电路dry circuit
小功搜索雷达low-power acquisition radar
小功数据保持low power data retention
小功沸腾式反应堆low power water boiler
小功测试low-power test
小功测试设备low-power test facility
小功甚高频全向无线电信标low-power VHF omnirange
小功甚高频收发机low-power VHF transmitter-receiver
小功电动机small-power motor
小功电视low-power television station
小功肖特基二极管low power Schottky diode
小功试验low-power test
小功重水慢化反应堆deuterium-moderated pile, low energy
小增长slow rate of rise
小外廓功组件power small outline package
小概事故small risk events
小转差试验low-slip test
尖峰功peak power
尖峰负荷时间费maximum-demand tariff
开口孔径面积aperture efficiency
开合频switching frequency
异步传送模式速控制ATM pace control
异步采样速转换器asynchronous sampling rate converter
异步频转换器induction frequency converter
引人功lead-in power
渠首引水gross duty
感应线圈频转换器inductor frequency converter
感应频转换器induction frequency converter
成品改善因数yield improvement factor
成本效指数cost-efficiency index
持续信息速sustained information rate
持续光电导persistent photoconductivity
持续功continuous power
持续断电频interruption duration frequency
持续电子轰击诱生电导sustained electron bombardment-induced conductivity
指令执行速instruction execution rate
指向性频分析与记录directivity frequency analysis and record
指数可变斜增量调制exponential variable slope delta modulation
指示马力indicated horsepower
按小时出力下的牵引功铁路tractive effort at hourly rating
按…比率at the rate of
按瓦计算的所需功容量watt consumption
按表分段定价block meter rate
按频减载整定值校正correction for automatic under frequency load shedding
按频甩负荷frequency load shedding
搜索有效概search effectiveness probability
易变的功unsettled output
最低可控功minimum controllable power level
最低可达频lowest possible frequency
最低成本minimum cost rate
最低无线电频minimum radio frequency
最低测得频least observed frequency
最低要求的辐射功lowest required radiated power
最佳可用频optimum usable frequency
最佳输出功optimum output power
最佳通信频frequency for optimum traffic
最后支付费final payment tariff
最大信兀丢失maximum cell loss rate
最大允许传输功极限maximum permissible power-transmission limit
最大允许功maximum permissible capacity
最大允许百分缺陷maximum allowable percent defective
最大允许空隙疏松度maximum permissible void fraction
最大允许线功maximum permissible linear rating
最大允许耗散功maximum permissible dissipation power
最大分辨ultimate resolution
最大功容量maximum power
最大功power peak
最大功限制peak power limiting
最大后验概maximum a posteriori probability
最大响应概greatest response probability
最大存储器总线速maximum storage bus rate
最大容许剂量maximum permissible dose rate
最大平面线性热功maximum planar linear heat generation power
最大斜maximum slope
最大有效可用增益maximum available power gain
最大有效maximum efficient rate
最大有效放大maximum useful magnification
最大概位置most probable position
最大概most probable value
最大概most probable number
最大概比顺序试验maximum probability ratio sequential test
最大概误差maximum probable error
最大波特maximum baud rate
最大清洗效maximum cleaning efficiency
最大突发速maximum burst rate
最大线热功密度maximum linear heat generation rate
最大计数maximum counting rate
最大负荷不同时load diversity
最大辐射功peak radiated power
最大输入功maximum input power
最大输出功maximum output level
最大输出功maximum output power
最大需求功容量maximum demanded power
最小功minimal power
最小可检测功minimum detectable power
继电器最小启动功minimum pick-up watts
最小差错概minimum probabilities of error
最小有效液流速minimum effective liquid rate
最小角分辨minimal angle resolution
最高加热速maximum heat up rate
最高可用频highest usable frequency
最高可用频highest useful frequency
最高可用频frequency maximum utilizable
最高可达频highest possible frequency
最高效maximum efficient rate
最高数据传送速peak data transfer rate
最高-最低速控制算法max-min rate control algorithm
最高有效可用增益maximum available power gain
最高频frequency top
有功active power
有功功effective power
有功功active power
有功功传输active-power transfer
有功功变送器watt transducer
有功功变送器active power transducer
有功功损耗losses of active power
有功功潮流active power flow
有功功的补给make up of active power
有功功缺额短缺active power shortage
有功功过滤器active power filter
有功功重新分配real power rescheduling
有功-无功功继电器arbitrary phase-angle power relay
有功输出功active output
有序统计恒虚警ordered statistic constant false alarm rate
有效有功active power
有效实际true power
有效马力effective horsepower
有效传导effective conductance
有效全功天数effective full power days
有效利用operative availability
有效功useful capacity
有效功available power capability
有效功true power output
有效功effective energy
有效功不平衡active power imbalance
有效功容量available power capability
有效功岀力方程output equation
有效动态功effective dynamic power
有效折射effective index of refraction
有效折射指数effective index method
有效测试速effective test rate
有效满功小时数effective full power hours
有效满功effective full power years
有效满功年数effective full power years
有效热导effective thermal conductivity
有效电容介电常数effective capacitivity
有效磁导real permeability
有效磁导的温度系数temperature coefficient of effective permeability
有效脉冲功effective pulse power
有效表面电容effective surface permittivity
有效过滤effective filtration rate
有效额定功virtual rating
有源功因数校正器active power factor corrector
有电场控制板的高电子迁移晶体管field-plated high electron mobility transistor
有限功线路power-limited link
标准正常磁导normal permeability
标准传导standard conductivity
标准化功谱密度normalized cross power spectral density
标准比配制系统modular dispense system
标准比配制装置modular dispense unit
标准相对功standard relative power
标准磁导nominal permeability
标准调谐频standard tuning frequency
标准费normal tariff
标准速与数据standard rate and data
标准频与时间信号standard frequency and time signals
标准频传输standard frequency transmission
标准高电子迁移晶体管normal high electron mobility transistor
标定斜calibration slope
标称功nominal rating
标量磁导scalar permeability
气体裂变产物释放gaseous fission product release rate
气泡碰撞频bubble collision frequency
气泡跃离频bubble detachment frequency
气流速air-flow rate
渐变折射等离子体激活化学汽相淀积gradual-index plasma-activated chemical vapor deposition
渐近多用户效asymptotic multiuser efficiency
percolation rate
漏失气,损leak age rate
漏极诱发电导增强drain-induced conductivity enhancement
漏码概probability of missing code
漏磁magnetic leakage factor
漏风air leakage ratio
球面概误差spherical probable error
理想热力学效ideal thermodynamic efficiency
理论生产theoretical yield
理论释水theoretical H2O release rate
甚低数据速very low data rate
甚低比特视频very low bit-rate video
甚高分辨very high resolution
甚高比特数字用户环路very high bit-rate digital subscriber loop
甚高比特数字用户线very high bit-rate digital subscriber line
甚高比特数字用户线以太网Ethernet over VDSL
生产分析模型yield analysis pattern
设备生产利用production utilization capability (PUC=EUC-排定工艺实用时间/168小时的百分率)
生存概函数life probability function
看薮电阻effective resistivity
bit rate
倍增器rate multiplier
兼容型删除卷积编码rate compatible punctured convolution coding
自适应非对称数字用户线rate-adaptive asymmetric digital subscriber line
码组差错概block error probability
砂浆空隙mortar voids ratio
研究栅格和燃料棒新组合的零功反应堆zero energy reactor for lattice investigation and new assemblies
稀释氢氟酸腐蚀速buffered hydrofluoric acid etch rate
程序设计器与概分析器programmer and probability analyzer
程控升压速programmed ROR of voltage
程控电压上升programmed ROR of voltage
程控频与幅度调制programmed frequency and amplitude modulation
tax rates
taxation rate
rate schedule
缓发中子恒定产生近似值constant delayed neutron production rate approximation
缓变折射graded index
缓变折射gradient index
缓变折射光电分别限制异质结构graded-index and separate carrier and optical confinement heterostructure
缓变折射光电分别限制异质结构graded-index separate confinement heterostructure
缓变折射光电分别限制异质结构单量子阱激光器graded-index separate confinement heterostructure single quantum well laser
缓变折射光电分别限制异质结构多量子阱激光二极管graded-index separate confinement heterostructure multiple quantum well laser diode
缓变折射光电分别限制异质结构量子阱激光二极管graded-index separate confinement heterostructure quantum well laser diode
缓变折射塑料光纤graded-index plastic optical fiber
缓变折射塑料包层光纤graded-index plastic clad fiber
缓变折射多模光纤graded index multimode fiber
缓变折射多模光纤graded-index multimode fiber
缓变折射板条形波导graded-index slab waveguide
缓变折射棒状外耦合腔激光器GRIN rod external coupled cavity laser
缓变折射短外耦合腔激光器GRIN short external coupled cavity laser
缓变折射聚合物光纤graded-index polymer optical fiber
缓蚀剂效inhibitor effectiveness
编码速code rate
耐受剂量tolerance dose rate
耗尽型高电子迁移晶体管depletion-mode high electron mobility transistor
耗损destruction rate
耗散功额定值power dissipation rating
式遥测pulse-rate telemetering
脉冲上升rate of pulse rise
脉冲功控制pulsating power control
脉冲功电路pulsed powered circuit
脉冲多普勒频分集pulsed Doppler frequency diversity
脉冲对重复频pulse pair repetition frequency
脉冲平均功对巅值功率的比duty ratio
脉冲微波功pulsed microwave power
脉冲有效功pulse effective power
脉冲波上行斜impulse rate of rise
脉冲群重复速pulse group repetition rate
脉冲群重复频pulse group repetition frequency
脉冲衰变rate of pulse decay
脉冲调制频pulse modulated frequency
脉冲速pulse rate
脉冲速指示器pulse rate indicator
脉冲速调制pulse rate modulation
脉冲速跳动pulse rate jitter
脉冲重复速pulse repetition rate
脉冲重复速pulse recurrence rate
脉冲重复速调制pulse repetition rate modulation
脉冲重复频pulse-recurrence frequency
脉冲重复频pulse recurrence rate
脉冲重复频抖动pulse rate jitter
脉冲重复频指示器pulse rate indicator
脉冲重复频测距多普勒雷达PRF ranging Doppler radar
脉冲重复频调制pulse rate modulation
脉冲重复频跳动pulse repetition frequency stagger
脉冲重复频鉴别pulse-repetition frequency discrimination
脉冲重复频鉴别pulse recurrence frequency discrimination
脉冲频pulsed frequency
脉冲-频分配器pulse-frequency divider
脉冲频分集pulse frequency diversity
脉冲频宽度调制pulse frequency width modulation
脉冲频调制器pulse-frequency modulator
脉宽调制-频多路传输pulse duration modulation-frequency multiplex
脉宽调制-频调制pulse length modulation-frequency modulation
脉宽调制-频调制pulse width modulation-frequency modulation
脉宽调制-频调制pulse duration modulation-frequency modulation
脉码调制/移频键控/频调制pulse code modulation/frequency shift keying/frequency modulation
脉码调制-频调制pulse code modulation-frequency modulation
蠕变延伸creep elongation
调制频与载频的比modulation frequency-to-carrier ratio
调幅峰值包络功amplitude-modulated peak envelope power
调节governing ratio
调节器频特性曲线frequency response curve of regulator
调节速regulating rate
调谐回路式频tuned circuit type frequency meter
调谐频tuned frequency
谐振式频resonant frequency meter
谐振式频resonance frequency meter
谐振式频变送器resonance-type frequency transducer
谐振式频vibrating type resonance frequency indicator
谐振隧穿高电子迁移晶体管resonant tunneling high electron mobility transistor
谐波分量频component frequency
谐波频发生器harmonic frequency generator
贋配高电子迁移晶体管pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor
适中比特数字用户线收发机moderate-bit-rate digital subscriber line transceiver
逃脱概escape probability
逃逸泄漏率系数escape rate coefficient
逆功保护装置reverse-power protection
逆功保护装置negative power protection
逆功保护系统reverse-power protective system
逆功跳闸reverse-power tripping
逆扫描速调制inverted scan rate modulation
选择selectivity factor
选择吸收differential absorption ratio
选择频select frequency
选通频位置调制gated frequency position modulation
选通频脉位调制gated frequency position modulation
透气测定air permeability test
递减失效故障decreasing failure rate
递增失效increasing failure rate
通用无线电频general radio frequency meter
通用频计数器universal frequency counter
通过功throughput power
通道冷却剂速channel coolant rate
通量反照flux albedo
锁相环频控制phase-locked loop frequency control
锁相自动频控制phase-locked automatic frequency control
锅炉机组效boiler efficiency
锅炉机组毛效boiler overall efficiency
锅炉额定功boiler-power rating
锗功器件公司Germanium Power Devices Corp.
锗蚀刻速germanium etch rate
错字word error rate
光敏仪表阈频threshold frequency
需亲费demand tariff
需用功requisite power
需量电费demand rate
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