
Terms for subject Textile industry containing | all forms
一级品ratio of first-grade product
一致税unilinear tariff
一般税unilinear tariff
三重费triple rates
上浆add-on size
不匀变异系数coefficient of variation unevenness
不合格品unqualified product ratio
不合格品unqualified product rate
不合格品fraction defective
不确定汇uncertain rate
两价汇two-tier exchange rate
中间汇medium rate
中间税intermediate tariff
临时费temporary rate
主要利key interest rate
优先preference rate
优惠preference rate
优惠利favorable interest rate
优惠汇preferential rate
优惠汇preference rate
优惠税concessional rate of tax
优质品top grade product rate
伦敦利London rate
伦敦费London rate
伦敦银行同业往来贷款利London inter-bank offered rate
伦敦银行同业拆息London inter-bank offered rate
伦敦银行同业拆放贷款利London inter-bank offered rate
估算利imputed rate of interest
伸长elongation percentage
低于市场利below market interest rate
低价费reduced tariff
低汇倾销low-currency dumping
低洗净羊毛heavy wool
低税low rate
低费low rate
低费cheap rate
作业效efficiency of operation
使用utilization rate
使用service rate
scaling factor
债券treasury bill rate
假开剪percentage of false cut through
假计税rate of imputation
偿债能力solvency rate
偿债能力比solvency ratio
偿还rate of redemption
光效luminous efficiency
光谱光效spectral luminous efficiency
兑换rate conversion
兑换比ratio of exchange
兑现redemption rate
公定含水commercial moisture content
公定回潮official regain
公定回潮convention moisture regain
共同关税Common Customs Tariff
关税duty rate
关税优惠税tariff concession rate
关税比tariff level
关税税customs tariff schedule
分摊比sharing ratio
分离效detaching efficiency
套利interest rate arbitrage
套购interest rate swap
差别interest rate differentials
差额interest rate spread
期货interest rate futures
水准的变动change in interest rate level
水平interest rate level
浮动floating of rate
管制control of interest rate
table of rates
转换interest rate swap
风险rate risk
风险interest rate risk
利息rate of interest
利润return rate
利润profit percentage
利润percentage mark-up
利润测试test of profitability
利润百分profit percentage
利润销售比profits/sales ratio
利润销售比profit/sales ratio
利用rate of operation
利用比utility ratio
制成低的羊毛wasty wool
制造业比ratio of manufacturing
削减费undercutting of rate
匀染dye levelness
协商佣金negotiated commission
协定费tariff rate
单一保险费unified premium rate
单一官方汇single official exchange rate
单一税single line tariff
单一税simple tariff
单一费single rate
卖岀汇selling rate
危险概risk probability
即时收益straight yield
即期汇sight rate
即期汇与远期汇率,即期汇价与远期汇价spot rate and forward rate
卷取速draw-off rate
卷曲percent crimp
卸货差异rate of shortlanded and overlanded cargo
合格pass rate
合格品accepted product percentage
合格成品percentage of qualified product
合格成品百分percentage of qualified product
同一运费freight all kinds rate
同业买卖汇interbank rate
同业汇trade rate
含固solids pick-up
含土杂soil content
含杂trash content
含油oil content
吸色degree of exhaustion
周转velocity of turnover
售价加成百分percentage mark-up
商业公定残余缩水commercial residual shrinkage
商业公定缩水commercial shrinkage
商品周转turnover of merchandise
商品周转merchandise turnover rate
喂入run-in ratio
坏账概probability of default
坏针needle failure rate
备用费standby rate
复式汇dual exchange rate
外币兑换foreign currency exchange rate
外币汇兑rate of foreign exchange
外币汇兑利润profit rate on foreign exchange
外汇rate of exchange
外汇汇波动parity fluctuation
多边汇multilateral exchange rate
大幅度浮动汇制度wide band
奢侈品税luxury tariff
小功电动机fractional motor
市场利market money rate
市场利market interest rate
市场占有market-sharing rate
市场效market efficiency
市场汇market rate of exchange
市场汇market exchange rate
市场经营效marketing efficiency
布料缩水fabric shrinkage
常态比normal rate
平价汇par rate of exchange
平价汇par rate
平准汇mint par of exchange
平均mean rate
平均利润mean rate of profit
平均增长mean rate of growth
平均增长average rate of advance
平均差异mean deviation
平均应收账款周转average collection period
平均收益mean yield
平均概误差mean probable error
平均毛利ratio of average gross profit
平均生产average efficiency
平均缴入资本利润比profit ratio of average paid-in capital
平均费mean rate
平行parallel rate
平行汇parallel rate
平行费parallel rate
年利annum interest rate
年利annual interest rate
年均增长mean annual increase rate
年均增长mean annual growth rate
年平均成长annual average growth rate
年度利润annual rate of profit
年度盈利annual rate of return
年终year-end rate
并装费consolidation rate
开工operating ratio
开工指数index of operating rates
引纬面积weft insertion rate accommodation ratio
弹性spring rate
弹性织物加负荷后长度差异growth of fabric
总偿还收益gross redemption yield
总利润overall yield
总利润gross profit rate
总利润gross profit percentage
总利润比gross profit ratio
总收益overall yield
总效指数overall efficiency index
总资本周转total capital turnover ratio
总资本周转total capital turnover
总重量与有效载重量比gross weight-to-payload ratio
恐慌汇panic rate
成品rate of finished products
成品product yield
成形移针频fashioning frequency
成本一收益cost benefit ratio
成本利润profit rate on costs
成本变动variable rate of costs
成本效cost performance
成本效指数cost effectiveness index
成本效cost and effectiveness method
成本比cost ratio
成比例运费proportional rate
手工线迹效hand-stitched effect
扩大extension rate
按单位平均费straight line rate
按未煮练材料商业回潮折算commercial moisture regain with unscoured material basis
损失百分percentage of damage
损益分配,盈亏分配率profit and loss sharing ratio
损耗spoilage rate
损耗spoilage percentage
换筒效magazining efficiency
摊销rate of amortization
收入rate of income
收入增长growth rate of income
收益rate of income
收益差价yield spread
收益测试yield test
收益rate of return table
收益计价法rate of return pricing
收益比return ratio
收益百分percentage of income method
放宽利liberalization of interest rate
放款利loan rate of interest
放款利interest rate on loans
放款生产productivity of loan
放贷利lending rate
准则criterion of efficiency
成本efficiency costs
观点view of efficiency
是否式概试验go-no-go type of probability test
最优贷款利best lending rate
最低准备比minimum reserve ratio
最低工资minimum wage rate
最低税minimum rate of tax
最低税minimum tariff rate
最低税minimum rate
最低费minimum rate
最低通行税best prevailing tariff rate
最佳增长optimum rate of growth
最佳通行税best prevailing tariff rate
最大功most power
最终产品rate of final products
最经济生产,经济生产速度上限maximum economic rate of production
最适宜利optimum rate
最高利maximum interest rate
最高利用maximum utility rate
最高汇ceiling exchange rate
最高生产maximum efficiency
最高费maximum rate
月利monthly interest rate
月息monthly interest rate
有形资产收益return on tangible assets
有效operational rate
有效effective rate
有效功used efficiency
有效汇effective rate of exchange
有效费effective rate
服装折旧percentage of wear and tear
未确定汇uncertain rate
本国税national tariff
机动利floating rate of interest
机动汇floating rate of exchange
机械效mechanical economics
权益所得return of equity
条干平均差百分percent mean deviation unevenness
条干平均极差percent mean range unevenness
标准分摊standard burden rate
标准回潮standard moisture regain
标准回潮standard moisture regain
标准回潮standard regain
标准回潮air dry moisture regain
标准回潮standard equilibrium moisture regain
标准回潮regain standard
标准负荷standard burden rate
标准间接费用standard overhead rate
临界值probability threshold
优势stochastic dominance
库存probabilistic inventory
性存量probabilistic inventory
抽样probability sample
比检验法probability ratio test
界限probability threshold
需求probabilistic demand
预算probabilistic budget
预算编制probabilistic budgeting
次品spoilage rate
次品reject rate
正品standard-piece rate
正品percentage of A-class goods
正布standard-piece rate
正常净利normal net profit rate
正常费regular rate
正常费normal rate
正常费用分摊normal overhead rate
水洗法缩测试wash test method shrinkage
rate of foreign exchange
上限ceiling of exchange rate
下跌exchange rate depreciation
倾向trending of rate
exchange memo
变动exchange movement
差价exchange rate differential
平价par of exchange
更改exchange alteration
最高限ceiling of exchange rate
波动snake in the tunnel
波动exchange fluctuation
浮动floating of rate
浮动floating of exchange rate
牌价posted rate
蛇形波动协定snake arrangement
table of rates
rate table
exchange memo
调整adjustment of exchange rate
过渡性浮动transit float
风险exchange rate risks
汇兑conversion rate
汇票承兑汇acceptance rate
洗毛wool scouring yield
洗毛得scouring yield
洗涤收缩laundry shrinkage
活动比activity ratio
流动收益running yield
流动资金周转turnover of current capital
流行prevailing rate
测试缩水testing of shrinkage
浮动利floating rate of interest
浮动利债券variable rate stock
浮动汇variable rate
浮动汇floating rate of exchange
浮动汇存款单floating rate certificates of deposit
浮动汇票据floating rate note
浮动汇theory of floating exchange rates
海运费ocean freight rate
清偿rate of amortization
清纱fault extraction rate
港口装卸效port speed
港口费port rates
湿基轧余water retention on air-dry weight
湿汽转移moisture vapor transmission rate
漏验rate of missing inspection
潜在缩shrinking power
潜在缩shrinking potential
火焰蔓延速flame speed rate
特别优惠关税税declared preference countries rate
特别折扣special discount rate
特别贴现special discount rate
特定汇particular rate
特定费particular rate
特惠减税preferential tariff cut
特惠税preferential duties
特惠税concessional rate of tax
生产协议productivity agreement
生产工资productivity wages
生产指数productivity index
生产指标productivity index
生产提高productivity gain
生产利production profit rate
生产利润profit rate on production
生产增长growth rate of production
生产效theory of productivity
用户验收合格差损consumer's risk
用水water rate
电容式不匀测试仪capacitance type unevenness test instrument
电汇汇telegraphic transfer rate
百分parts per hundred
百分租约percentage lease
真实收益true yield
破损rate of spoiled products
tax roll
rate of duty
标准standard of tax rate
结构rate structure
tax schedules
tax rate table
rate table
配额tariff rate quota
限度tax rate limit
税后利润after-tax profit rate
稳定汇stable exchange rate
稳定汇price stability
空载频idler frequency
累积频直方图cumulative frequency polygon
累进税progressive rate of tax
缝合效seam efficiency
缝纫效sewing efficiency
缝纫效seam efficiency
缩水water shrinkage
织物缩水washing shrinkage
缩水shrinkage in water
缩水控制shrinkage control
缩水测试shrinkage test
缩绒milling rate
网目开孔opening area ratio of screen gauze
耗费consumption rate
联合比combined ratio
联合费combined rate
联运费transhipment cargo rate
联运费through freight rate
联运费through rate
联运费joint rate
脱水squeeze ratio
航运生产productivity of shipping
船时ship hour rate
船舶到港ship arrival rate
船舶运费rate of passage
营业operating rate
营业纯利,经营纯利率net profit rate to operation
营销利润marketing profit rate
营销效marketing efficiency
虚利nominal interest rate
血液浸润试验blood-wicking rate test
行销效marketing efficiency
补充比supplementary ratio
褶裥保持pleats retentivity
褶裥保持pleat retentivity
调后税adjusted rate of tax
调后费adjusted rate
财务结构比structural ratio
货币兑换的优惠preference rate
货币利money rate
货币汇的多边调整multilateral currency realignment
货损rate of damaged cargo
货车装载rate of freight wagon loading
货运rate of freight traffic
质量比mass ratio
贬值depreciation percentage
贴现提高,利率提高increase in the bank rate
贷款利loan rate of interest
贷款利interest rate on loans
贸易加权汇trade-weighted exchange rate
贸易比terms of trade
标准standard of rate
浮动floating of rate
结构rate structure
scale of fees
scale of rates
schedule of rates
rate table
费用与销售额比ratio of expenses to sales
资产利用capacity factor of assets
资产总额周转total assets turnover ratio
资本净值与固定资本比net worth to fixed capital ratio
资本净值周转net worth turnover ratio
资本净利润,净值利润率profit rate of net worth
资本利润return of equity
资本利润profit ratio of capital
资本周转turnover of capital
资本回收rate of return
资本收益税capital gains tax rate
资金利润profit rate on funds
资金利用capacity factor of funds
赎回收益redemption value
赎回盈利redemption yield
赔款loss ratio
轧水squeeze ratio
轮胎帘子线伸长tire cord growth
退回return rate
送经run-in ratio
透气性体渗透permeability for gas
透湿moisture vapour transmission (MVT)
透湿moisture vapor transmission rate
递减费degressive rates
递增利increasing interest rate
通常汇regular rate
通行汇going rate
通过pass rate
作用rate action
速遣费rate of dispatch money
速遣费/滞期费比despatch/demurrage rate
遗产税rate of estate duty
销售rate of turnover
销售percentage of sale
销售利润profit to sales ratio
销售折扣百分percent of discount taken
销售纯利net profit rate to sales
销售纯利net profit rate on sale
销货报酬rate of return on sales
销货百分percentage of sale
长期汇long exchange rate
长期贷款优惠利long-term prime rate
降价mark down percentage
降低废品和次品reduce the number of rejects and seconds
降低费reduced rate
需求增长growth rate of demand
面积燃烧速area burning rate
面积百分area normalization method
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