
Terms containing 独家权 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.买主独家垄断权monopsony right
busin.买主独家垄断权monopsony power
econ.他们被赋予在日本独家销售"凤凰"照相机的权利They are granted the exclusive right solely to sell Phoenix camera in Japan
econ.你公司可拥有独家出口这家著名制造公司产品的特权You can enjoy the exclusive privilege of exporting all products of the well-known manufacturing company
econ.在本合同有效期间,我公司有权独家销售该项货物Our company shall have the right to sell the goods exclusively during the subsistence of this contract
econ.在该合同里甲方授予乙方出售这些货物的独家经销权In the contract Party A grants to Party B the exclusive right to vend goods
econ.她行使优先权,获得了该产品的独家销售权She exercised her option to acquire sole marketing rights for the product
econ.如证实我们有能力大量销售货物,你方应给我们此商品的独家经销权If our ability to dispose of large quantity of goods is proved, you should give us exclusive selling right for the commodities
econ.我们应采取一切必须措施,以获得该著名外国公司的新产品在中国的独家经销权We shall take all measures requisite to get the sales exclusive right in China for the new product of that famous foreign corporation
proj.manag.我们想要取得独家代理权We'd like exclusive distribution rights
econ.我们授予他们在美国独家销售的代表权We offered them exclusive representation in America
econ.我们有在本地区独家制造和销售这一产品的权利,这一点已在上面特别提到过We have the sole and exclusive right to produce and sell the goods in our area, as particularly provided for above
econ.我方希望你方能根据我方的能力考虑给我们独家经销你方产品的权利We hope you will consider giving us exclusive selling right for your products according to our ability
econ.我方意欲取得在泰国销售该产品的独家经销权We wish to have exclusive right to sell the product in Thailand
econ.我方请求你方给予独家销售与本样品相同的设备的权利We ask you to grant us an exclusive right to sell the equipment identical to the sample
gen.有独家经售…的权利have the sole right of selling
securit.有独家销售权have exclusive rights to sell
econ.根据代理商在经营能力方面的表现,公司应授与独家销售权The company shall grant an elusive selling right to the agent relying upon the representation of the agent with the respect to his operational capability
econ.根据本合同的条款,该公司的经理授予他的代理商在该地区独家销售产品的权利According to the terms of the contract, the manager of the company grants to his agent the exclusive right to sell the products in this region
busin.独家专利权exclusive patent
textile独家专利权exclusive patent rights
econ.独家专利权exclusive license
busin.独家专利权exclusive patent right
busin.独家专利权exclusive licence
interntl.trade.独家专制权exclusive patent rights
textile独家代理权sole agency
tech.独家代理权exclusive right
busin.独家使用权exclusive use right
textile独家处理权sole discretion
exhib.独家所有权exclusive right
textile独家所有权sole ownership
interntl.trade.独家权exclusive privileges
interntl.trade.独家权exclusive privilege
sport.独家权exclusive right
econ.独家特权exclusive privilege
el.独家特许权exclusive licence
securit.独家的自由裁量权at sole discretion
securit.独家管辖权sole jurisdiction
econ.独家经理权sole agency
el.独家经营权exclusive trading rights
textile独家经营权sole agency
el.独家经销代理权exclusive sale right
commer.独家经销权sole distributing rights
interntl.trade.独家经销权exclusive sellings right
interntl.trade.独家经销权exclusive selling right
busin.独家经销权专卖权exclusive selling right
tech.独家经销权exclusive right to sell
tech.独家销售代理权exclusive right to sale listing
sport.独家销售权exclusive marketing rights
textile独家销售权exclusive sale right
securit.独家销售权have exclusive selling rights
China, polit.维护国家独立、主权和领土完整preserve national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity
China, polit.维护国家独立、主权和领土完整maintain national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity
UN, h.rghts.act.苏丹人权状况独立专家Independent expert on the situation of human rights in the Sudan
econ.该公司被授予独家生产和销售表中所列产品的权利The company is given the exclusive right to manufacture and sell the products listed in the table
econ.这家出口商在委任独家代理权时格外谨慎The exporter is very careful in granting exclusive agency rights
securit.非独家代理权non-exclusive mandate