
Terms for subject Cryptography containing | all forms
博福加密Beaufort encryption
博福表格Beaufort table
反馈比feedback bit
可信组许权trusted group authority
网安全关联和密钥Internet security association and key
埃尔米常量Hermite's constant
多比 DPAmultiple bits DPA (differential power analysis 差分功率分析)
多比约束multi-bit constraint
奇数征扩展odd-characteristic extension
取消定理witt's cancellation theorem
扩展定理witt's extension theorem
指数wilt index
安全性用户指南security features users guide
密钥比key bits
差分differential characteristic
差分differential property
希尔伯不可约性定理Hilbert irreducibility theorem
希尔伯命题Hilbert's Satz
平衡balance property
施密分解Schmidt decomposition
有效valid tag
切片bit slice
发生器bit generator
N 比的分组长度N-bit block size
追踪bit tracing
法伊格、菲亚、沙米尔签名方案Feige-fiat-Shamir signature scheme
消去canceling property
游程run property
征抽取模块feature extraction module
权账户privileged account
权进程privileged process
殊数域筛法special number field sieve
殊目的素性测试special purpose primality test
殊网络文件系统special NFS
殊访问权限程序special access program
殊访问程序设施special access program facility
洛伊木马攻击Trojan-horse attack
业务处理程序unique SVP unique service processor
生物征信息biometric information
生物征系统biometric system
生物征认证biometric identification
硬核比hard core bit
系统定的安全控制system-specific security control
线性linear characteristic
fiat-Shamir 菲亚沙米尔识别协议和法伊格、菲亚特、沙米尔签名方案fiat-Shamir identification protocol and Feige signature scheme
菲亚沙米尔转换fiat-Shamir transformation
菲亚瑙尔结构fiat-naor construction
西尔维斯定理Sylvester's theorem
计算单个比computing individual bits
输出比output bit
近似征向量approximate eigenvector
量子比承诺quantum bit commitment
量子比效率qubit efficiency
随机比生成硬件random bit generation hardware
难解比hard-to-compute bits
雅各布一森里卡定理Jacobson-Rickart theorem
非确定性随机比发生器non-deterministic random bit generator
非随机non-random property
靠赛判别法Korselt's criterion
魏尔斯拉斯方程Weierstrass equation