
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
上游石油工业安全别工作组Upstream Petroleum Industry Task Force on Safety
勒夏利埃氏原理Le Chatelier principle
哈奇- 斯莱克-科萨克途径Hatch- Stack- Kortschak pathway
声学acoustic property The characteristics found within a structure that determine the quality of sound in its relevance to hearing (决定某种材质传播声音质量的结构特征。)
康拉残碳指数Conradson index
微粒物质性试验器particle material properties tester
感官organoleptic property Properties that can be perceived by sense organs (感觉器官能获得的特性。)
征曲线daily pattern
毒性准则toxicity characteristic criteria
波义尔-马里奥定律Boyle-Mariotte law
注人污染物的异敏感性specific sensitivity in immissions
别授权special authorisation An exceptional granting of power or permission or a legislative act authorizing money to be spent on government programs (一项特殊的授权或许可,或立法授予用于政府项目花费的行为。)
别法special law One relating to particular persons or things; one made for individual cases or for particular places or districts; one operating upon a selected class, rather than upon the public generally. A law is special when it is different from others of the same general kind or designed for a particular purpose, or limited in range or confined to a prescribed field of action or operation (与特定的人或事物有关的;为个别案例或特定地方或地区而制定的;是选定的经营阶层,而不适用于普通民众。与其他一般人不同种类或针对特定目的而设计一项法律,或在有限的范围内,或仅限于特定的行为领域或者设计领域时,它是特殊的。)
别税exceptional tax Compulsory charges levied by a government unit in special or unique instances for the purpose of raising revenue to pay for services or improvements for the general public benefit (政府在特殊情况下的强制收费,提高税收来支付服务或改善为广大市民利益的目的。)
生物, 适应特殊生活栖息方式的进化。specialisation biological, Evolutionary adaptation to a particular mode of life or habitat
定胁迫因子particular stressor
征阶段characteristic phase
有植物种类分布模式characteristic floristic distribution pattern
殊化学品speciality chemical Various fine chemical products like glue, adhesives, resins, rubber, plastic compounds, selective herbicide, etc. (各种精细化工产品如胶水、粘合剂、树脂、橡胶、塑料化合物和选择性除草剂等。)
殊因子机制factor-specific mechanism
殊工业废料special industrial waste Discarded material produced in any industrial process for which there is no specified mode of disposal (任何没有指定处置方式的丢弃工业废弃材料的过程。)
殊废料special waste Waste which must be handled in a particular manner and for which particular rules apply (必须以一个特定的方式和以具体的方式处理的废料。)
concession Any rebate, abatement, voluntary grant of or a yielding to a demand or claim, typically made by a government or controlling authority to an individual or organization (对某一要求或主张的任何折扣、折损、自愿性给予或屈服﹐一般指政府或控管权责单位对个人或组织的让步。)
生态ecological features
霍夫反应速度-温度定律Van't Hoffs reaction rate-temperature rule
拉津莠去津, 属于三嗪类的杀虫剂。被广泛应用在作物中,特别是玉米。对于浮游植物和淡水藻类有剧毒,容易污染含水土层。atrazine Herbicide belonging to the triazine group, widely employed and particularly in maize crops. It is highly toxic for phytoplancton and freshwater algae and, being highly soluble in water, it easily contaminates aquifers
阿拉斯加波弗海原油泄漏响应船Alaska Beaufort sea oil spill res ponse body