
Terms for subject Telecommunications containing | all forms
一般general characteristics
上升性曲线rising characteristic
下一个发送比next transmitted bit
业务service feature
业务比service bits
中期比误码率差错率medium term bit error rate
串行比传输serial bit transmission
主要key feature
乖僻kink characteristics
介人损耗对频率insertion loss vs frequency characteristic
任务比用户信息的总位数,包括控制位,填充位,业务信道位等mission bit stream
传播propagation characteristic
传输transmission characteristics
传输的比次序bit order of transmission
伽马gamma characteristic
低比率编码low rate encoding
低波光笔low Baud light pen
里网Petri net
使用因网浏览信息navigating the Internet
信息比bit of information
信息比传输率transmission rate of information bits
信息比传输率transmission rate of information bit
偶数比even bit
光传输light transfer characteristic
光纤强度的统计statistical aspect of fiber strength
光纤总体损耗fiber global loss characteristic
光纤总体色散fiber global dispersion characteristic
光纤总体衰减率fiber global attenuation rate characteristic
光纤的机械mechanical characteristics of optical fiber
八比组串类型octet string type
八比组序列完整性octet sequence integrity
CDC 公司大型计算机系列的名称CYBER
关系relation property
关键key feature
具有自适应比分配的自适应预测编码APC with adaptive bit allocation
内容八比content octets
内容结束八比end-of-contents octets
再现reproducing characteristics
分块blocking characteristic
前置比preamble bit
千比kilobit (kb)
kb/s 或 kbps 千比/秒kilobit per second
千比/秒kilobits per second
千比/秒kilobit per second
半色调half tone characteristic
美国 Carter Electronics 公司 50 年代末生产的携带式无线电话设备的商品名称,可耦合到电话网,但 Bell System 不允许非电话公司的设备进网,引起长期诉讼Carterfone
风判决1968 年, 经美国 FCC 裁决,非电话公司的设备可以进人电话网,成为电话网向外界设备 [foreign attachment] 开放的里程碑Carterfone decision
厄里字体elite font
压缩串行链接的因网协议compressed serial link Internet protocol
双曲线hyperbolic characteristic
双比dual bit stream
可变比率业务variable bit rate (ATM 的业务类型)
可变比率业务variable bit rate service
可用比速率业务available bit rate (ATM 的业务类型)
可选的因网资源alternative internet resource
吉尔伯代码一种循环校验码Gilbert code
吉尔伯模型研究突发差错的模型Gilbert model
吉比以太网Gigabit Ethernet
同步比synchronization bit
向CATV 用户提供因网服务的公司WebTV
向CATV 用户提供因网服务的公司Web TV
向上upward property
吸收absorption characteristic
商用因网交换所Commercial Internet Exchange
网交替聊天系统网民通过键盘进行交流Internet Relay Chat
网体系结构委员会判定 TCP/IP 及因特网的政策和标准的小组Internet Architecture Board
网信库提供商Internet Contents Provider
网信息库提供商Internet Contents Provider
网信息服务系统Internet Information Server
网内容提供商Internet Contents Provider
网协议版本Internet Protocol Version
网发送的数据报IP datagram
网命名服务Internet Naming Service
网商用交换服务机构Commercial Internet Exchange
网国际特别委员会已于1997年解散Internet International Ad Hoc Committee
网地址IP address
网多路广播服务Internet Multicasting Service
网学会Internet Society
网工作委员会Internet Board Shop
网工具internet appliance
网工程指导小组Internet Engineering Steering Group
网工程特别工作组Internet Engineering Task Force
网工程特别工作组负责设计和测试 TCP/IP 及因特网新技术的小组Internet Engineering Task Force
网工程规划小组Internet Engineering and Planning Group
网广播Internet Talk Radio
网广播Internet broadcast
网接人提供商Internet Access Provider
网接人服务商Internet Service Provider
网接口系统Internet Interface Systems
网最佳选择Alternative Best of Internet
网服务提供者Internet Service Provider
网活动委员会Internet Activities Board
网特定号码授权Internet assigned numbers authority
网用户接人线即 The last 100 feet, 但以 bottom-up 的设计思想而创的新词The first 100 feet
网用户接人线即 The last 100 feet, 但以 bottom-up 的设计思想而创的名词first 100 feet
网电话IP phone
网电话voice over IP (VoIP)
网电话voice over IP
网电话Internet phone (IPhone)
网电话服务提供商Internet Telephone Service Provider
网的简称常称为 the NetInternet
网的骨干网Internet backbone
网研究任务组织Internet Research Task Force
网自动程序Internet robot
由IETF 起草的网草案Internet Draft
网账户Internet account
网资源管理器Internet Explorer
网赋号管理局Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
网转接器internet appliance
网邮件存取协议Internet message access protocol
ATM 固定比ATM deterministic bit rate
国际伏legal volt
定部分domain specific part
基本basic features
基本fundamental characteristics
填充比filling bit
填充比dummy bit
增益频率gain-frequency characteristics
声光曲线acousto-optic performance
性曲线external characteristic
多用途因网电子邮件扩充协议multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
多用途因网电子邮件扩充标准multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
多路复用集合比multiplex aggregate bit rate
大信号large signal characteristic
kink characteristics
信息度量单位,lnat = log₂e ≈ 1.443bnat
定帧比framing bits
Usenet 网上对某一定内容了解深人、知识广泛的人wizard
对比度响应contrast response characteristic
寿命life performance
寿命曲线life characteristic
工作性曲线operating characteristic curve (OC curve)
差错比incorrect bit
差错比erroneous bit
北美 24 路 PCM 系统中的帧同步比bit frame
幅频amplitude-frequency characteristics
平均比误码率average BER
并行比传输parallel bit transmission
应用消息application message characteristics
开关switching characteristic
影调half tone characteristic
恒定比constant bit rate (ATM 的业务类型)
恩格谢公式Engset formula
恩格谢分布Engset distribution
截顶正弦truncated sine characteristic
技术引进许证know-how licence
拐点knee characteristic
指向性频率directional frequency characteristic
损耗loss characteristic
接口比interface bit rate
数字视频digital video effect
斯普林公司美国三大长途电信公司之一,1999 年底被 MCI-Worldcom 公司收购Sprint
斯普林原为 TelenetSprintnet
施密光学系统Schmitt optical system
施密触发器Schmitt trigger
施密触发电路Schmitt trigger circuit
无防护肖基势垒二极管unguarded Schottky-barrier diode
普兰铅蓄电池极板Plante plate
晶体管性曲线transistor characteristic curve
曼彻斯Manchester code
最小通信,计算机网least privilege
最小权原则principle of least privilege
最高比maximum bit rate
有色佩里网colored Petri net
未指定比速率业务unspecified bit rate (ATM 的业务类型)
机械mechanical property
机械mechanical feature
标识符八比identifier octets
每样值的平均比average bits per sample
每比能量对噪声谱密度比energy per bit to noise spectral density
bit string
串类型bitstring type
串类型bit string type
串行bit serial
串行传输bit serial transmission
交换bit switch
交织bit interleaving
交织bit interleave
交错bit interleave
交错传输bit interleaved transmission
传输速率bit transmission rate
传送速率bit transfer rate
位置bit location
减缩因子bit reduction factor
反转inversion of bit
反转bit reversal
bit block
夺取bit robbing
字段bit field
字节bit byte
/字节变换bit/byte conversion
完整性bit integrity
定位bit alignment
定时恢复bit timing recovery
宽度bit width
差错率bit error ratio
差错率bit error rate
并行bit parallel
并行传输bit parallel transmission
序列独立性bit sequence independent
开销overhead bit
插人bit insertion
检置bit site
bit stream
流传输bit stream transmission
流量bit traffic
滑动bit slip
bit rate
光纤率长度乘积bit rate length product
相位调整bit phasing
/秒bits per second
/秒bit per second
管道传输数字数据分组的电话电路bit pipe
组合模衣bit pattern
编号bit number
/英寸bits per inch
/英寸数据密度bit per inch
识别bit identification
误码率bit error rate
转移bit transition
速度bit speed
间隔bit interval
Bode diagram
波斯-图灵机Post-Turing machine
波斯由 E. post 提出的一种由表示宏作业语句组成的计算机模型post machine
波斯程序等价于图灵机的计算模型Post program
波斯系统Post system
注册名称号码网网公司Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
温彻斯技术Winchester technology
漫游于因navigating the Internet
灰度half tone characteristic
灰度grey tone response
灰色调grey tone response
热线种业务hot line facility
ad hoc
国际结账单位别支取权special drawing right
= mega cell 卫星蜂窝区megacell
卫星蜂窝区mega cell
大功率电台superpower station
大卫星蜂窝区mega satellite cell
定对象呼叫particular call
定对象选呼particular selective call
定方法ad hoc approach
定规别ad hoc rule
定设计法ad hoc approach
定话路specific channel
征位tag bit
征位说明flag bit specification
征变量characteristic variable
统计测试的征水平ɑsignificance level of a statistical testɑ
征波阻抗characteristic wave impedance
征测试behaviour testing
征状态significant condition
征状态数number of significant condition
征畸变补偿characteristic distortion compensation
征白色characteristic white
征瞬时significant instant
征间隔significant interval
征间隔的理论持续时间theoretical duration of a significant interval
征音distinctive tone
快专送express delivery
美国快公司American Express
态与常态supervisor mode and problem mode
急业务flash traffic
γ gamma characteristic
性畸变characteristic distortion
性阻抗surge impedance
技信号发生器special effects generator
捷空中接口TETRA air interface
捷空中接口UmTETRA air interface
捷系统terrestrial trunked radio system
斯拉实用磁通密度单位,IT = lWb/m²tesla
权同步网oligarchic synchronized network
权网oligarchic network
殊信号distinctive signal
殊功能字符special function character
殊布局结构specific layout structure
殊忙音distinctive engaged tone
殊逻辑结构specific logical structure
洛伊木马一种计算机病毒Trojan horse
种业务special service
种会晤服务数据单元typed data session service data unit
种信息音special information tone
种录音通知specific recorded announcement
种拨号音second dial tone
种数据typed data
种数据传送typed data transfer
种电信公司当Bell System 垄断美国电信时期,与 Bell System 相竞争的其他电信公司,如数据、传真、图像、微波等通信公司,又称为 other common carrierspecialized common carrier
种移动通信系统地下,井下,水下,深空,…particular mobile communication system
级业务special grade service
级中继线special grade trunk
级用户线路special-grade access lie
色呼叫业务custom calling (AT&T 的一种 PBX 业务)
色本地信号服务利用 No.7 信令进行的特种服务,如自动回叫,主叫号码显示,选择拒呼等custom local area signaling service
色本地信号服务利用 No.7信令进行的特种服务,如自动回叫,主叫号码显示,选择拒呼等custom local area signaling services
许决态authorized state
许程序authorized program
许表authorization list
设专家组ad hoc expert group
高压extra high voltage
高压extra high tension
高张力extra high tension
高频/超高频差转机UHF/VHF translator
狄克斯拉算法Dijkstra algorithm
unique word
接口distant interface
用户征表user profile table
用户user personality
electrical property
相位噪声传递property of phase noise transfer
相位频率响应phase response characteristic
相频phase response characteristic
相频jitter transfer function
破译breaking property
确认比acknowledgement bit
磁化性曲线magnetization characteristic
科迷协议通过 MODEM 进行上载和下载的一种协议Kermit
法语欧洲邮电管理联合会移动通信别研究组泛欧数字蜂窝系统标准此外又有 Europe's Digital Standard for Mobile Telephone, Global System for Mobile Communication 等英译名Group Special Mobile
简便因网个人概要Lightweight Internet Person Schema
简要system profile
系统简要征报表profile report
线性转移linear transfer characteristic
线路性调整line conditioning
线路接口line interface feature
结构architectural feature
统一号服务one number service
ATM 统计比ATM statistical bit rate
比译码器Viterbi decoder
群时延group delay frequency characteristics
基效应Schottky effect
基晶体管-晶体管逻辑电路Schottky TTL
自动比率选择automatic bit rate selection
色散dispersion characteristic
尔公司Integrated Electronics
卡洛Monte Carlo (method)
卡洛抽样Monte Carlo sampling
卡洛法Monte Carlo method
卡罗规划Monte Carlo program
衰减attenuation characteristic
衰减-频率attenuation-frequency characteristic
视窗系统因网命名服务Windows Internet Naming Service
话音的比数/样值bits/sample for voice
调制modulation characteristic
调整的总比justified gross bit rate
负载loading characteristic
超心形方向hypercardioid characteristic
跳动bouncing characteristic
转移transfer characteristic
输人性阻抗input characteristic impedance
迪杰斯算法Dijkstra algorithm
邮政快专递Express Mail Service
重放reproducing characteristics
鉴定identification mark
长度八比length octets
长期比差错率long-term bit error
长途电话许码toll authorization code
闭包closure property
阻抗性曲线impedance characteristic
拉斯专用总线private Atlas bus
拉斯计算机基本语言Atlas basic language
阿尔卡公司法 CGE 与美 nr 西欧分公司等于1987年合并而成Alcatel
阿尔卡-贝尔电话制造公司原为比利时 ITT-Bell Telephone, 1987 年成为阿尔卡特公司的子公司,即 Alcatel-BTMAlcatel-Bell Telephone
附加比added bit
降压dropping voltage characteristic
故障率单位, 10⁻⁹/h 的故障率failure in time
failure in time (l0⁻⁹/h 的故障率)
定下级参考non-specific subordinate reference
面向比协议bit oriented-protocol
面选择比plane select bit
预加重pre-emphasis characteristic
频谱spectrum signature
颤动bouncing characteristic
高位比high order bit
高势垒肖基.二极管high-barrier Schottky diode
高比high bit rate
高频high frequency response