
Terms for subject United Nations containing 特派 | all forms | in specified order only
一级医疗设备都被视为"部队资产",因此可供联合国特派团所有成员利用level 1 medical facilities are considered "force assets", thus available to all members of a united nations mission
参加维持和平行动部队/警察部队派遣国 特遣队自备装备的偿还和控制政策与程序手册《特遣队自备装备手册》manual on policies and procedures concerning the reimbursement and control of Contingent-Owned equipment of Troop/Police contributors participating in peacekeeping missions COE manual
可能根据《联合国宪章》第六章部署维持和平特派团的应急规划contingency planning for the possible deployment of a peacekeeping mission under chapter VI of the Charter
后续特派follow-on mission
埃厄特派团之友Group of Friends of UNMEE
埃厄特派团所维持的关于安全的安排security arrangements maintained by UNMEE
备战标准是指每一个部队/编队、船只、武器系统或装备必须能够胜任其组织设计的任务和功能,以促使特派团任务的完成readiness standards means that every unit/formation, ship, weapon system or equipment must be capable of performing the missions or functions for which it is organized or designed to enable the mission’s mandate to be achieved
外地特派团后勤系统field mission logistics system
外地特派团后勤系统Field Mission Logistics System
安理会将联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派埃厄特派团United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea
实施改组方案的警察局将获得波黑特派团关于符合民主执行警务基本标准的认可证书。accreditation as meeting basic standards of democratic policing
快速部署特派团总部rapidly deployable mission HQ
核可的特派团因数mission-related factor
核可的特派团因数mission usage factor
核可的特派团因数mission factor
核可的特派团因数mission-approved factor
欧洲联盟警察特派European Union Police Mission
欧洲联盟警察特派欧盟警察特派团 from 1 January 2003, to follow the end of the UNMIBH mandate, as part of a coordinated rule of law programmeEuropean Union Police Mission EUPM
特 派 团 地 位 协 定status of mission agreement
特派团人员更替规划方案Mission Succession Planning Programme
特派团使用因数mission factor
特派团使用因数mission usage factor
特派团使用因数mission-related factor
特派团使用因数mission-approved factor
特派团团长是指在安全理事会的同意下由秘书长任命的特别代表/指挥官,负责联合国在特派团内的所有活动head of mission means the special Representative/Commander appointed by the Secretary-General with the consent of the security council responsible for all united nations activities within the mission
特派团支助厅office of mission support
特派团的空中作业单位须负责监测和报告飞机的性能air operation unit of the mission is responsible for monitoring and reporting the performance of aircraft
特派团系数mission factors
特派团系数是由于任务区行动条件极端、造成了严重或额外的困难,而为部队/警察部队派遣国提供的赔偿mission factors are intended to compensate troop/police contributors for extreme operating conditions in the mission area, where conditions impose significant and additional hardship
特遣队是指所有根据本备忘录在任务区部署的部队/警察部队派遣国的建制部队、人员和装备contingent means all formed units, personnel and equipment of the troop/police contributor deployed to the mission area under this memorandum
特遣队自备装备是指部队/警察部队派遣国的特遣队在从事维和行动时部署和操作的主要装备、次要装备和消耗品contingent-owned equipment means major equipment, and minor equipment and consumables deployed, and operated by the troop/police contributor’s contingent in the performance of peacekeeping operations
由作为部队资产的专家小组代表特派团进行的specialist unit as a force asset
联中特派succeeds MISABMINURCA
联中特派团 = 联合国中非共和国特派团United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic
联刚特派团的宣传方案sensitization programme
联刚特派团=联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
联合国检查/核查队,可由特派团团长或其代表任命的联合国工作人员和军 事人员组成。 检查队必须有充分的时间以保证控制活动的连续性united nation Inspection/Verification team, which may be composed of united nations staff members and military personnel, assigned by the head of mission or by an official acting on his/her behalf must be assigned to the inspection team for a sufficient period of time to ensure continuity in the control activities
联合国科特迪瓦特派MINUCI United Nations Mission in Côte d’Ivoire (联科特派团)
联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派联刚稳定团United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
联合国苏丹特派United Nations Mission in the Sudan/UNMIS
联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
联合国阿富汗特派联阿特派团United Nations Special Mission for Afghanistan
联阿特派United Nations Special Mission to Afghanistan
西非经共体科特迪瓦特派ECOWAS Mission in Côte d’Ivoire
警务专员指根据秘书长授权任命的负责特派团所有警务行动的官员police commissioner means the officer, appointed under the authority of the Secretary-General, responsible for all police operations within the mission
警察工作队圆满地向欧盟警察特派团移交工作Seamless transition of responsibilities from IPTF to the European Union Police Mission
达尔富尔人权状况高级别特派High-Level Mission on the situation of human rights in Darfur
追究联合国官员和特派专家刑事责任问题特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission
逐步缩编联刚特派gradual drawdown of MONUC
部队指挥官是指根据秘书长授权任命的官员,负责特派团内所有的军事行动force commander means the officer, appointed under the authority of the Secretary-General, responsible for all military operations within the mission
阿富汗特派团综合工作队Integrated Mission Task Force for Afghanistan
非洲驻布特派AMIB The African Mission in Burundi
非洲驻布隆迪特派African Mission in Burundi
非洲驻苏丹特派African Union Mission in Sudan
高危特派团:没有疫苗的地方传染病发病率很高的特派团。 所有其他的特派团都被视为"正常风险特派团"high-risk mission: a mission with high incidence of endemic infectious diseases for which no vaccinations exist.All other missions are considered "normal-risk mission"