
Terms for subject Securities containing 特权 | all forms | in specified order only
买卖特定抵押证券的期权option to purchase or sell specified mortgage securities
互换特权exchange privilege
交换特权exchange option
交易特别抵押证券的选择权option to purchase or sell specified mortgage securities
全权特别股blank check preferred stock
剩余股本特别求偿权的程序special claim on residual equity process
可撤销的特许权revocable franchise
国际货币基金的特别提款权drawing right of IMF
对剩余股本的特别要求权special claim on residual equity
对剩余股本的特别要求权special daim on residual equity
收回特许权call privilege
新发行股票无认购特权ex rights
无特别限制的一般性期权vanilla option
泛用特权breach of privilege
特别二手期权二级市场上交易的未到期的场外交易期权special secondhand option
特别提款权债券市场market for securities denominated in SDRs
特别提款权单证special drawing right certificate
特别提款权定期存单CDs denominated in SDR
特别提款权的分配allocation of special drawing
特别提款权货币SDR currencies
特别提款权逐日汇率daily SDR rate
特别期权special option
特别留置权债券special lien bond
特别评估留置权special assessment lien
特定抵押证券买卖期权options to purchase or sell specific mortgage-backed securities
特定权益发行privilege issue
特定股票期权qualifying stock option
特权交易商privilege dealer
特权垄断special-privilege monopoly
特权独占special-privilege monopoly
特殊优先权special preference
特殊留置权special lien
特殊留置权particular lien
特种期权exotic option
特种认股权证exotic warrant
特许权信托royalty trust
特许权协议concession agreement
特许权契约loyalty contract
特许权计划loyalty program
特许经营权business concession
特许经营权贬值depreciation on franchises
直接投资的费用和特许权使用费fees and royalties from direct investments
经营特许权operating concessions
绿鞋特权green shoe privilege
跳跃支付特权skip-payment privilege
股权转移特权exchange privilege
阿特拉斯式期权Atlas Option