
Terms for subject Economy containing 物标 | all forms | in specified order only
你方不仅未能按时履行合同,而且所供货物的质量远远低于标准Not only have you been unpunctual in execution n., but you have deliver articles far below the standard
你方提供货物的质量低于我们所期望的样品标准You have supplied goods inferior to the standard we expected from the samples
保险标的物subject matter insured
物标zoological specimen
定价低于标准八分之一的一批不标准的货物eight stock
实物指标target in kind
实物指标physical indicators
实物指标index-in kind
对有争论的标的货物的保全措施measures of conservation in respect of goods forming the subject matter in dispute
工资与物价指标wage-price guideline
工资与物价调整指标wage-price guideposts
工资物价控制指标wage-price guideposts
我们将批准我方所生产和经营的所有货物的质量标准We shall approve standards of quality for all the goods we produce and handle
所欲标的物desired objects
投标愿提供货物tender for the supply of goods
标志货物the marking of goods
物标botanical specimen
物价标准material price standard
物价标签price ticket
物价标签price tag
物料标签a bin tag
认定货物的标志leading marks
识别货物的标志leading mark (主唛头)
诉讼标的物subject matter of an action
装运cargo mark
货物原产国标志country of origin mark
运输货物标准符号standard transportation commodity code
这些装包货物将严格按你方装船须知标明和编号The packages will be marked and numbered strictly according to your shipping instructions
针对目标的食物援助targeted food aid
物标准的法规pure food laws
食物援助目标food aid target