
Terms for subject Entomology containing | all forms
凤仙花枞天 Monochamus marmoratorbalsamfir sawyer
北美家天 Hylotrupes bajulusEuropean house borer
北美家天 Hylotrupes bajulusold house borer
北美家天 Hylotrupes bajulushouse longhorned beetle
北美家天 Hylotrupes bajulushouse longhorn
北美家天 Hylotrupes bajulusold-house borer
北美家天 Hylotrupes bajuluscapricorne beetle
北美家天 Hylotrupes bajulusItalian beetle
北美家天 Hylotrupes bajulusdomestic capricorn beetle
可可扁舟天 Steirastoma depressumborer of stem and branches
可可扁舟天 Steirastoma depressumcocoa beetle
可可扁舟天 Steirastoma depressumcocoa borer
可可扁舟天 Steirastoma depressumlonghorn beetle cacao
大理纹墨天 Monochamus marmoratorbalsamfir sawyer
大青杨天 Saperda (anaera) carchariaspoplar longhorn borer
大青杨天 Saperda (anaera) carchariaspoplar borer
大青杨天 Saperda (anaera) carchariaslarge poplar longhorn beetle
Cerambycidaelong-horned beetles
Cerambycidaeround-headed beetles
Cerambycidaelongicorn beetles
家天 Hylotrupes bajulusold house borer
家天 Hylotrupes bajulushouse longhorn
家天 Hylotrupes bajulusEuropean house borer
家天 Hylotrupes bajulusdomestic capricorn beetle
幽天 Asemum moestumblue sawyer
散布大蜗 Helix aspersalarge garden snail
散布大蜗 Helix aspersaspeckled snail
散布大蜗 Helix aspersacommon snail
星天 Batocera rubuslongicorn beetle
星天 Batocera rubusmango stem borer
杨瘤楔天 Saperda concolorpoplar girdler
林间大蜗 Cepaea nemoralisbanded wood snail
林间大蜗 Cepaea nemoralislarger banded snail
林间大蜗 Cepaea nemoraliswood snail
栎天 Agrilus angustulusoak borer
桉天 Phoracantha semipunctatacommon eucalypt longicorn
桉天 Phoracantha semipunctataeucalyptus borer
椴树天 Saperda vestitalinden borer
榆天 Saperda tridentataelm borer
榛子筒天 Oberea linearishazelnut capricorn beetle
形角蝉buffalo tree hopper
灭字脊虎天 Xylotrechus quadripescoffee stem borer
头天社蛾 Phalera bucephalabuff-tip moth
白点墨天 Monochamus scutellatuswhite-spotted sawyer
芒果红斑天 Batocera rubuslongicorn beetle
芒果红斑天 Batocera rubusmango stem borer
苹楔天 Agrilus mali, Saperda candidaappletree borer
苹楔天 Agrilus mali, Saperda candidaround-headed apple tree borer
蜂形天 Clytus arietiswasp beetle
蜂形虎天 Clytus arietiswasp beetle
褐点墨天 Monochamus notatusNortheastern sawyer
西部白松天 Monochamus notatusNortheastern sawyer
铁杉断眼天 Tetropium velutinumWestern larch borer
铁杉断眼天 Tetropium velutinumPacific bark beetle
青杨天 Saperda populneasmall poplar borer
青杨天 Saperda populneapoplar borer
青杨天 Saperda populneasmall longhorn beetle poplar
香枞墨天 Monochamus marmoratorbalsamfir sawyer
香脂冷杉黑天 Monochamus scutellatuswhite-spotted sawyer