
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
专有岀copyright owner for publication
世界权公约Universal Copyright Convention as Revised at Paris on 24 July 1971
中国出协会Chinese Publishers Association
中国民主法制出China Democracy and Legal System Publishing House
中央外文出发行事业局China Foreign Languages Publishing and Distribution Administration
互联网出Internet publishing
互联网出机构Internet publishing organization
保存preserve an edition
发行事业publishing and distribution services
淫秽书刊publish pornographic book or periodical
范围publishing scope
国家新闻出总署国家版权局Press and Publication Administration (State Copyright Bureau)
国家新闻出总署国家版权局General Administration of Press and Publication (National Copyright Administration)
国际海关税则出联盟公约International Convention for the Publication of Customs Tariffs
大力发展新闻岀事业make vigorous efforts to develop press and publications undertakings
自由freedom of publication
思想、言论、出、集会、结社的自由权freedoms of ideology, speech, the press, assembly, association
新闻出总署General Administration of Press and Publication
新闻出行政部门press and publication administration authority
侵权piracy and patent infringement