
Terms for subject Librarianship containing 版权 | all forms | in specified order only
不受版权保护著作works in public domain
侵犯版权copyright piracy
侵犯版权act of copyright piracy
侵犯版权acts of copyright piracy
版权保护protected by copyright
联合国教科文组织国际版权信息中心International Copyright Information Center
授权出版的图书licensed book
版权著作works in public domain
版权事项copyright notice
版权交易会copyright fair
版权代理copyright agent
版权保留copyright reserved
版权保留all rights reserved
版权图书馆depository library
版权图书馆copyright library
版权失效public domain
版权所有者copyright owner
版权所有者copyright holder
版权持有者copyright owner
版权持有者copyright holder
版权日期copyright date
版权期限copyright period
版权本保存库copyright depository
版权标记copyright imprint
版权Copyright Act
版权法定许可范围legal permission scope of the copyright
版权法定许可范围statutory permission scope
版权法定许可范围copyright statutory licensing scope
版权登记信息legal deposit information
版权登记信息copyright information
版权登记号legal deposit number
版权登记号copyright number
版权登记日copyright date
版权管理copyright management
版权管理中心Copyright Clearance Center
版权管理信息copyright management information
版权获酬权copyright remuneration right
版权许可copyright permission
版权贸易copyright trading
版权copyright fee
版权资料的公平使用fair use
版权资料的公平使用fair dealing
版权转让transfer of copyright ownership
版权转让费copyright transfer fee
版权遵守copyright compliance
版权遵守copyright observance
版权遵守copyright abiding
版权题署的出版日期colophon date
盗用版权copyright piracy
盗用版权act of copyright piracy
盗用版权acts of copyright piracy
美国版权U. S. Copyright Office
违权版unauthorized reprint
违权版spurious edition
违权版spurious copy
违权版unauthorized edition
违权版surreptitious edition
附属版权subsidiary rights