
Terms for subject Aviation containing 燃料 | all forms | in specified order only
一次飞行所需燃料trip fuel
下游的燃料downstream fuel
中间燃料center fuel tank
临界燃料流量critical fuel flux
燃料main fuel
燃料调节器main fuel control
燃料跳闸master fuel trip
乙烯燃料ethylene fuel
乙烯燃料加注ethylene fueling
乙烯燃料发动机ethylene jet
低温燃料cryogenic stage
作动器燃料actuator fuel pump
内装燃料航程built-in range (不带副油箱,不在空中加油的航程)
制动燃料消耗率brake specific fuel consumption
加压余量燃料引擎ullage engine
加压余量燃料操纵ullage manoeuvre (火箭)
动力装置燃料消耗率specific fuel consumption of propulsion plant
助推器固体燃料推进的火箭发动机booster solid rocket motor
协调燃料研究coordinating fuel research
单元燃料应急动力装置monofuel emergency power unit
原子核燃料nuclear fuel
双组分火箭燃料hypergolic fuel
发动机燃料engine fuel tank
发动机加燃料重量engine-plus (fuel weight)
发动机起动燃料engine starting fuel
可燃材料荷载fire load
可用的燃料available fuel
可用的燃料冷却能力available fuel-cooling capacity
可用的燃料预算available fuel budget
右侧燃料管理装置right fuel management unit
吸热燃料endothermic fuel
吸热型燃料系统endothermic fuel system
喷气燃料注入propellant injection
喷气发动机用燃料jet fuel
固体燃料冲压喷气机solid fuel ramjet
固体燃料起飞发动机solid propellant booster
均匀的燃料uniform fuel
均质火箭燃料homogeneous propellant
备用燃料extra fuel
外部燃料external fuel tank
飞船外部燃料external fuel tank
大型飞机燃料heavy aircraft fuel
实验性固体燃料火箭experimental solid propellant vehicle
巡航燃料cruise fuel
常规喷气燃料conventional jet fuel
燃料spent fuel
当量燃料比耗equivalent specific fuel consumption
燃料total fuel
燃料aggregate fuel
悬浮燃料slurry fuel
手控的燃料切断manual fuel cutout
油量表指示燃料gauged fuel
燃料储存量计算的飞行小时hours of fuel
损坏燃料探测与定位failed fuel detection and location
控制式燃料系统control fuel system
推力室燃料清除thrust chamber fuel purge
放热燃料exothermic fuel
数字式燃料管理系统digital fuel-management system
整体固体燃料火箭/冲压喷气发动机solid fuel integral rocket/ramjet
最大燃料maximum fuel
最小-最大燃料min-max fuel
最高燃料温度maximum fuel temperature
航空企业管理期望较低的燃料价格expectation of low fuel price
未加燃料、滑油和液压油等的发动机dry engine
未燃烧的燃料unburned fuel
未燃烧的材料unburned material
机上可用燃料usable fuel on board
机械燃料控制mechanical fuel control
极高速氧燃料喷漆hypervelocity oxygen fuel spray painting
每加仑燃料的英里数miles per gallon
每周燃料消耗量weekly fuel expenditure
气体燃料gaseous fuels
气体发生器起动装置燃料gas generator starter fuel valve
气体发生器起动装置燃料阀开关gas generator starter fuel valve switch
气态燃料gaseous fuels
燃料hydrogen fuel
汽油燃料fuel petrol
没有燃料条件no-fuel condition
浓化燃料反应器fuel reactor
涡轮机燃料turbine propellant
液体燃料推进剂liquid propellant
液体燃料冲压喷气发动机liquid fuelled ramjet
液体燃料冲压式喷气发动机研制liquid fueled ramjet engine development
液体燃料分析liquid propellant analysis
液体燃料炸药fuel air explosive
液体燃料航空火箭liquid aircraft rocket
液压燃料控制器hydraulic fuel controller
混合燃料mixture of fuel
混合燃料推进hybrid propulsion
混合氨燃料mixed hydrazine fuel
混胺由三乙胺和二甲苯胺混合成的液体火箭燃料mixed amine
火箭燃料维护设施hypergol maintenance facility
点火燃料组件spike (反应堆技术)
热离子燃料成分thermionic fuel element
熔融碳酸盐燃料电池molten carbonate fuel cell
燃料供给滞后fuel lag
燃料关断活门fuel shut off valve
燃料关断活门接头fuel shutoff terminals
燃料关断装置fuel shut-off/fuel cut-off
燃料减少fuel reduction
燃料分布fuel distribution
燃料分配fuel distribution
燃料加注控制系统tanking control system
燃料喷注微散fuel spreading
燃料喷注propellant spray
燃料安全系统fuel safety system
燃料导管fuel line
燃料fuel layer
燃料fuel tape
燃料当量比fuel equivalence ratio
燃料性质fuel performance
燃料成分propellant composition
燃料扩散diffusion of fuel
燃料控制数据集中器fuel control dada concentrator
燃料控制装置fuel control unit
燃料晃动干扰力矩fuel slosh disturbance torque (航天器机动时燃料晃动对星体形成的干扰力矩)
燃料fuel slab
燃料fuel section
燃料、油、润滑剂fuel, oil, lubricants
燃料fuel stream
燃料流量加法器fuel flow totalizer
燃料测量设备fuel measuring equipment
燃料浓缩fuel concentration
燃料消耗率propellant flow rate
燃料消耗量fuel exhaustion
燃料消耗量consumption of fuel
燃料消耗量预测fuel consumption projections
燃料涨价引起的机票涨价fuel-related fare increase
燃料添加剂混合装置fuel additive mixture unit
燃料滞留堆芯时间fuel residence time
燃料烧尽时质量burnout mass
燃料烧尽高度burnout altitude
燃料烧尽高度误差burnout altitude error
燃料燃烧效率heat rate
燃料特性fuel property
燃料用尽的续航时间fuel endurance
燃料电池的性能fuel cell performance
燃料电池系统fuel cell system
燃料的用量use of fuel
燃料种类variety of fuel
燃料空气弹fuel-air explosive bomb
燃料空气比fuel air ratio
燃料空气炸药fuel air explosive
燃料管路fuel line
燃料系统控制器fuel system controller
燃料系统控制面板fuel system control panel
燃料系统结冰抑制剂fuel system icing inhibitor
燃料系统防冻剂fuel system icing inhibitor
燃料能量fuel energy
燃料自动化系统fuels automated system
燃料自动调节automatic fuel control
燃料补给库fuel supply depot
燃料表面fuel surface
燃料试验设备fuel test equipment
燃料调整器fuel dipper
燃料起飞发动机propellant booster
燃料输入孔fuel port
燃烧剂料流量fuel flow rate
用化学燃料chemically fueled
用过的燃料spent fuel
甲烷燃料methane fuel
碰撞安全的燃料系统crashworthy fuel system
碰撞安全的燃料系统crash worthy fuel system
火箭离地时的燃料质量fuel mass at lift off
离心式燃料喷射器fuel swirler
空气燃料实验开关air fuel test switch
空气-燃料air to fuel ratio
空气燃料比控制air fuel ratio control
空气/燃料测试开关air/fuel test switch
纤维素燃料cellulosic fuel
缺少燃料out of fuel
耐火燃料fire resistant fuel
耐燃材料flame-resistant materials
腔基燃料cavity-based fuel
航空燃料添加剂aircraft dope
航空宽馏涡轮发动机燃料aviation wide-cut turbine fuel
节约燃料fuel saving
英国核燃料公司British Nuclear Fuels Ltd
规定高度的燃料质量fuel mass at given height
燃料negative fuel
质子交换膜燃料电池proton exchange membrane fuel cell
起动燃料点火auxiliary fluid ignition
轴向燃料axial fuel
辅助燃料管理计算机auxiliary fuel management computer
辅助燃料auxiliary fuel tank
过氧化氢燃料peroxide fuel
重型飞机燃料heavy aircraft fuel
重质燃料油燃烧combustion of heavy fuel oil
金属燃料metallic fuel
防导弹燃料腐蚀的保护层missile fuel resistant coating
阻燃材料flame-resistant material
预测燃料jetpen-predicted fuel
额外燃料extra fuel
馏分燃料distilled fuel
驱动燃料actuated fuel
燃料high fuel
高速氧化燃料high velocity oxygenated fuel
高闪点航空涡轮发动机燃料aviation high-flash turbine fuel