
Terms containing 照 办 | all forms | in specified order only
China, polit.严格按照特别行政区基本法办事strictly comply with the basic laws of the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions
econ.你方必须按照装船要求办理You have to comply with the shipping instructions
econ.你方提供单据的要求已悉,并将照办Your demand for documentation has been noted and will be met
interntl.trade.全部照办fill-or-kill order
manag.全部照办complete execution
tech.办公室照明office lighting
tech.办公室照明office illumination
China, polit.参照本法有关各条的规定办理be handled with reference to the provisions of the relevant articles of this Law
gen.取卡需要您本人带着护照去银行办理To get your card back, you have to go to the bank with your passport
interntl.trade.国际发照办international licensing arrangements
busin.国际发照办international licensing arrangement
gen.太好了,就照你说的办Great! I will follow
interntl.trade.定货不能全部照办之通知omit note for order
gen.应该去哪里办新护照?Where can I get a new passport?
gen.情人节不是一个公共节日,在这一天,政府、商店、学校以及其他办公机构会照常办公Valentine's Day is not a public holiday, in which government offices, stores, schools and other organizations are open as usual
gen.我护照找不到了,怎么办?I can't find my passport. What should I do?
econ.所有的雇员必须按照公司的规章条例办事All of the employees shall act in conformity with the bylaws established by the company
econ.承包商受到警告,不照此办理可能会被取消其承包的资格The contractor is warned that failure to do so may disqualify him from the contract
interntl.trade.按照特许权使用费的办法under a royalty arrangement
econ.按照经济规律办事according to the laws of economics
manag.照办act accordingly
busin.照办ad val
gen.照办do one's bidding
commer.美国证券照办或拒受all or none
econ.照办或拒收整批委托all or none
busin.照…办事complied with
tech.照常规办理单独海损免赔额customary average
tech.照常规办理单独海损免赔额average accustomed
law照章办事stare decisis
securit.照章办事严格按章程办事work to rule
busin.照章办事working to rule
gen.照章办事go by the book
busin.订货不能全部照办的通知omit note for order
econ.这个数量难于照办It is very difficult to grant this quantity
archit.照办act up to...
econ.照…办事act up to