
Terms containing 照准 标 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.可见标准辐照度visual standard irradiance
tech.国际照明委员会制定的标准阴天天空standard overcast sky of international commission on illumination
tech.国际照明委员会制定的标准阴天空standard overcast sky of CIE
gen.国际照明委员会标准三基色International Commission on Illumination standard primaries
busin.实际参照标准practical framework
proj.manag.对标准的拍照手机而言、图像是由基于感光性硅芯片的镜头聚焦而得In a typical camera-phone, the image is focused by the lens onto a photosensitive silicon chip
textile对照标准服装control undercover garment
avia.射线照相检验标准radiographic inspection standard X
tech.射线照相验收标准acceptance standards for radiography
econ.我方供应的所有机床均系按照国际标准制造的All the machine tools supplied by us are manufactured in accordance with international standards
econ.我方将按照你方规定的方式和标准准备各种特许产品We shall prepare the licensed products in accordance with the formula and standards designated by you
gen.按照指标达到质量标准come up
shipb.按照标准样品生产production according to standard sample
gen.日本照相机工业标准Japan Camera Industrial Standard
railw.日照标准sunlight standard
earth.sc.日照标准insolation standard
tech.日照标准sunlight ordinance
el.标准中子辐照设施【核】standard neutron irradiation facility
auto.标准前照灯standard headlamp
el.标准参照材料standard reference material
tech.标准参照样standard reference material
textile标准参照浓度standard reference depth
tech.标准参照状态standard reference state
R&D.标准参照食物 SRDstandard reference diet
tech.标准品对照standard control
tech.标准天体照相仪normal astrograph
desert.标准时间参照系ordinal temporal reference system
met.标准晶粒度显微照片standard grain-size micrograph
textile标准样照standard sample photo
tech.标准照度standard illuminant
tech.标准照度standard intensity of illumination
tech.标准照度standard illumination
tech.标准照度reference illumination
multimed.CIE 标准照明CIE standard illuminants
tech.标准照明体standard illuminant
el.国际照明技术委员会标准照明设施CIE standard illuminants
tech.标准照片对比法standard photo comparison method
telecom.标准电话传送参照系统设在日内瓦 ITU 的标准系统master telephone transmission reference system
met.标准粒度显微照片standard grain-size micrograph
tech.标准精细航空照相纸standard fine grain aerial photo paper
tech.标准辐照度standard irradiance
avia.比照标准reference standard
tech.测辐射热标准辐照度bolometric standard irradiance
UN, tech.海运集装箱必须按照国际标准进行维护即经认证可用于船运的方有资格获得偿还。sea containers must be maintained to international standards i.e., certified for shipping in order to be eligible for reimbursement
tech.照准标sight vane
forestr.照准标collimating marks
tech.照准标sighting mark
tech.照准标sighting target (志)
tech.照准标alidade target
avia.照准标collimating mark
eng.geol.照准标transit marker
ecol.照准标sighting target
tech.照准灯标stand on light beacon
tech.照准目标相位差phase error of sighting object
tech.照准觇标target in transit
tech.照度标准standard of illumination
tech.照度标准recommended level of illumination
tech.照度标准lighting standard
tech.照度标准illumination standard
tech.照明标准lighting standard
busin.照明标准values of illumination
tech.照明标准illumination standard
tech.照明标准电气设备electrical standard equipment for lighting
tech.照明标准电气设备electric standard equipment for lighting
tech.目标照准器target vane
tech.目标照准器object vane
tech.目标照准指示器on-target detector
org.name.辐照食品通用标准General Standard for Irradiated Foods