
Terms for subject China containing 照会 | all forms | in specified order only
依照宪法和法律赋予本级人民代表大会的各项职权in accordance with the functions and powers vested in the people's congresses at the corresponding levels by the Constitution and relevant laws
按照十届全国人大五次会议对经济财政工作提出的各项要求meet all the requirements for economic and financial work set out at the Fifth Session of the Tenth NPC
按照十届全国人大四次会议精神follow the guidelines set out at the Fourth Session of the Tenth NPC
按照自己的意愿自主地选择社会政治制度和发展道路selection of their own social and political systems and a path for development with the initiative in their own hands
正式照会formal note
照会present a note to (a government)
照会address a note to (a government)
照会deliver a note to (a government)