
Terms for subject Chemistry containing | all forms
上等自色prime white oil
不粘结non-caking coal
不粘结non-agglomerating coal
不结焦non-coking coal
两段气发生炉double zone gas producer
中国炭学会China Coal Society
中温焦油medium temperature coal tar
久燃long-time burning oil (铁路信号灯油)
优质high-quality burning oil
低温焦油coalite tar
低热值low BTU gas
加压粉气化coal dust gasification under pressure
半无烟semianthracite coal
半水Dawson gas
压缩liquified domestic fuel gas
预处理pretreatment of raw coal
双水enriched water gas
发生炉焦油gas producer tar
发生炉焦油gas producer coal tar
发生炉焦油producer gas coal tar
吹制水blow gas
喷气机用aviation kerosene
固定炉算气发生炉fixed grate producer
城市家用town gas
coal preparation
常压粉气化炉KT type coal gasifier
弱粘结weak caking coal
德士古气化炉Texaco type coal gasifier
德士古气化炉Texaco gasifier
无定结构common branded coal
无烟anthracite smalls
易燃free burning coal (不结焦烟煤)
易破碎的loose coal
松散loose coal
次烟sub-bituminous coal
蓝,照明blue gas
气发生器water-gas producer
气发生过程pier process
气管water gas pipe
气管water gas pipeline
浆加压气化炉coal-water slurry pressurized gasifier
汉弗莱式水气发生炉Humphrey's generator
沥青pit coal
沥青泥pitch peat
过的washed coal
作业coal washing
过的coal concentrate
coal washing method
kennel coal
混合mixed producer gas
温克勒气化炉Winkler gasifier
灯塔用lighthouse kerosene
灯塔用lighthouse oil
炼焦加coking stoker
jet coal
boghead coal
气的炉子gas-fired furnace
气的炉子gas -fired furnace
中的不可燃物coal non-combustibles
催化气化catalytic coal gasification
催化液化catalytic coal liquefaction
加氢气化制甲烷Hygas process
化工chemical processing of coal
屑砖coal-dust brick
岩学coal petrography
coal material
powdered coal
焦炉coal gas
焦炉coke oven gas
统称 gas
由煤的气化而得的,尤指焦炉煤气及发生炉煤气 coal gas
焦炉coal oven gas
聚集总管gas collecting main
焦油gas works coal tar
焦炭gasworks coke
气化炉coal gasifier
气喷灯gas burner
UGI 气炉UGI gasifier
气炉coal gas furnace
气烧水炉gas water-heater
气表用革gas meter diaphragm leather
liquid petroleum oil
油基脂肪keryl alcohol
油基二乙醇胺keryl diethanolamine
油基甲氧基苯磺酸keryl anisole sulfonate
油基甲酚磺酸盐keryl cresol sulfonate
油基膦酸keryl phosphonic acid
油基醚keryl ether
油苯乙醚磺酸酯keryl phenetol sulfonate
液化coal liquefaction
炭脱水干燥coal dehydrolysis and drying
热解coal pyrolysis
焦油石脑油coal-tar naphtha
black amber
的地下气化in situ coal gasification
的干馏coal carbonization
的干馏coal carbonizing
的液化liquidation of coal
的液相加氢liquid-phase coal hydrogenation
的碳化作用coal carbonizing
的碳化作用coal carbonization
的高压加氢high-pressure coal hydrogenation
着火性coal ignitability
briquette (包括煤球、蜂窝煤等)
coal paste (煤与油混合成的糊状物)
cresylic acid
hard ash coal shu
virgin kerosene
fuel economizer
hard coal (美国指无烟煤,英国指褐煤以外的各种煤)
空气发生炉air-producer gas
空气发生器air-producer gas
空气发生炉气发生炉air-producer gas generator
空气气混合器air and gas mixer
气化炉coal dust gasifier
粘结性caking coal
精选块fancy lump coal
结焦黏结性baking coal
航空aviation kerosine
航空aviation fuel
气发生过程blau-gas process
nonacosanyl alcohol
褐性烟lignite bitumite
身碎成块的weak coal
身碎成块的lively coal
wash coal
气化炉Dow coal gasifier
道森Dawson gas
coking blend
量热气表calorimetric gas meter
含空气的煤气air gas
高温焦油high temperature cokeoven coal tar
高炉blast-furnace gas
鲁奇气化炉Lurgi gasifierfor coal
鲁奇气化炉Lurgi coal gasifier
麦克罗林低温碳化法McLaurin process