
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 焊 缝 | all forms | in specified order only
丁字接头焊缝tee butt weld
丁字接头焊缝T butt weld
丁字接头填角焊缝T-fillet weld
万能缝焊机universal seam welder
上行立焊焊缝vertical-up weld
下凹形焊缝concave weld
下行立焊焊缝vertical-down weld
不坚固焊缝weak weld
不等边角焊缝unequal leg fillet weld
不等边角焊缝unequal fillet weld
不致密焊缝leaky seam
中心浇焊焊缝centre pour weld
临时点焊焊缝temporary weld
主要受力焊缝principal weld
交错焊缝staggered seam
从上到下施焊焊缝vertical-down weld
从下到上施焊焊缝vertical-up weld
仰焊焊缝overhead weld
优质焊缝sound weld
优质焊缝flawless weld
低强度焊缝weak weld
侧面填角焊缝side fillet weld
侧面搭接焊缝side lap weld
保护焊缝背面用气体backup gas
俯焊焊缝flat weld
俯焊焊缝downhand weld
全焊焊缝full sized weld
全焊金属焊缝拉力试验all-weld-metal tension test
全熔透焊缝complete-penetration weld
全熔透单道焊缝full penetration single pass weld
全部焊缝检验符号代号test-all-around symbol
焊缝inside weld
内角接头焊缝inside corner weld
焊缝reinforced seam
凸形焊缝convex weld
凸形填角焊缝convex fillet weld
凸形角焊缝convex fillet
凸缘焊缝flanged sean
凹形角焊缝concave fillet weld
凹形角焊缝concave filler
凹陷焊缝sagged weld
凹面焊缝inverted weld
切槽填焊焊缝filled slot weld
削平补强焊缝flush weld
加压焊缝pressure weld
加强焊缝strapped weld
加强焊缝convex weld
十字交叉焊丝焊缝cross-wire weld
半V 形坡口丁字对接头焊缝single-bevel tee-butt weld
单 V 形坡口焊缝single-V groove weld
单 U 形坡口焊缝single-U groove weld
焊缝连接single joint
单层焊缝single-bead deposit
单标准焊缝single standard seam
单槽焊缝single-groove weld
单程焊缝one-pass weld
单道焊缝one-pass weld
单面内角焊缝连接inside single-fillet corner joint
单面填角焊缝焊接头single-fillet weld
单面铲边焊缝single-groove weld
卷边焊缝flange weld
卷边焊缝flange welding
卷边焊缝flanged sean
压力容器焊缝pressure-tight seam
压力焊焊缝pressure weld
压边焊接焊缝meshed weld
压边焊接焊缝mesh weld
叉形焊缝fish mouth weld
双V 形X 形坡口对接焊缝double-V butt weld
双U 形坡口焊缝double-U groove weld
双 U 形坡口对接焊缝double-U butt weld
焊缝焊管double-seam welded pipe
焊缝连接double joint
双填角焊缝double-fillet weld
双面双头同时焊接焊缝double-head weld
双层缝焊机double seam welder
双U形坡口对接焊缝double-U butt weld
双缝焊管double-seam welded pipe
双辊缝焊double rolls seam welding
双边卷边对接端焊焊缝edge-flange weld
双面 J 形K 形坡口对接焊缝double-J butt weld
双面 J 形坡口焊缝double-J tee butt weld
双面焊缝连接double joint
双面坡口焊缝double-groove weld
双面连续角焊缝double continuous fillet weld
双面铲边焊缝double-groove weld
双面间断填角焊缝double intermittent weld fillet
受张力拉力焊缝tension weld
叠珠焊缝beading weld
叠珠焊缝bead weld
向上立焊焊缝upward vertical weld
向下立焊焊缝downward vertical weld
周围焊缝around weld
周围角焊缝fillet weld all round
啮合焊接焊缝meshed weld
啮合焊接焊缝mesh weld
圆周焊缝circumferential seam
圆根焊缝beaded joint
坚固致密焊缝tight-strong seam
坡口groove-welded joint
坡口焊缝bevel groove weld
埋弧焊焊缝submerged arc weld
塞焊焊缝filled plug weld
填角焊缝fillet weld
填角焊缝horizontal-vertical fillet weld
填角焊缝back bead
填隙焊缝caulking weld
填隙焊缝caulk weld
焊缝outside weld
外部焊缝outside seam
多层焊缝multiple-bead deposit
多层焊缝multiple-layer weld
多层焊缝multilayer weld
多次脉冲接触焊接焊缝multiple-impulse weld
多焊件焊接焊缝multiple-joint weld
多程焊缝multirun weld
多道焊缝multiple-bead weld
多道焊缝multirun weld
多道焊缝multiple-pass weld
多道焊缝multipass weld
大钟焊缝big bell weld
T字对接焊缝double-J tee butt weld
密实焊缝tight seam
对接滚焊焊缝butt seam welding
对接滚焊焊缝butt seam weld
对接缝焊机butt seam welding machine
对称焊缝同时施焊balanced welding (sequence)
对缝焊管jump-welded pipe
封口焊缝caulking weld
封口焊缝caulk weld
封底焊缝back weld
封底焊缝backing run
封底焊缝backup weld
巴特尔式抗焊道下裂缝试验Battelle type cracking test
焊缝underhand weld
平板上珠焊焊缝bead on plate weld
平焊焊缝flat weld
平焊焊缝downhand weld
平顶角焊缝mitre fillet weld
平顶角焊焊缝flat faced fillet weld
并排断续焊缝chain intermittent weld
并排断续角焊缝chain intermittent fillet weld
开口焊缝open weld
开孔铆焊焊缝filled plug weld
开式工形坡口对接焊缝open-square butt weld
开裂焊缝cracked weld
焊缝arc weld
焊缝arc-welding seam
V 形焊缝V-weld
X 形焊缝X-weld
U 形焊缝U-weld
V 形焊缝flare-V weld
X 形焊缝double-vee weld
T 形双坡口对接焊缝double-bevel tee butt weld
K 形双面坡口焊缝double-bevel weld
I 形坡口焊缝square groove weld
J形坡口焊缝J-groove weld
X 形坡口焊缝double-V groove weld
K 形坡口对接焊缝double-bevel butt weld
T 形填角焊缝T-fillet weld
T 形对接焊缝tee butt weld
T形对接焊缝T butt weld
J形槽焊焊缝J-groove weld
U-O 形直缝焊管U-O pipe
U-O 形直缝焊管机U-O pipe mill
惰性气体保护熔化极电弧焊焊缝metal-arc inert-gas weld
惰性气体保护钨极电弧焊焊缝tungsten-arc inert-gas weld
惰性气体保护钨极电弧焊焊缝TIG weld
手工焊接焊缝manual weld
手工焊缝hand weld
承压容器焊缝pressure-tight seam
承载致密焊缝tight-strong seam
拉切式焊缝清理机draw-cut trimmer
接缝焊用电极seam-welding electrode
搭接焊缝lap seam weld
搭接填角焊缝lap fillet weld
搭接滚焊焊缝bridge seam welding
搭接滚焊焊缝bridge seam weld
搭接点焊焊缝bridge spot weld
搭接缝焊lap seam welding
摆动焊条焊炬焊接焊缝weaving weld
整体焊缝full sized weld
焊缝inclined weld
斜角焊缝bevel weld
断续焊缝intermittent weld
断续缝滚焊roller spot welding
断面不足的焊缝undersize weld
焊缝料斗one-piece hopper
焊缝料钟one-piece bell
无凸面焊缝flush weld
无缺陷焊缝sound weld
无缺陷焊缝flawless weld
最大焊缝厚度maximum throat depth
有气孔焊缝porous weld
有缺陷焊缝faulty weld
有缺陷焊缝poor weld
有缺陷焊缝unsound weld
有缺陷有毛病焊缝falling seam
有缺陷焊缝defective weld
有裂缝焊缝cracked weld
未焊透焊缝shallow weld
机械加工焊缝finished weld
标准焊缝normal weld
根部焊缝heel weld
检验焊缝test weld
焊缝slotted weld
焊缝horizontal weld
缝滚焊机transverse seam welder
横向填角焊缝transverse fillet weld
横向角焊缝剪切试样transverse fillet weld shearing specimen
横竖焊接焊缝horizontal-vertical fillet weld
横缝滚焊transverse seam welding
正常焊缝normal weld
正常填角焊缝flat faced fillet weld
气体保护金属极电弧缝焊gas metal arc seam welding
气密焊缝tight weld
气密焊缝seal weld
气焊焊缝gas weld
氧乙炔焊缝oxyacetylene weld
水平焊缝horizontal weld
沿型钢股边施焊焊缝toe weld
沿棱焊缝heel weld
活动焊头缝焊机travel head seam welder
浅熔焊焊缝shallow weld
深熔焊缝penetration weld
点焊焊缝roller spot weld
滚轮滚焊焊缝roller seam weld
滚筒式焊缝清理机rotary-type flash trimmer
滚缝焊roller seam welding
滚缝焊机roll seam welding machine
漏泄焊缝sagged weld
火焰焊缝清理机hot deseamer
焊缝电弧焊spot arc welding
点焊焊缝resistance spot weld
焊合裂缝welded fissure
焊缝weld (【技】焊接:通过加热或加压,或二者并用,并且使用或不使用填充材料,使被焊工件达到原子结合的一种加工方法。)
焊缝soldering seam
焊缝welding seam
焊缝修整weld dressing
焊缝倾角weld slope
焊缝凝固weld freezing
焊缝匀整性evenness of weld
焊缝weld zone
焊缝金属weld metal area
焊缝weld area
焊缝压光辊ironing roll
焊缝厚度throat thickness
焊缝厚度throat depth
焊缝反面加强符号代号melt-thru weld symbol
焊缝反面弯曲root bend
焊缝反面弯曲back bend
焊缝反面弯曲试验root-bend test
焊缝喉深throat thickness
焊缝喉部weld throat
焊缝weld backing
焊缝垫板weld back-up
焊缝塑性weld ductility
焊缝外形weld contour
焊缝孔隙weld porosity
焊缝实际厚度actual throat
焊缝宽度distance between toes of weld
焊缝尺寸weld size
焊缝尺寸检査用样板welding gauge
焊缝底缘root edge
焊缝底距root opening
焊缝开裂weld failure
焊缝开裂试验bead weld cracking test
焊缝强度weld strength
焊缝形状form of weld
焊缝形状符号代号contour symbol
焊缝晶间腐蚀weld decay
焊缝根部外弯root bend
焊缝检测weld seam detection
焊缝检验weld inspection
焊缝气孔weld porosity
焊缝清理weld cleaning
焊缝清理机weld trimmer
焊缝焊刺清理机deseaming machine
焊缝滚压weld seam rolling
焊缝焊透weld penetration
焊缝熔焊weld penetration
焊缝界面weld interface
焊缝的背面里面,反面underside of weld
焊缝破裂weld cracking
焊缝型式符号代号weld symbol
焊缝背面back of weld
焊缝裂纹weld crack
焊缝计算厚度effective throat thickness
焊缝记号weld marking
焊缝起点weld starting
焊缝量规weld gauge
焊缝金属weld material
焊缝金属破裂weld-metal cracking
焊缝金属组织weld metal structure
焊缝金属组织weld structure
焊缝金属裂纹weld metal crack
焊缝金属裂纹weld-metal crack
焊缝金属试样weld metal specimen
焊缝金属试样weld-metal specimen
焊缝长度weld length
焊缝间距pitch of weld
焊缝间隔weld interval
焊缝间隔控制器weld interval timer
熔化极电弧焊焊缝metal-arc weld
熔焊焊缝fusion weld
熔融焊缝fusion weld
熔透焊缝penetration weld
熔透焊缝melt-thru weld
特大焊缝oversize weld
环形焊缝circumferential weld
环形焊缝girth seam
环形焊缝girth weld
环形焊缝circumferential seam
环形焊缝circular weld
环形焊缝滚焊机circumferential seam welder
环形焊缝滚焊机girth welder
环形焊缝滚焊机circular seam welder
环形焊缝焊接girth welding
环形缝焊机circular seam welder
环形缝焊机circular seam welding machine
环形缝焊机circumferential seam-welding machine
环缝对接焊circumferential seam welding
环缝对接焊circular seam welding
焊缝arc-welding seam
电子束焊接焊缝electron-beam weld
电弧缝焊arc seam welding
电阻对接焊缝upset butt weld
电阻对缝焊管electric resistance butt welded tube
电阻点焊焊缝resistance spot weld
电阻缝焊resistance seam welding
疏松焊缝porous weld
盖板焊缝strap seam
盖板对接滚焊焊缝bridge seam welding
盖板对接滚焊焊缝bridge seam weld
盖板对接点焊焊缝bridge spot weld
直线焊缝焊接line welding
直缝焊straight welding
直缝焊管butt-welded pipe
直缝焊管butt-welded tube
直缝焊管straight welded tube
UOE 直缝焊管UOE pipe
直缝焊管butt welded tube
直缝焊管straight welded tubing
直缝焊管butt welded pipe
UOE 直缝焊管机UOE pipe mill (【技】采用 U 成型机和0成型机成形,使用机械或水压扩管,是生产大口径直缝电焊管的主要方法。)
直缝焊管机butt weld pipe mill
直缝焊管轧机butt weld pipe mill
直缝焊钢管straight welded steel pipe
直缝焊钢管butt-welded steel pipe
硬焊料黄铜焊料焊缝brazed seam
碳弧焊焊缝carbon arc weld
焊缝narrow weld
焊缝beading weld
焊缝bead weld
窄搭缝焊接机narrow lap welder
焊缝vertical-down weld
竣工焊缝completed weld
端填角焊缝end fillet weld
端顶圆周焊缝head seam
等强度焊缝full strength weld
等强度焊缝full strength joint
等边对称填角焊缝equal leg fillet weld
箔材对缝焊foil butt seam welding
箔材缝焊foil seam welding
管子环缝焊机orbital pipe welder
管环缝焊机orbital pipe welder
焊缝longitudinal weld
纵缝焊机longitudinal seam welder
缝〔线〕 焊seam weld
缝〔滚〕焊seam welding
缝焊seam welding
缝焊seam resistance welding
缝焊机rolling seam welding machine
缝焊机seam-welding machine
缝焊机seam welder
缝焊滚轮seam-welding roller
缝焊焊头seam-welding head
背面底焊焊缝back run
背面焊缝封底焊缝back weld
自动焊焊缝automatic weld
致密焊缝tight weld
致密焊缝tight seam
螺旋焊缝helical weld
焊缝beaded joint
焊缝尺寸fillet weld size
焊缝延长fillet weld extension
焊缝fillet welded slot
焊缝破裂试样fillet weld break specimen
焊缝破裂试验fillet weld break test
焊缝连接fillet joint
角接焊缝corner weld
试样焊缝sample weld
试焊焊缝sample weld
试验焊缝test weld
贴角焊缝焊脚leg of fillet
超大断面焊缝oversize weld
辊式点-缝焊机roller spot-and>seam welding machine
辊式缝焊机roller-type seam welding machine
辊轮式小车焊缝跟踪装置carriage roller follower
边缘焊缝edge weld
连续焊缝continuous weld
连续滚焊焊缝continuous seam weld
退火焊缝annealing weld
铝热焊接焊缝thermit weld
铲边焊缝bevel groove weld
闪光对焊焊缝flash butt weld
闭式焊缝closed weld
高频直缝焊技术high frequency straight welding technology
高频直缝焊管high frequency butt-welded pipe
鱼口状焊缝fish mouth weld
鳞状焊缝ripple weld