
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
三日three-day fever
不加塑料温室unheated plastic greenhouse
不加秧田non-heated rice nursery
不耐因子thermolabile factor
不耐thermolabile enzyme
不透辐射athermancy (athermantia)
不透辐射athermous (athermus)
东海岸由小泰勒虫引起的一种牛的血孢子虫病East Coast fever
中央加central heating
中山雨林midmountain rain-forest
二维传导方程two-dimensional heat equation
subtropics (zona subtropica)
warm temperate zone
subtropical zone (zona subtropica)
植物warm temperate district
植物subtropical district
带作物subtropic crops
带作物subtropical crops
带作物sub-tropical crop
带养蚕subtropical sericulture
带园艺subtropical gardening
带园艺学subtropical gardening
带地区warm temperate region
带山区subtropical mountains
带木本植物subtropical woody plant (planta lignosa subtropica)
带林subtropical zone forest
带林warm temperate forest
带林subtropical forest (silva subtropica)
带林区subtropical forest zone
带果树subtropical fruits (fructae subtropicae)
带果树subtropic fruits
带果树subtropical fruit tree (fructae subtropicae)
带果树subtropic fruit trees
带果树栽培subtropic fruit culture
带棕榈subtropical palm
带植物subtropic plants (plantae subtropicae)
带气候型warm-temperate climate type
带沼泽subtropical marsh
带灌木群系subtropical shrub formation (formatio fruticosa subtropica)
带的subtropical (semitropicus)
带的semitropical (semitropicus)
带的subtropic (subtropicus)
带的cosmotropical (cosmotropicus)
带种subtropical species (species subtropicus)
带草本植物subtropical herb (herba subtropica)
带荒漠植被subtropical desert vegetation (vegetatio desertora subtropica)
带荒漠气候subtropical desert climate (caelum desertorum subtropicale)
带雨林warm temperate rain forest
呼吸thermogenic respiration (respiratio thermogena)
有机物thermal organism
生物thermal organism (organismus thermalis)
thermogenic (thermogenus)
calorigenic (calorigenus)
细菌thermogenc bacteria (bacteria thermogenaie)
细菌thermal bacteria
产乳milk fever
产犊calving fever
介电加dielectric heating
代谢metabolic heat
容量capacity for heat transmission
低地带雨林lowland tropic rainforest
使过parboil (perbullire)
heat supplied
量计算heat load calculation
依赖于的光抑制作用heat-dependent photoinhibition
假绝 线pseudo-adiabatic (pseudoadiabaticus)
假绝线pseudo-adiabat (pseudoadiabatus)
假绝对流pseudo-adiabatic convection
假绝直减率pseudo-adiabatic lapse rate
单位photothermal unit
周期thermophotoperiodism (thermophotoperiodismus)
photothermal (photothermalis)
需要量photothermal requirement
光合极限photosynthetic heat limit
交换器total heat exchanger
全部传系数overall coefficient of heat transfer
内源性原激活因子endogenous pyrogen acting factor
内部集太阳能利用温室internal solar collection greenhouse
冈比亚由 Trypanosoma gambiense 所致Gambian fever
农业研究hot spot of agricultural research
槽法木材防腐open-tank process
冷冻排refrigerating load
除去热量subtraction of heat
分光变阻测spectrobologram (spectrobologramma)
分子容量molecular heat capacity
分蜂swarming fever
initial heat
horse latitudes
带东风带subtropical easteries
带林subtropical zone forest
带气候型subtropical climate type (typus climaticus subtropicus)
带的subtropical (subtropicus)
带的subtropics (subtropicus)
带高subtropical anticyclone
带高 压区subtropical high pressure zone
值下限lower heating value
减轻mitigation of heating
heating plot
heating block
器部件heater block
复活作用heat reactivation
干燥thermal dehydration
溶解thermal dissolution
灭菌法stassanization (stassanisatio)
的废水thermal effluent
的废水waste heat
的废水heated effluent
秧田苗床hot rice-nursery bed
能力heating capacity
脱水thermal dehydration
软水法water softening by heating
过度湿润表面overheated moist surface
过度蜂蜜over-heated honey
加权总传导系数weighted overall coefficient of heat trans mission
加权总传系数weighted overall coefficient of heat trans mission
动力增温变dynamic heating
动物量animal calorimeter
化合combing heat
化学力学chemical thermodynamics (chemothermodynamica)
半干旱带地区semi-arid tropics
危险dangerous overheating
原子atomic heat
原子运动atomic thermal motion
厩肥发发酵,腐熟manure heating
厩肥发温床manure-heated hotbed
反射加reflex (reflexus)
calorification (calorificatio)
中心thermogenic center (centrus thermogenus)
heat value
febrile (febrilis)
发动机预engine heating device
害子粒heat-damaged kernel
heating up surface
thermotropism (thermotropismus)
caloritropism (caloritropismus)
量单位unit of heat content
endothermal (endothermus)
endothermic (endothermus)
呼吸heat by respiration
呼吸量计respiration calorimeter
呼吸的动力学常数△G in respiration
植物philotherm (philotherma)
嗜酸细菌thermoacidophilic bacteria (bacteria thermoacidophilae)
thermophily (thermophilia)
细菌thermophile (bacteria thermophiles)
细菌thermophilic bacteria (bacteria thermophiles)
蛋白酶thermophilic protease
四日quartan fever
土壤状况soil thermal regime
土壤通量soil heat flux
土壤中交换soil-air heat exchange
土壤发soil heating
土壤空气交换soil-air heat exchange
土表soil surface heat flux
geothermy (geothermia)
在农业的应用application of geothermal energy in agriculture
geothermic (geothermus)
geothermal (geothermus)
盐溶液geothermal brine
资源保护protection of geothermal resource
地下加underground heating
垂直交流式交换器cross-flow heat exchanger
城市岛效应thermal island effect of city
壁虱由壁虱咬伤而致tick fever
复原recovery heat
太阳消毒solar heat disinfection
太阳能利用solar thermal utilization
太阳能加solar-heat collector
thermophilic (thermophilus)
藻类thermophilic algae (algae thermophiles)
子粒发heating of grains
完全散full radiator
家畜产livestock generated heat
家畜体平衡thermal balance of livestock (body)
尾气水器exhaust gas water heater
山羊goat fever
"市场""market craze"
常绿带雨林evergreen tropical rainforest
指标xerothermal index
灭菌hot air sterilization
灭菌器hot air sterilizer
灭菌箱sterilizing oven
灭菌箱hot air oven
生境xerothermic habitat
xerothermic (xerothermicus)
hot spells
干旱亚带地区dry subtropical region
干旱亚带地区arid subtropics
干绝线dry adiabat
干绝dry adiabat
干草hay fever
干草发heating of hay
干草发hay heating
干草发hay fire-fanging
平衡的动力学常数△G at equilibrium
指床温bottom heat
refuse heat
加热锅炉waste-heat boiler
干燥waste-heat drying
水产养殖thermal aquaculture
水产养殖waste heat aquaculture
开阔炎open and hot place
得克萨斯Texas fever
微波透microwave diathermy
传递系数coefficient of over-all heat transmission
收支gross heat budget
总传overall heat transfer
总发gross heat value
thermolabile (thermolabilis)
扁管散flat tubular radiator
resistant to heat
品种heat resistant variety
thermal resistance (thermoresistantia)
hardiness to heat
植物heat-resisting plant
thermophylactic (thermophylacticus)
真核生物heat-resistant eukaryote
拟稻false blast
插人insertion hotspot
改良水消毒法modified hot water disinfection methed
release of heat
exothermic (exothermus)
heat radiating
中心thermolytic center
材料coolant material
cooling fin
insulating material
stylo foam
带区neotropical realm
带区指植物Neotropical Region
带的neotropical (neotropicus)
旋管加coil heater
spring fever
晚秋晴相当于秋老虎All Saints' summer
晚秋晴相当于秋老虎All-hallown summer
暖气加warm-air heating
暖气加系统warm air heating system
有散片加热管finned heating pipe
有散片汽缸finned cylinder
有机物质产calorific power on organic matter
有翅加finned heating pipe
未加空气式干燥机unheated air drier
果园防霜冻空气加orchard heater
枯草peach cold
枯草发heating of hay
染色体指染色体突变点chromosome hot spot
根出条的水处理hot water treatment of suckers
激蛋白specific heat-shock proteins
气味氧化法thermal oxidation for odor
气味烧法thermal oxidation for odor
叶脉沉积物hydrothermal vein deposit
叶脉沉积物hydrothermal deposit
水管加温床pipe-heated hotbed
油子蒸汽加oil-seed steam heater
油炉加式育雏器oil-heated brooder
带植物pantropical plant (planta pantropica)
带植物pantropic plant (planta pantropica)
洛基山斑疹Rocky Mountain spotted fever
流行性出血epidemic hemorrhagic fever
涡流交换turbulent heat exchange
指数thermal index
环境thermal environment
疗法heat therapy
温室量平衡greenhouse heat balance
温床电electric seedbed heater
温度thermodynamic scale of temperature
湿天气sticky weather
湿humid tropics
湿垫和风扇散pad and fan cooling
湿润带林humid tropical forest
湿绝直减率wet-adiabatic lapse rate
湿绝直减率moist-adiabatic lapse-rate
湿绝线saturation adiabat
蓄热材料phase change material
蓄热材料latent heat storage material
蓄热槽latent heat storage unit
潮湿带地区wet tropics
潮湿带地区humid tropical region
hot (thermus)
sultriness (aestus)
hot day
torrid (torridus)
荒漠克隆hot-desert clone
荒漠无性系hot-desert clone
煤气加式育雏室gas-heated brooder
煤炉加育雏器coal-heated brooder
熔化latent heat of fusion
燃料加风干fuel heating air drying
燃油加式蒸煮器oil-heated steamer
燃烧回收heat collection of combustion
牛三日three-day sickness of cattle
牛三日three-day sickness of cattle
牛三日病毒dengue virus
牛恶性卡他malignant catarrhal fever of cattle
牛运输shipping fever
牧场stockyard fever
甘蔗水处理hot water treated cane
calorific (calorificus)
力的calorifacient (calorifaciens)
生物力学biothermodynamics (biothermodynamica)
生物杀菌biothermal disinfection
生物消毒biothermal disinfection
生物量biocalorimetry (biocalorimetrica)
田间field heat (量)
元件式蒸汽发生器steam generator with electric heating element
electric stove
式育雏器electric brooder
electrothermal method
温床electric-heated hotbed
育苗器electrically-heated nursery
电气electrolic heat
电气加electric heating
电气加温床hotbed by electric heating
电源散power supply heat sinking
畜舍水供暖hot water heating for livestock house
畜舍湿平衡heat and moisture balance in livestock house
畜舍获得heat obtainment of livestock house
畜舍量损失heat loss from livestock house
畜舍失heat loss from livestock house
畜舍得heat obtainment of livestock house
畜舍隔thermal insulation of livestock house
病毒处理virus heat treatment
白蛉病毒sandfly fever virus
皮下微敏电阻器hypodermic microthermister
秆节稻rice node blast
old wives summer
秋水仙碱力学活性colchicine thermodynamic activity
种子发heating of seeds
种子用中子照射seed irradiation with thermal neutron
purple spot
果园防冻空气加wind heater
空气加air-heating furnace
空气散air-cooling fin
突变mutational hot spot
管道加温床甘薯育苗用flue-heated hot bed
红外线infrared heating
红外加infrared hot plate
红外线加heating by infrared rays
红外线加干燥infra-red drying
红外线加干燥器infra-red heat drier
组织发tissue fever
细胞heat rigor of cell
容器heat insulation container
曲线adiabatics (adiabatica)
树皮heat-insulating bark
adiathermal (adiathermalis)
adiabatic (adiabaticus)
线adiabat (adiabate)
罗得西亚Rhodesian fever
产品thermostable product
原核生物heat-tolerant prokaryote
品种hot-steady variety
heat tolerance
植物thermophyte (thermophyta)
tolerant to heat
thermotolerant (thermotolerans)
thermostable (thermostabilis)
thermoduric (thermodurus)
细菌thermotolerant bacteria (bacteria thermotolerantes)
蔬菜heat hardy vegetables
蛋白thermostable protein
蛋白酶thermophilic protease
病细菌enteric bacteria (bacteria enterae)
gastric fever
腐败septic fever
花粉由花粉引起感染鼻与喉的病hay fever
苗床加seedbed heater
茎抗stem heat resistance
蒸汽加坑道steam-heating pit
蒸汽加干燥塔steam-heated drying tower
蒸汽加温床hotbed by steam heating
方式thermal storage system
方式thermal energy storage system
材料thermal energy storage material
thermal energy storage tank
蛋白质力学protein thermodynamics
蜂窝散honeycomb radiator
融化melting heat
融合的力学thermodynamics of fusion
螺旋管式散coiled radiator
血红蛋白尿牛巴贝西虫病hemoglobinuric fever
被动抗passive heat resistance
alexipyretic (alexipyreticus)
计算机设计thermal design of computer
平衡negative heat balance
incandescence (incandescentia)
incandescent cloud
中子激活分析epithermal neutron activation analysis
inperheating method
epithermal (epithermalis)
超喜古生菌hyperthermophilic archaebacteria (archaebacteria hyperthermophilicae)
超绝状况superadiabatic state
超绝直减率superadiabatic lapse rate
转化transformation heat
轻型产褥milk fever
辅助加supplemental heater
辐射交换radial exchange
辐射干燥radiant-heat drying
辐射致发光radiothermoluminescence (radiothermoluminescentia)
管辐射面coil radiation surface
输人heat input
水汽superheated vapor
程度degree of superheat
过量excessive heat
过量excess heat
tropophilous (tropophilus)
细菌thermotropic bacteria (bacteria thermotrophae)
逆流式交换器counterflow heat exchanger
thermopenetration (thermopenetratio)
透光断light transmissive and thermally insulated wall
通用加utility heater
遗传genetic hot spot
torridity (torriditas)
加温biological warming
厩肥heating manure
材料heating material
温床manure-heated hotbed
温床fermentation hotbed
ferment material
heat generator
heating material
重组recombination hotspot
重量容量weight heat capacity
器弹calorimetric bomb
calorimetry (calorimetria)
calorimetric (calorimetricus)
果园用防霜 风吹送器frost protection blower
容器insulated containers
insulating groove
鱼舱insulated fishroom
集中加concentrated heating
植物生长的常数thermal constant
植物生长的thermometric constant
带常绿阔叶树non-tropical evergreen-broadleaved tree
带的non-tropical (intropicus)
风通风仓库storage drier without heat
非绝变化diabatic change
非绝non-adiabatic (inadiabaticus)
非绝diabatic (diabaticus)
顺流式交换器parallel-flow heat exchanger
preheating period
风洞式散sectional radiator
马丁在十一月十一日前后晴暖期St. Martin's summer
马尔他Malta fever
高地带雨林upland tropic rain-forest
高频加radio frequency heating
高频率电high frequency heating
黑尿black-water fever
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