
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 热体 | all forms | in specified order only
中间包直流等离子体加热器DC plasma tundish heater (In addition, a DC plasma tundish heater is installed on the slab caster with an annual capacity of 800, 000 tonnes to heat the molten steel in the tundish. 此外,将直流等离子体中间包加热器安装到这台年生产能力 80 万 t 的板坯连铸机上,用于加热中间包内钢水。)
中间包等离子体加热plasma tundish heating
中间包等离子体加热器plasma tundish heater
中间包等离子体加热器PTH (In addition, the application of PTH also greatly reduced the occurrence of submerged entry nozzle clogging. 此外,使用中间包等离子体加热器还大幅度降低了浸人式水口堵塞的发生。)
中间包等离子体加热系统plasma heating system for tundish
中间包等离子体加热装置PTH system
热体heater unit
半导体热电堆semiconductor thermopile
单位炉释热量heat liberation per unit furnace volume
单位炉子体积散热量heat removal per unit of furnace volume
单位炉子体积释热量heat liberation per unit furnace volume
卡尔梅特奥氏体镍铬铝耐热钢Calmet (含 25Cr,12Ni)
受热影响的基体金属heat affected base metal (焊件的)
吸热型气体endothermic gas
吸热型气体发生炉endothermic gas generator
吸热型气体发生设备endogas unit
吸热性气体endothermic gas
吸热性气体发生炉endothermic gas generator
固体比热specific of solid
奥氏体形变热处理钢ausforming steel
奥氏体形变热处理钢ausform steel
奥氏体形变热处理钢丝ausformed steel wire
奥氏体热模具钢austenitic hot die steel
奥氏体耐热钢austenitic heat resistance steel (【技】一种具有单一奥氏体组织的耐热钢。含有较高的奥氏体形成元素,例如镍、锰、氮等,具有较高的强度和组织稳定性,常用于在高温环境下工作的部件。)
奥氏体耐热铸钢austenitic heat resistance cast steel (【技】一种基体为奥氏体的耐热铸钢,镍含量较高。具有较高的高温强度和抗氧化性,良好的铸造和焊接性能。)
富吸热型气体rich endogas
工艺热气体hot process gas
带式电阻加热体strip heater
惰性气体保护加热炉inert atmosphere heating furnace
惰性气体保护加热炉inert atmosphere furnace
放热型气体发生炉exothermic gas generator
放热性气体exothermic gas
放热性气体发生炉exothermic gas generator
整体热处理的full-body heat-treated
DX 无氧化加热用保护气体DX gas
杰索普 H₄₀ 铁素体耐热钢Jessop H₄₀
气体煤气预热器gas preheater
气体搅动电弧再加热gas stirring arc reheating
气体搅拌电弧再加热gas-stirring arc reheating
气体比热specific heat of gas
液体传热liquid heat transfer
溶体比热specific of melt
烧液体燃料的加热器liquid-fired heater
烧液体燃料的加热炉liquid-fired heating furnace
热体hot body
热导体heat conductor
热导体合金thermal conductor alloy
热导式气体分析仪thermal conductivity gas analyser
热核等离子体thermonuclear plasma
热电晶体pyro-electric crystal
热等离子体hot plasma
热等静气体加压成型hot isostatic compacting with pressurized gas
热绝缘体thermal barrier
热绝缘体thermal insulator
热绝缘体heat barrier
热萃取气体分析hot extraction gas analysis
珀内尔高碳钢全贝氏体热处理法Purnell process
珠光体耐热钢pearlitic heat-resistant steel (【技】在正火状态下显微组织由铁素体加珠光体所组成的一类耐热钢。此类钢合金元素含量少,工艺性能好,广泛用于 600°C 以下工作的锅炉管、气包、紧固件和转子。)
电弧等离子体加热arc plasma heating
直流等离子体中间包加热器direct current plasma tundish heater
直流等离子体中间包加热器DC plasma tundish heater
碳化硅发热体silit heating element
等离子体加热炉plasma furnace
粉状固体填料化学热处理法D•A. L. Diffusion Alloys Ltd. process
热体thermal insulator
热体heat guard
绝热型固体保护渣insulation solid flux
绝热型固体保护渣insulating solid powder
螺旋式加热体spiral heater
贝氏体热处理bainitic heat treatment
贫吸热型气体lean endogas
贫放热型气体lean exogas
超导体混态热导率mixed-state thermal conductivity of superconductor
热体heating agency
热体heat carrying agent
过冷奥氏体亚稳定区均热淬火aus-bay quenching
还原气体换热器reducing gas heat exchanger
钢水等离子体加热法plasma heating method for liquid steel
TAF 铁素体耐热合金钢TAF steel
铁素体耐热钢heat-resistant ferritic steel (【技】具有单相铁素体组织的耐热钢,通常含有较高的铬和一定数量的硅和铝。)
杰索普 F₄₀铁素体耐热钢Jessop H₄₀
非热溶体athermal solution
预热气体preheating gas
马氏体耐热钢martensitic heat resistant steel
高发热值放热型气体rich exothermic gas
高发热值放热型气体rich exogas
高发热值放热气体high-heating-value exothermic gas
高发热值的放热型气体rich exothermic gas (含 CO 及 H₂ 量较高)
高发热值的放热型气体rich exogas