
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
多址微波通信系统point-to-multipoint microwave system
多址微波通信系统point to multi-point microwave communication system
突破penetration at a single point
对接机构three-point docking mechanism
three-point method (导弹攻击目标的一种导引法)
three point method
法导引弹道trajectory by three-point guidance
法导航线line-of-sight course (导弹飞行路线始终位于目标和控制点的连线上的)
三态triple point
三角测量trig point
三角测量又称 trig point triatomic molecule 三原子分子triangulation station
三重triple point
三阶截距third-order intercept point (总载波输出功率特定值的)
三阶截距third order intercept point (转发器性能指标之一)
上节upper node
subpoint (人造地球卫星的)
轨迹subpoint track (人造地球卫星的)
下层节lower level node (软件用)
下节lower node
下降最低top of descent
火故障自毁non-ignition fault self-destruction
不互通交叉incompatible crosspoints (网络)
不变invariant point
不盈不亏break-even point
不饱满焊insufficient solder joint
专用网接入private network access point
专用网络节接口private network-node interface
业务交换service switching point
业务接入service access point
业务控制service control point
业务访问service access point
east point
bi-point method (一种导弹导引方法)
近值问题two point boundary value problem
接地neutral earthing
电压mid-point voltage
馈电天线centre fed aerial
中央转移central transfer point
中心光central pipper
中心光center dot
中性中和neutral point
中间网络节intermediate network node
串并联触网络series-parallel contact network
临界change point
临界火压力critical ignition pressure
principal point (of photograph)
火器primary igniter
导弹主动段终高度all-burnt altitude
主发动机main engine ignition
主合principal vanishing point
主导极dominant pole
主测试major test point
主焦prime focus
主节周期host node cycle
主要控制principal control point
主要目标primary target point
会合collision point
传输零电平transmission level point
伪故障pseudo fault point
低共熔eutectic melting point
低凝固low freezing point
低沸溶剂low-boiling solvent
低电压火系统low-voltage ignition system
低空防御low level point defense
低远地low apogee
住宅和居民广播卫星业务homestead and community broadcasting satellite service (澳大利亚)
假设瞄准assumed aiming point
偏近eccentric anomaly (航天器轨道的)
先断后通触break-before-make con tact
先通后断触make-before-break contact
尺寸light spot size
直径spot size
光学参照optical reference point
光学瞄准制导optical aimpoint guidance
光电火系统optoelectronic ignition system
岁差precession of the equinoxes
根数equinoctial elements
分割break point
分支tapping point
气流分离separation point
分离point of separation
分离距离separation point distance (航天器从发射点到分离点的星下点之间距离)
分解decomposition point
切割器火设备guillotine firing unit
切换switching point
初始向量显示initial vector display point
初始瞄准initial aiming point
初步落参数primary parameters of impact
初馏initial boiling point
point transfer device
前端front ignition (固体火箭发动机的)
前置发射leading point launching
化学火器chemical igniter
匹配match point
区域压制炮弹药area denial artillery munition
区域极约束regional pole constrain
ascending/descending node
升交northbound node
升交ascending node (在该点卫星由南向北越过天赤道)
升交时间ascending node time
升交线ascending line of node (卫星升交点至地心的连线)
升交经度longitude of ascending node
升交赤经right ascension of ascending node
升交赤经longitude of ascending node
半功率宽度width between half-power points
半功率宽度half-power width
半功率束宽half-power beamwidth
半功率波束宽度half power beam width
半功率half-power points, rings (雷达天线辐射功率的)
半弹道顶Semivertex angle
半控制镶嵌照片semi-controlled mosaic
vanishing point
控制vanishing point control
同名像corresponding image points
后集back focus
apex (天文学的)
向量vector potential
听觉零aural null
启动point of actuation
启动actuation point
启动火室starting chamber
启动火试验ignition and starting test
启动火限制start ignition limit
启动喷油火器starting fuel-ignition igniter
启测基starting datum mark
钢条吸热decalescence point
唯一特unique feature
计数器dot counter
place, time, object
地-月系对称equilateral points of earth-moon system
地-月系对称equatorial points of earth-moon system
地面火经历时间ground elapsed time of ignition
地面火试验ground firing test
地面实况ground truth site
地面底ground nadir
地面拦截ground intercept point (导弹拦截点在地面上的投影点)
地面控制ground control point (卫星图像上可识别并有精确位置的地面特征点)
坐标原origin of coordinate
坐标原coordinate origin
坐标图圆grid reference
坐标图基准grid reference
复合式火系统hybrid ignition system
复合集测距仪coincidence range finder
复辉recalescence point (铁和铁磁材料的)
夏至summer solstice
夏至first point of Cancer
外加指extra marker
外拉格朗日outer Lagrangian point
交互multipoint interactive
传输架构multicast backbone
分配电视系统multi-point distribution system
加载系统multipoint loading system
对一点multipoint-to-point (一种卫星通信体制)
干扰multiple point jamming
接入multipoint access
接地multipoint grounding
控制器multi-point control unit
波束multiple spot beam
波束天线multi-spot beam antenna
激光点火multiple-point laser ignition
激振系统multipoint vibration excitation system
电视会议multipoint video conferencing
突破penetration at several points
约束multipoint restriction
约束multipoint constraint
调平multipoint leveling
多支全柔壁喷管all flexible plate nozzle with many hinge point
多普勒单定位Doppler point positioning
多火花火器multiple spark igniter
多焦投影polyfocal projection
多瞄准系统multiple aim point system (美国 M-X 导弹的一种欺骗性的配置方式,导弹发射井的数目远大于导弹数,导弹可经常转移地下井)
多路复用器接入访问multiplexer access point
多路多分配multichannel multipoint distribution
多重启动multiple firing
多重瞄准系统multiple aim point system
大地原geodetic origin
大地测量卫星星下geodetic sub-vehicle point
天体下sub-celestial point (地理位置点)
天底三角法nadir point triangulation
天底回波nadir return
天底打孔模片nadir point slotted-template
天底略图nadir point plot
天文astronomical point
天线的第一零波束宽度antenna beamwidth between first nulls
太阳向solar apex
太阳向apex of the surTs way
太阳向apex of the sun's motion
太阳背solar antapex
失速burble point
失速point of stall
和弹体分离head-body separation point
展开法singularity expansion method
小火箭火器microrocket igniter
局部观local view
局部过热local hot spots
居里辐射器Curie point radiator (航天器热控制部件)
屈服yield point (材料的)
屏蔽screened ignition
屏蔽火电缆shielded ignition cable
带补偿修正量的瞄准with offset aim point
开始跟pursuit initial point
开式控制电路触open-type control circuit contacts
开杯闪open-cup flash-point
开杯闪flash point in open cup
开环极open loop pole
开环零open loop zero
引入point of entry
引爆管火装置squib firing unit
弯曲bending point
弱耦合隐式方法loosely-coupled point-implicit scheme
弹下sub-missile point
弹体上半径section radius of body
弹体上截距section intercept of body
弹体上方位角section azimuth of body
弹头再入warhead reentry point
弹头驻温度warhead stagnation temperature
弹底base ignition
弹底火式base-ignition type
弹底引爆point initiating, base detonating (projectile)
弹着collision point
弹着impact point
弹着ballistic impact
弹着十字标志impact point cross (靶图上的)
弹着散布hit dispersion
弹着散布中心center of impact
弹着爆炸impact point detonating
弹着误差impact error
弹着超出impact point out (失灵)
弹着距离range to impact
弹着速度velocity of impact (导弹的)
弹着预测impact point prediction
弹道导弹终防御ballistic missile terminal defense
弹道最高apex of trajectory
弹道特征characteristic point of trajectory
弹道落ballistic impact
弹道顶trajectory peak
弹道顶zenith of trajectory
弹道顶top of the trajectory
弹道顶peak trajectory
弹道顶ballistic peak
强制着陆地compulsory landing point
意外启动accidental firing
意外inadvertent ignition
感应火器induction igniter
成组浮block floating point
战区注射theater injection point
战役特campaign characteristics
战术导弹发射threat missile launch point
战略要point of strategic importance
截击point of interception
截击拦截point of interception
截击intercept point
所有可寻址的all points addressable
扇形无线电指radio fan marker beacon
手动manual ignition
手压resistance welding
手压push welding
信标marker beacon
无线电marker beacon
marker beacon
无线电标天线marker antenna
指定的地面零designated ground zero
指定的爆心投影designated ground zero
处理selected point processing
摄影辐射photographic radiant
改进的防御improved point defense
改进的防御地面发射导弹系统improved point defense surface missile system
改进的防御导弹系统improved point defense missile system (反舰导弹和飞机的自卫系统)
改进的防御/目标截获系统improved point defense/target acquisition system
攻击point of attack
攻击参照attack reference point
星下sub-satellite point (人造地球卫星与地心连线在地球参考椭球面上的交点)
星下subastral point (卫星的)
星下参数sub-satellite point parameters
星下参数sub-satellite parameters
星下轨迹sub-satellite point track (星下点在地面上移动形成的轨迹)
星下轨迹satellite ground track
星关网络接入stargate satellite network access point
星箭分离satellite-rocket separation point
星表分catalogue equinox
春分vernal equinox
春分first point of Aries
春分改正equinox correction (星表)
春分格林尼治时角GHA of the equinox
最亮跟踪high light tracking
最优瞄准选择selection of optimum aiming point
弹道最低距离perigee distance
最低层节lowest level node (软件用)
最低着火lowest ignition point
最佳启动optimum actuation point
最佳工作optimum operating point
最佳引爆optimum burst point
最佳弹着optimum point of impact
最佳拦截optimum interception point
最大功率maximum power point (太阳电池或太阳电池阵的)
最大功率跟踪器maximum power point tracker
最大吸收maximum absorption point
最大安全火电流maximum safe firing current
最大强度point of maximum intensity
最大远地peak apogee
最小火功率minimum firing power
最小火电流minimum firing current
最小火电流minimum fire current
最小火能量minimum ignition energy
最接近的进入point of closest approach
最终截击final interception point
最近接近closest point of approach
最长稳态火时间maximum steady state burn (火箭发动机连续点火的最长时间)
最顶层节top-most node
弹道最高距离apogee distance
月下sublunar point
月交周期period of moon's node
月球三角moon triangular point
月球三角平动moon triangular libration point
月面星下sub-satellite point for moon (月球探测器的)
有效工作终压强effective action time final pressure
有效工作终推力effective action time final thrust
有限finite firing (有限推力持续点火的航天器轨道机动方式)
有限finite burn (同 finite firing)
核武器期望爆心地面投影desired ground zero
service本地多分配系统local multipoint distribution system (业务,一种宽带无线接入方式)
本性奇essentially singular point
机械式安全火装置mechanic ignition foolproof device
杀伤飞行器的拦截intercept point of KV
punctuation bit
标准火装置standard firing unit
标定calibration point
标志aiming point
标称弹着nominal impact point
标称进入nominal entry point (美国航天飞机的)
树脂凝结resin set point
树节node of tree (软件用)
树顶节top node of tree (软件用)
校核check point
校核基checking datum mark
校检check point
样条有限spline finite points method
火部件nuclear ignition part
根节root node (软件用)
格网质particle in cell method
气动谐振gas dynamic resonance ignition
气流分离burble point
水准原leveling origin
水准原basic leveling origin
水平测量levelling point
水平测量leveling test point
survey station
测定目标坐标determination of target point coordinates
测距装置定位DME fix (用测距测向导航设备确定的地理位置)
测量清单list of measurement points
温度和露temperature and dewpoint
漏过break through point
位置focal position
半径focal spot radius
focus object method
直径focal spot diameter
馈电抛物面focal-point-feed parabola
核弹爆心地面投影ground zero (point)
爆炸bursting point
爆炸burst point
爆炸分布密度burst point distribution density
爆燃deflagration point
爬升上升top of climb
父节father node (软件用)
理论零theoretical origin
导弹理论顶theoretical cusp point
理论顶point of theoretical cusp (计算导弹参数、外形尺寸所选择的参考原点)
electric ignition
火器electric igniter
火头electric igniter
火头electric firing head
火管electric ignition tube
火装置electric ignition device
火装置electric firing lock
电子渗漏electronic leaky point
电容储能condenser discharge spot welding
电容式火系统capacitance ignition system
电弧arc spot welding
电零electrical zero
电零electrical null
真春分true vernal equinox
真春分true equinox
真近true anomaly
着火firing point
着火inflammation point
着陆landing point
着陆场选择landing site selection
着陆实时预报landing point real-time prediction
着陆控制landing point control
着陆散布范围dispersion area of landing point
着陆标志landing point designator
着陆标识器landing point designator
着陆精度landing point accuracy
着陆预报landing point prediction
程序转弯进港procedure turn inbound
稳定工作stable operation point
第一火器primary igniter
第一拉格朗日first Lagrangian point
第一次静态first static firing
第二级火箭发动机second-stage ignition
等待waiting point
等离子isoionic point
等边三角形equilateral triangle point
net list (描述电路网点关系的表格)
网格电离层垂直延迟误差指示器grid ionospheric vertical errors indicator
耐受终tolerance endpoint (停止耐力试验的指标)
脆化brittle point
脆变embrittlement point
脉冲pulse firing
脉冲pulsed spot welding
火箭脱离separation point
导弹离运载飞机的脱钩release point
脱靶miss point
航向airway point (飞航导弹飞到航向点时自动转变航向)
航向导航course point navigation
航空航天局标准火器NASA standard initiator (美国)
航线终point of destination
航路way point
impact point
point of descent
point of fall
down point
中心center of impact
偏差impact point error
偏差deviation of impact point
分布图impact pattern
射程impact range (导弹的)
控制impact point control
散布hit dispersion
概率偏差probable deviation of impact point
横向偏差impact lateral deviation
测量impact point measurement
算法calculation method of impact
线impact line
距离impact range
选择selection of impact point
限制线impact limit line
预报prediction of impact point (值)
预报impact point prediction
落地ground impact point
potential of a particle
动力学dynamics of a particle
动力学dynamic of a particle
撞击particle hit
质量工程有效控制quality engineering significant control points
质量控制缺报告quality-control deficiency report
逆温point of inversion
逆温转折inversion point
逆转reversal points method
选定的检查designated inspection point
透明clear point
扫描point-by-point scanning
检查spot check
计算point-by-point computation
通信检测communications checkpoint
通信节communication node
通过近地perigee passage
镁系火药magnesium type ignition composition
阳极anode firing
阳极辉斑点anode spot
阴极射线管光扫描器cathode-ray tube spot scanner
阴极辉斑点cathode spot
附加极additional pole
附加零additional zero
陆地接入节terrestrial access node
降交south bound node (卫星运行轨道的)
降交线descending line of node (卫星轨道降交点至地心的连线)
降交经度longitude of descending node
降交轨道descending node orbit
卫星降交轨道descending node orbit
降落alighting point
试验dew point test
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