
Terms for subject Economy containing 点数 | all forms | in specified order only
今天上证 A 股指数开盘1651.71点,最高至1673.13 点,收盘 1667.39 点Today A shares in Shanghai opened at the index of 1651.71, touched the peak of 1673.13 and finished at 1667.39
众数点a modal point
各级相差点数point gradation
吊货点数the sling tally
固定小数点表示法fixed point representation
固定小数点项目fixed decimal point item
基数点basis points
岸上点数tally ashore
我方将及时在指定的地点提供必要数量的材料供建造工厂使用We shall supply necessary amount of materials for the construction of the plant in time at the designated point
托运人装运并点数shipper's load and count
数据小点data bits
服务地点差价调整数WAPA system weighted average of post adjustment system
杜威小数点系统Dewey decimal system
杜威小数点系统十进位制度Dewey decimal system
浮动小数点制floating point system
浮动小数点表示法floating point representation
点数供应a point of rationing
点数供应point of rationing
点数供给point of rationing
点数tally man
点数配给points rationing
船边点数the shipside tally
超迄点数point spread