
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
核爆事故, 来自原子核的快速反应而释放的能量,可产生高温和潜在地危害人类健康和环境的辐射。nuclear explosion accident, An unintentional release of energy from a rapid reaction of atomic nuclei yielding high temperatures and radiation potentially harmful to human health and the environment
TNT trotyl
explosive A substance, such as trinitrotoluene, or a mixture, such as gunpowder, that is characterized by chemical stability but may be made to undergo rapid chemical change without an outside source of oxygen, whereupon it produces a large quantity of energy generally accompanied by the evolution of hot gases (一种物质,如三硝基甲苯,或混合物,如火药。化学性质稳定,但可能在没有外界氧气的情况下发生剧烈的化学变化,产生大量的能量,伴随有大量热气产生。)
explosion A violent, sudden release of energy resulting from powders or gases undergoing instantaneous ignition or from some other means of detonation, often accompanied by a force producing great amounts of heat, major structural damages, shock waves and flying shrapnel (粉末或气体在瞬间引燃,或通过其他的方式引爆而引起的剧烈的突然释放的能量的过程。通常伴随着有巨大热能产生的力、巨大的结构损坏、冲击波和高速碎片。)
生命大爆life explosion