
Terms for subject Nautical containing | all forms
三锅筒水管锅yarrow boiler
三锅筒锅triple-header boiler
三锅筒锅triple-drum boiler
全水冷壁锅all water wall boiler
再热重热炉reheating furnace
分联箱横水管锅"Cock and Wilcox" boiler
分联箱横水管锅sectional header boiler
单烟道锅single-pass boiler
卧式烟管锅"scotch" boiler
卧式烟管锅horizontal return flue boiler
去除锅的水垢scaled a boiler
双烟道锅double-pass boiler
双路循环锅double evaporation boiler
双路循环锅dual circulation boiler
双路循环锅double pressure boiler
双锅筒锅double-header boiler
双锅筒锅two-drum boiler
增压锅pressure fired boiler
小型联箱式锅B & W boiler
小型联箱式锅Babcock and Wilcox boiler
带过热器锅的公称压力nominal pressure of the boiler with super-heater
应急航行锅take-home boiler
废气燃油交替式锅alternatively-fired exhaust gas boiler
废气燃油组合式锅composite oil-exhaust gas fired boiler
废气锅exhaust gas economizer
废气锅exhaust gas boilers
废气锅消声器silence boiler
废气锅烟气调节阀exhaust-gas charge over valve
废热锅exhaust heat boiler
开式舱通风open stokehold draft
强制循环锅forced circulation boiling
强力循环锅force circulation boiler
总装锅packaged boiler
感应熔炼induction melting furnace
舱单位容积功率数power refer to engine room unit volume
舱单位长度功率数power refer to engine room unit length
舱单位面积功率数power refer to engine room unit area
舱格栅engine and boiler grating
舱通风engine and boiler room ventilation
每个灶1个1 per stove
每个灶2罐2 tubes per stove
水管锅water tube boiler
水管锅tubular boiler
火焰反射炉flame furnace
火管锅fire-tube boiler
火管锅fire tube boiling
卫舰escort vessel
炉舱工作台firing floor
grate bar
水废气预热器exhaust gas economizer
水强制循环泵boiler forced-circulation pump
水循环加速器hydro kinetor
渣棉silicate cotton wool
灶燃料stove fuel
篦摇动器grate shaker
膛容积热负荷heat release rate in furnace
膛烟气flue gas
舱棚boiler room casing
烟-水管锅fire-water-tube boiler
烟道 Furnace炉膛/反应堆/熔炼funnel flue
热媒油锅thermal oil boiler
焚烧灰渣incinerator ashes
焚烧装置incinerator arrangement
boiling out
燃油oil oven
燃油辅助锅oil-burning auxiliary boiler
燃油锅oil fired boiler
燃油锅oil-firing boiler
燃油锅fired boiling
直接连接在锅及压力容器上的阀门valve attached directly to boilers and pressure vessels
立式横水管锅vertical boiler with horizontal water tubes
立式横烟管锅"Cochran" boiler
立式横烟管锅vertical return tube boiler
立式直水管锅vertical boiler with upright water tubes
立式直烟管锅vertical boiler with upright fire tubes
自然循环锅natural-circulation boiler
船用galley range
船用焚烧shipboard incinerator
船用焚烧标准技术条件船用焚烧炉标准技术规范standard specifications for shipboard incinerators
苏格兰锅圆筒形锅炉scotch boiler
蒸汽加热steam-heated oven
螺栓管水冷stud tube water wall
超高压锅superhigh pressure boiler
辅助锅auxiliary boiler room
辅锅donkey boiler
辅锅auxiliary boiler
重要用途的所有其他锅辅锅炉、废气锅炉、经济器和蒸汽加热蒸汽发生器auxiliary boilers for essential services auxiliary boilers, exhaust boilers, economizers and steam-heated steam generators
重要用途辅锅auxiliary boilers for essential services
重要辅助锅essential auxiliary boiler
二次鼓风机boiler secondary air blower
全自动控制boiler fully-automatic control
前部boiler fronts
半自动控制boiler semi-automatic control
及压力容器的附件attachment of boiler and pressure vessel
及压力容器的隔片distance piece in boilers and pressure vessels
和热油加热器检验boiler and thermal oil heater survey
和给水处理剂测试试剂boiler and feed water treatment and test reagents
基座boiler bearer
底座boiler stool
底座boiler saddle
引风机boiler induced-draft fan
排污管路boiler blow-out pipe line
最大蒸发量boiler maximum continuous rating
机动性试验boiler maneuvering test
水循环boiler water circulation
水循环系统boiler water circulating system
水浓度boiler water density
水舱feed water tank
汽包steam chamber of boiler
点火油柜boiler ignition oil tank
点火泵boiler ignition light oil pump
热交换表面boiler heating surface
热工试验boiler performance test
热工试验boiler evaporative test
热效率boiler efficiency
燃油加热器boiler fuel oil heater
燃油日用柜boiler fuel oil daily tank
燃油柜boiler fuel oil tank
燃油泵boiler fuel oil shaft pump
燃油泵boiler fuel oil pump
燃油澄清柜boiler fuel oil settling tank
燃油系统boiler fuel oil system
燃烧器boiler burner
的传热面积heating surface area on a boiler
的封存preservation of boiler
的特殊检验special survey of boiler
程序控制boiler program control
自动控制装置automatic boiler control system
boiler room
舱天窗stokehold skylight
舱安全出口stokehold escape
舱平台fire room flat
舱梯stokehold ladder
舱舱口stokehold hatch
舱花钢板stokehold floor
药剂柜boiler compound tank
补加水supplementary water
装置boiler unit
调整试验test for combustion control
超负荷蒸发量boiler overload capacity
重油furnace oil
附件equipment subject to a boiler
额定蒸发量boiler rated evaporating capacity
鼓风机boiler forced-draft fan
闭式舱通风closed stokehold draft
非重要用途锅auxiliary boilers for nonessential services
颗粒状granulated slag
鼓风高炉blast furnace