
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 灰 铸铁 | all forms | in specified order only
优质灰铸铁quality grey iron
优质灰铸铁high quality grey iron
加硅处理的灰口铸铁silicium-treated gray cast iron
加硅处理的灰铸铁silicon-treated grey cast iron
加硅处理的灰铸铁silicium-treated gray cast iron
变质灰铸铁modified grey cast iron
奥氏体灰铸铁austenitic grey cast iron
奥氏体灰口铸铁austenitic grey cast iron
普通灰铸铁ordinary quality gray iron
普通灰铸铁ordinary grey cast iron
波尔顿灰铸铁浸蚀剂Bolton's reagent
灰口铁铸件grey iron casting
灰口铸铁grey cast iron
灰口铸铁粉grey cast-iron powder
灰铸铁graphite pig iron
灰铸铁graphitic iron
灰铸铁grey cast iron (【技】通常指 w(C)2. 7% ~ 4. 0%, w(Si)0.5% -3% 和 Mn + P + S≤2% 的铁碳合金。碳量的75% ~ 90%为片状石墨,断口呈暗灰色,故由此得名。灰铸铁以其良好的铸造性能、减震性能、自润滑性能、加工性能、最小的缺口敏感性以及价格低廉等优点,广泛应用于中等负荷下的结构件、复杂的薄壁件以及润滑条件下的耐磨件等。: ① Many varieties of cast iron can be produced, by selection of different pig irons, by variations of the melting conditions in the cupola, and by special alloying additions, but in general the two main classifications are into white cast irons and grey cast irons. 通过选用不同的生铁、化铁炉中不同的化铁条件以及添加专用合金剂等,可以生产出多种铸铁;但一般而言,铸铁分为两大类 --- 白口铸铁和灰铸铁。② The small nodules of spheroidal graphite, however, allow the cast iron to be much stronger and tougher and more shock-resistant than ordinary grey cast iron. 然而小石墨球能使这种铸铁比普通灰铸铁强度更高、韧性更好、抗震性能更为优良。)
灰铸铁grey iron
灰铸铁ferrosteel (由生铁、铸铁、废钢、废铁等混合炼制的)
灰铸铁grey iron castings
灰铸铁grey castiron pipe
灰铸铁grey castiron powder
片状石墨灰铸铁flake graphite gray iron
片状石墨灰口铸铁flake graphite gray iron
珠光体灰铸铁pearlitic grey cast iron
珠光体灰口铸铁pearlitic grey cast iron
生产锻铁用的灰铸铁grey forge pig
轻度麻口灰铸铁lightly mottled gray cast iron
轻度麻口的灰铸铁lightly mottled gray cast iron
输送流体用灰铸铁grey castiron pipe for fluid transport
铁素体灰铸铁ferritic grey cast iron
铁素体灰口铸铁ferritic grey cast iron
高硅珠光体灰铸铁loaded iron
高级灰铸铁high quality grey iron
高级灰铸铁high-grade grey iron