
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
on board (或飞机)
不保灾险是不安全的It is unsafe not to cover insurance against fire
travel to work, ship one's good by rail (去上班)
中救出家具salvage the furniture from the fire
从事刀耕种的农民shifting cultivator
他们从事一种顾客定做业务,生意做得红红They drove a roaring custom-built trade
他们公司要求赔偿五万美元的灾损失Their company claimed $50.000 for fire damage
他们把文件放在防保险柜里They packed the papers in a fireproof safe
使恼wear on
全国灾保险者联合会national board of fire underwriter
全欧车特价证Eurail pass
a military supplier
munition's makers and dealers
商人an army-contractor
工业war industry
工业armament industry
生产计划military programme
美国管制办公室Office of Munitions Control
订货defence job
贩卖arms sales
走私the gun-running
刀耕slash-and-burn cultivation
勿近keep away from fire, and open flame lights (用于易燃品和氧化物)
2500包的棉花被那场大烧毁了2500 bales of cotton were destroyed in the fire
各路车统一售票处consolidated ticket office
国际军运输规则International Traffic in Arms Regulations
地震、战争、水灾、灾等都被认为是不可抗事件Earthquake, war, flood, fire, ect. are considered majeure
地区a conflagration area
她经营一家旅店,生意红She runs a flourishing hotel
如果该财产的任何部分被焚毁或其他意外事故所毁坏或损害,上述的购买价格将予以削减以抵销此损失If any part of the property should be destroyed or injured by fire or other casualty, the purchase price specified above would be abated to the extent or amount of such loss
将卡车拖车装上车的公路铁路联运rail-trailer shipment
库存物资的fire insurance on stock and supplies
open up
海口名 lighterage междун.торг. 开往某海口车上交货驳运费在内价FOB
我们尽了全力使公司业务重新红起来We went to great length to make our company alive again
我们工厂位于车站附近,交通十分便利Our factory is sited near the railway station, and the transportation is very convenient
我们请他们打听车什么时候到达We asked them to find out at what time the train was due
我方在上一封信中提醒你方注意必须给你们的货物投保失窃险和We impressed on you the necessity of insuring your goods against theft and fire in our last letter
扑灭get the fire under
fire resistance
指定车站交货价at named station
挤满了人的a train crowded with people
烧屋fire a house
普尔门式车卧车pullman car (或客车)
普尔门式车卧车pullman (或客车)
森林灾造成的破坏无法描述The damage of a forest fire is beyond description
保险fire and marine insurance
fire and marine insurance
volcano volcanic
山爆发the volcanic eruption
damage by fire
漆封the wax sealing
灾中受损物品廉售fire transaction
灾中受损物品的廉售fire sale
灾保险fire peril
灾保险业者a fire underwriter
灾保险公司fire insurance office
灾保险公司fire insurance company
灾保险单fire policy
灾保险条款fire risk clause
灾保险者联合协会national board of fire under writer
灾保险证书fire insurance policy (保险单)
灾保险费科目fire insurance a/c (账户)
灾区a conflagration area
灾区conflagration area
灾和意外保险the fire and casualty insurance
灾岗位表fire bill
灾承保人a fire underwriter
灾损坏fire damage
灾损失的赔偿fire indemnity
灾损失账户fire loss a/c
灾法规fire statute
storey stove
a fire alarm
车上free on rail (交货价)
车上交货on rail
车上交货franco on rail way
车上交货价free on train
车上交货价free on board truck
车上交货价free on board cars
车渡轮a train ferry
车站交货ex rail (价)
险保单上关于已抵押财产的赔偿顺序条款full contribution mortgage clause
险保单中关于自行纵火不予赔偿的条款an arson clause
险及盗窃险the fire and theft insurance
由于该项货品的质量问题,消费者对卖货人发The consumer is cross with the seller at the quality of the article
经由travel to work, ship one's good by rail (装运商品)
美国国际军清单International Munitions List
美国的酒精、烟草与器局Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)
翱翔hover train
行政管理大楼昨天发生The administration block was on fire last night
车抵达时误点两小时The arrival of the train is two hours overdue
货主自负灾风险owner's risk of fire
货物灾险fire risk on freight
货运fire risk on freight
运载launching vehicle
避开明与灯火keep away from fire and open flame lights
prevention of fire
结构fire proof construction
设备fire prevention device
隔舱壁fire bulkhead
a fire wall