
Terms for subject Technology containing 火泥 | all forms | in specified order only
低水泥含量的耐火浇注料low cement refractory castable
低钙铝酸盐耐火水泥low lime aluminate refractory cement
加气波特兰火山灰水泥air-entraining Portland pozzolan cement
加气硅酸盐火山灰水泥air-entraining Portland pozzolan cement
化学结合耐火水泥chemical bonded refractory cement
匣钵修补用耐火泥saggar cement
填补用耐火水泥refractory patching cement
山多林火山灰水泥Santorine cement
微骨料火山灰质波特兰水泥fine filler pozzolana Portland cement
微骨料火山灰质硅酸盐水泥fine filler pozzolana Portland cement
有核火山泥球构造nuclear volcanic mud ball structure
正粒序火山泥球构造normal graded volcanic mud ball structure
气硬性耐火泥air-setting refractory mortar
气硬性耐火水泥air-setting refractory cement
气硬性耐火水泥air-hardening refractory cement
气硬性耐火水泥砂浆air-setting refractory cement mortar
水硬耐火水泥hydraulic refractory cement
水硬性耐火泥hydraulic setting mortar
波特兰火山水泥Portland-pozzolana cement
波特兰火山水泥混凝土Portland-pozzolana concrete
泥流火山碎屑mud lava
泥火山mud lump
泥火山mud cone (锥)
泥火山一底辟背斜聚集带accumulation zone of mudlump and diapir fold
泥火山气mud-volcanic gas
泥火山锥puff cone
泥盆纪火成岩Devonian igneous rocks
火泥ladle clay
混杂的火山灰水泥砂浆bastard trass mortar
火山型泥石流volcanic type mud-stone flow
火山沉积泥岩volcanic-sedimentary mudstone
火山泥和火山砂volcanic muds and sands
火山泥流lahar (物)
火山泥球凝灰岩volcanic mud ball tuff
火山灰水泥pozzolan cement
火山灰水泥pozzolanic cement
火山灰水泥trass cement
火山灰水泥pozzolana cement
火山灰水泥glaze cement
火山灰水泥silica cement
火山灰水泥pozzolana mixed cement
火山灰水泥terras cement
火山灰水泥混凝土Roman concrete
火山灰水泥砂浆trass cement mortar
火山灰水泥砂浆pozzolana cement mortar
火山灰水泥砂浆pozzolan cement mortar
火山灰波特兰水泥trass Portland cement
火山灰波特兰水泥pozzolanic Portland cement
火山灰泥板岩ashy shale
火山灰石灰水泥pozzolan-lime cement
火山灰石灰水泥灰泥trass lime cement mortar
火山灰石灰水泥灰浆trass lime cement mortar
火山灰石灰灰泥trass lime mortar
火山灰矿渣水泥pozzolanic blast-furnace cement
火山灰硅酸盐水泥port land pozzolan cement
火山灰硅酸盐水泥pozzolan portland cement
火山灰硅酸盐水泥trass Portland cement
火山灰硅酸盐水泥pozzolanic silicate cement
火山灰硅酸盐水泥pozzolanic Portland cement
火山灰质水泥pozzolan cement
火山灰质水泥tarras cement
火山灰质水泥砂浆trass cement mortar
火山灰质水泥砂砂trass cement mortar
火山灰质硅酸盐水泥silica cement
火山灰质硅酸盐水泥Portland-pozzolana cement
火泥saggar clay
火泥制品chamotte product
火泥制品chamot ware
火泥制品chamotte ware
火泥制品fireclay body
火泥制品chamot product
火泥容器fireclay container
火泥本体fireclay body
火泥灰浆mortar from chamotte
火泥灰浆chamotte mortar
火泥灰浆mortar from chamot
火泥灰浆chamot mortar
火泥烧制chamotte burning
火泥烧制chamot burning
火泥生料raw fireclay
火泥盖面chamotte facing
火泥盖面chamot facing
火泥fireclay brick
火泥chamotte pipe
火泥chamot pipe
火泥箱土sagger clay
火泥箱土saggar clay
火泥粉末chamotte flour
火泥粉末chamot flour
火泥衬砌chamotte lining
火泥衬砌chamot lining
火泥通风管chamotte vent pipe
火泥通风管chamot vent pipe
火泥釉砖fireclay sleeve
热固性火泥heat-setting mortar
特种火山灰水泥special pozzolana cement
特种火山灰水泥special pozzolan cement
石灰火山灰水泥lime pozzolanic cement
矶土火泥aluminous fire clay brick
矾土火泥bauxite chamotte
矾土火泥bauxite chamot
矿渣火山灰水泥slag pozzolanic cement
砌砖火泥brick mortar
硅酸盐水泥与火山灰水泥的混合物pozzolana cement
硅酸盐水泥与火山灰水泥的混合物pozzolan cement
硅酸盐水泥耐火浇筑料Portland cement refractory castables
硅酸盐水泥耐火混凝土Portland cement refractory concrete
硅酸盐火山灰水泥Portland trass cement
硅酸盐火山灰水泥Portland-pozzolanic cement
细耐火泥finely ground fire clay
火泥fire clay
火泥refractory mortar
火泥refractory clay mortar
火泥structural clay
火泥refractory mixture
火泥refractory mix
火泥refractory clay
火泥castable refractory
火泥制件fireclay ware
火泥制品fired clay product
火泥商品fireclay goods
火泥屋脊瓦fired clay hip tile
火泥排水落水器fireclay sink unit
火泥曲瓦屋顶fired clay curved tile roof
火泥refractory wad
火泥fireclay ware
火泥bat wash
火泥浴盆fireclay bath tub
火泥混凝土chamotte concrete
火泥混凝土chamot concrete
火泥熟料fireclay grog refractory
火泥脊瓦fired clay ridge tile
火泥fireclay lining
火泥轻质集料fired clay light weight aggregate
火泥轻质骨料fired clay light weight aggregate
耐火填缝灰泥jointing refractory cement
耐火水泥fire-proof cement
耐火水泥fire-resisting cement
耐火水泥fire-proofing cement
耐火水泥fire-coat cement
耐火水泥熔融水泥料refractory fused cement
耐火胶泥refractory mortar
耐火铝水泥refractory alumina cement
耐火高铝水泥refractory alumina cement
花瓣状火山泥球构造petaloid volcanic mud ball structure
轻质火泥lightweight castable
铝酸盐耐火水泥aluminate refractory cement
锆石耐火水泥zircon cement
锆英石火泥zircon mortar
锆镁耐火水泥zircon cement
防火型石棉水泥板non-combustible moulded asbestos cement panel
防火型石棉水泥板non-combustible molded asbestos cement panel
防火石棉水泥板fire-proof asbestos cement board
韵律型火山泥球构造rhythmical volcanic mud ball structure
韵律型火山泥球构造rhythmic volcanic mud ball structure
高炉火山灰水泥blast-furnace trass cement
高铝火泥aluminous fire clay brick