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原油泄服务中心Oil Spill Service Center
国际石油泄会议和展览International Oil Spill Conference & Exhibition
油轮oil spill The accidental release of oil, or other petroleum products usually into freshwater or marine ecosystems, and usually in large quantities. It can be controlled by chemical dispersion, combustion, mechanical containment, and absorption (意外泄漏的石油或其他石油产品,进入淡水或海洋生态系统,通常量大。它可以通过化学分散、燃烧、机械封堵和吸收加以控制。)
leakage The accidental, uncontrolled discharge or seepage of liquids, gases and other substances to unintended and unwanted locations, frequently causing risks of damage or harm to persons, property or the environment (液体、气体和其它有害物质偶然地、不受控制地向非意愿地区地排放或渗漏,经常造成人身、财产或环境的损害或伤害。)
响应自动管理系统automated spill response management system
影响成图spill impact mapping
控制回收阀spill control recovery valve
seepage water Water that moves slowly through small openings of a porous material such as soil or the amount of water that has been involved in seepage (水慢慢通过很小的可渗透物质的开口例如泥土或已经泄漏的水。)
海上泄处理公司Marine Spill Response Corp.
海岸地带原油泄coastal zone oil spill
膜斑模型leaky patch model
澳大利亚海洋防止石油泄中心Australian Marine Oil Spill Center
美国石油泄信息中心Oil Spill Information Center
英国石油泄和鉴定服务处oil spillage and identification service
石油泄回收组织Oil Spill Recovery Organization
石油泄控制协会Oil Spill Control Association
石油泄模块Oil Spill Module
石油泄清除技术oil spill clean-up technology
石油泄管理模拟Oil Spill Management Simulation
石油泄防止与响应Oil Spill Prevention and Response
美国石油泄防治法案Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act
紧急响应査找泄小组Emergency Response Strike Team
美国原油控制协会Spill Control Association of America
美国石油泄和控制协会Oil Spill Control Association of America
苏洛姆沃原油泄咨询委员会Sullom Voe Oil Spills Advisory Committee
英国原油泄控制协会British Oil Spill Control Association
防止泄监控与对策Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure
阿拉斯加波弗特海原油泄响应船Alaska Beaufort sea oil spill res ponse body