
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing | all forms
下降conical depression
气接头vapour-proof connection
气罐vapour tight tank
oil tightness
油的oil tight
油齿轮箱oil-tight gear case
二次泄secondary leakage
lost return
circulation loss
loss circulation
报警器lost circulation alarm
探测器mud loss instruments
速率loss rate of circulation
tax evasion
储罐泄tank leakage
储罐泄tank leak
关闭泄stop-and-waste valve
分离separatory funnel
初级primary leakage
加料mixing hopper
压力pressure funnel
压降pressure drop funnel
压降pressure cone of depression
原油泄oil spillage
含砂量测定sand content funnel
喷射jet blender
喷流混合mixing jet hopper
固体堵材料solid bridging material
地下裂subterranean leak
地层压试验formation leak-off test
地层泄试验formation leak off test
地层渗stratigraphic leakage (新沉积物沉积在老地层内或以下)
地层渗stratigraphic leak (新沉积物沉积在老地层内或以下)
地表surface leakage
基部basal funnel
作业dental work
lost circulation material
lost circulation additive
卡箍leak clamp
collision mat
lost circulation plug
材料lost circulation material
collision mat
lost circulation pill
碎塑料ground plastics
声波检装置sonic leak pinpointing unit
天然气渗gas seepage
套管泄casing leak
完全total loss
密封泄seal leakage
trivial leak
常见common leak
平行渗parallel seep
循环失层lost-circulating zone
pin-hole leak
接地earth leakage
接地电保护earth-leakage protection
控制时间凝固堵time-setting lost circulation plug
搅拌mixer cone
放射性泄radioactive leak
电流bleeder current
涂涂层holiday-free coating
无泄压降线no leak gradient
无泄水力坡降线no leak gradient
机械泄mechanical leakage
leak finding
leak detection
leak detector
试验test for leak
柱塞间隙plunger leakage
leak location
stool pigeon
leak locator
bar hole
清管器leak detecting pig
检查泄leak check
模拟泄simulated leakage
能力shut-off capacity
毛细管capillary leak
气体gas loss
气体泄显示gas leakage manifestation
气体检gas suffer
气枪泄特征波形gun-dropout signature
氯泄radon leakage
水泥混合mixing cement hopper
水泥混合cement hopper
构造sandwatch structure
油泄oil spillage
噪声leakage noise
地点location of leak
定量试验quantitative leak test
容器leak containment
巡察mobile leakage survey
巡逻leakage patrol
检测器leak detector
模式leaky mode
点定位leak location
点定位leak pinpointing
电流stray current
的声波信号acoustic leak signal
试验leak test
试验leak-off test
leakage rate
阻挡层release prevention barrier
泥浆mud loss
泥浆mud hopper
泥浆循环无失上返full returns
pump leakage
活塞blow-by of piston
流体fluid leakoff
流体泄fluid leakoff
leak detector
leak detector
海上offshore oil spill
海上marine oil spill
海运ocean leakage
涂层检holiday detecting
液体泄liquid leakage
液压hydraulic hopper
混台mixing hopper
混合mixing hopper
回流seepage refluxing
地层thief zone
地层absorbent formation
堵剂seepage control material
堵塞剂seepage loss control agent
堵塞剂seepage additive
封堵剂seepage loss sealer
异常leakage anomaly
控制剂filtration-control agent
控制材料seepage control material
leakage halo
检测leak detection
测试test for leak
seepage lake
试验leakage test
通道leak path
渗透性seepage loss
面积spill area
滤液filter funnel
drip leakage
滴液tap funnel
出型波leaking mode
切纤维miss cut fiber
discharge spout
失井absorption well
失井blind hole
失孔leakoff port
失层thief zone
失层lost-circulation zone
失岩层thirsty formation
失带leakage zone
失报警器lost circulation alarm
失控制材料loss control material
失液lost fluid
失试验leakage test
失速度leak-off velocity
失速率leakoff rate
头射流式搅拌器cone-jet mixer
头状侵入体cone intrusion
leakage conductance
loss zone
报利润omission of profit
报收益omission of income
leakage loss
损模拟装置ullage simulation assembly
损等级leakage class
损系数coefficient of leaking
斗口bell end
斗口flare opening
斗尾管tremie tube
斗式搅拌器chance cone agitator
斗式砾石充填tremie-type gravel pack
斗形喀斯特cone karst
斗形导向承口guide funnel
斗形承口导向架funnel-type guide frame
斗形校直承口alignment funnel
斗构造hopper structure
斗状funnel shape
斗状上端funnel shaped upper end
斗状侵入体funnel intrusion
斗状联顶环funnel-shaped landing ring
斗管tremie pipe
斗黏度funnel viscosity
斗黏度计orifice viscometer
斗黏度计funnel viscosimeter
air infiltration
gas blowby
气柱vented gas column
气检查器snoop leak detector
气等级leak grades
气试验gas leakage test
气速率leakage rate
水量water leakage
oil dripping
油事故oil accident
泄位置leak location
泄噪声leakage noise
泄场leakage field
泄损耗leakage loss
泄波leaky mode
泄点leak location
泄的地下储罐leaking underground storage tanks
lack of coating
液点weeping point
液点leaking point
液点气速weep point gas velocity
点修复管卡leak repair clamp
electrical faults
电保护electrical leakage protection
电接地断路器earth-leakage circuit breaker
电绝缘子faulty insulator
电试验leakage test
电阻ohmic leakage
磁场leakage field
磁清管器magnetic-flux leakage pig
磁系数magnetic leakage factor
磁通flux leakage
磁通量magnetic leakage flux
烃类微渗hydrocarbon microseepage
热泄heat leakage
现场标准standard field funnel
电子检electronic leak detector
电振动electric vibrating hopper
皂泡检soap-bubble leak detection
皮尔逊涂层检Pearson holiday detector
相对relative discharge
通量泄magnetic flux leakage
magnetic leakage
magnetic flux leakage
通量泄检查仪MFL tool
通量泄检查仪magnetic flux leakage tool
磁感应磁量检查magnetic induction flux leakage measurement
磁极polar leakage
pipe leak
管子pipe leak
管线检pipeline leak detection
管线泄报警系统leakage alarm system for pipeline
管线泄检测系统pipeline leak-detection system
管线腐蚀泄pipeline corrosion leak
管经泄报警系统leakage alarm system for pipeline
管道检pipeline leak detection
管道检line leak-detection method
管道泄统计检测statistical pipeline leak detection
管道腐蚀泄pipeline corrosion leak
粒状防granular loss circulation material
细腰管型混合venturi-type hopper
绝缘检holiday detector
螺纹thread leak
leakage clamp
垫层patch liner
衬垫patch liner
表面surface leakage
表面密封堵face sealing leakage prevention
观察树木检tree leakage survey
leak-off test
诱发性井induced lost circulation
超声检ultrasonic leak detection
超声波泄检测ultrasonic leakage test
过滤filter cone
通量泄flux leakage
部分partial loss
针眼泄pin-hole leak
钻井液入地层loss of fluid into formation
铁鞋法管道涂层检Pearson survey
错误与遗error and omission
错误遗不在此限errors and omission excepted
valve leakage
阀泄valve leakage
leak protection
卡箍collarleak clamp
外掺料lost-circulation-control admixture
失处理液bridge-type fluid pill
密封leakproof seal
阻抗检impedance leak detecting method
降落conical depression
静电泄electrostatic leakage
马氏斗黏度Marsh funnel viscosity
马氏斗黏度计Marsh funnel viscosimeter
高失水堵泥浆high filter-loss mud
麻点pitting leak
鼓泡气试验bubble leakage test
鼓泡检试验ball leakage test