
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
内侧full inboard rudder
操舵口令hard a starboard
hard a starboard
如果贵方能足我们的需要量,我们就接受贵方的价格If you can meet our needs of quantity, we'll accept your price.
操舵口令hard a port
hard a port
有效期已的专利expired patent
期限未的合同unexpired contract
all cloth made
full helm
载吃水full-load draft
载排水量dead displacement
载航行laden sailing
载航行时间laden sailing time
载船laden ship
载船aden ship
祝贺我们圆达成交易!Let's congratulate ourselves that this transaction has been brought to a successful conclusion.
船舶载航行率laden sailing factor
船舶设计载排水量ship-design dead displacement
锅炉功率容量boiler full-power capacity