
Terms containing 满足 需 求 | all forms | in specified order only
proj.manag.个人电脑是微型机的一种、设计用来满足个人的计算需求A personal computer is a type of microcomputer, designed to meet the computing needs of an individual
econ.他们不能全部满足我们的需求,只能供应半数They cannot meet our demand to the full extent n., they can only supply half the quantity
agric.低温需求的满足fulfillment of cold requirement
gen.如果您有特殊饮食要求,我们提供了一系列能满足您需求的特殊餐食。如果您是通过在线方式预订机票的,您可以通过阿航网站预订特殊餐食If you have special dietary requirements, we offer a wide selection of special meals to meet those requirements. You can make a special request through our website if you purchased your ticket online
econ.满足需求requirement covered
commer.我方可以满足你方需求的任何合理的数量We can satisfy your requirements for any reasonable quantity
busin.扩大生产以满足需求expand production to meet demand
econ.暂时未满足的需求pent-up demand
textile满足需求unsatisfied demand
busin.满足需求unsatisfied need
busin.满足需求backlog of demand
tech.未得到满足的需求backlog of demand
econ.未满足的需求the unsatisfied demand
econ.未满足的需求unsatisfied demand
securit.未满足的需求backlog of demand
econ.没有得到满足的需求back of demand
fin.满足发展中国家能源和粮食消费需求meet the energy and food needs of developing countries
fin.满足多样化投融资需求satisfy the diverse demands for investment and financing
tech.满足多种需求的审计multiple use audits
commer.满足对原材料的需求meet a demand for raw materials
textile满足市场需求meet the market demand
fin.满足日益飙升的需求meet surging demand
ecol.满足消费者的需求meet consumer’s demand
ecol.满足消费者的需求to satisfy the demands of consumers
fin.满足融资需求meet funding needs
el.满足负荷需求serve the load
securit.满足资金需求的投资investment fitting the needs of funds
econ.满足需求meet demand
exhib.满足需求cater to the needs
busin.满足需求satisfaction of demand
securit.满足需求satisfaction of wants
commer.现货不够满足市场需求Spot stocks are insufficient to meet market demand
econ.由于目前制造的产品满足不了需求,我们决定扩大生产Because we cannot manufacture enough products to satisfy the demand at present, we have decided to enlarge our production
busin.需求已满足requirement covered
adv.需求—满足式目标need-satisfying objectives