
Terms containing 满标度 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.功率计在满标度的二分之一处的误差变化不应大于满标度的0,25%the error of a wattmeter at half full-scale shall not vary by more than 0. 25% of full scale for Precision instruments when the power factor is varied between unity and 0. 5 lagging
auto.客户满意度指标customer satisfaction index
gen.当功率因数在滞后1 ~0,5变化时,功率计在满标度的二分之一处的误差变化不应大于满标度的0,25%the error of a wattmeter at half full-scale shall not vary by more than 0. 25% of full scale for Precision instruments when the power factor is varied between unity and 0. 5 lagging
busin.满标度full range
tech.满标度full-scale value
el.满标度摆动full-scale swing
geophys.满标度量程full scale range
tech.满标灵敏度full-scale sensitivity
oil满标线性度full scale linearity
IT用户满意度指标customer satisfaction index