
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 滑脱 | all forms | in specified order only
具有负滑脱往复运动的结晶器reciprocated mold with negative strip
时间负滑脱negative strip time ratio
有负滑脱运动的结晶器mould with negative strip
滑脱时间positive strip time
正弦振动负滑脱negative strip ratio with sinusoidal oscillation
正弦振动负滑脱negative strip ratio during sinusoidal oscillation
滑脱式砂箱slip flask
结晶器负滑脱往复运动mold reciprocating motion with negative strip
结晶器负滑脱振动negative strip oscillation of mold (【技】同步振动的一种改进型。结晶器下振速度大于拉坯速度,铸坯相对于结晶器作向上运动,具有对铸坯的压合作用,有利于拉裂坯壳的焊合,并可适当提高拉速。)
结晶器负滑脱振动mold oscillating with negative strip
结晶器负滑脱时间negative strip time of mold
结晶器负滑脱时间mold negative strip time
滑脱negative strip (【技】在连铸过程中,当结晶器下振速度大于拉坯速度时,则铸坯相对于结晶器作向上运动,这种运动称之为负滑脱或负滑动。: In oscillating with negative strip, the friction alternates from positive (vertical tension on the shell) to negative (vertical compression) during each cycle. 在负滑脱振动时,每一振动周期内的摩擦力方向都是由正(铸坯壳受垂直张力)转变为负(铸坯壳受垂直压力)。)
滑脱negative slip
滑脱原理negative strip principle
滑脱原理principle of negative strip
结晶器滑脱往复移动reciprocating with negative strip
滑脱往复运动reciprocating motion with negative strip
滑脱往复运动结晶器reciprocated mold with negative strip
滑脱往复运动结晶器reciprocated mould with negative strip
滑脱振动oscillation with negative strip
滑脱时间negativ strip time
滑脱时间negative strip time (① A more meaningful method of quantifying negative strip is to calculate the negative strip time, NSt. 定量表示负滑脱的一个更有意义方法是计算负滑脱时间 NSt。②The negative strip time (tₙ) is defined as the amount of time during the oscillation cycle when the mold travels in the cast direction at a greater velocity than the cast speed. 负滑脱时间的定义为:在一个振动周期内,结晶器在拉坯方向上以大于拉坯速度运动的时间。)
滑脱negative strip period
滑脱期间坯壳与结晶器的脱离decoupling of shell from mold during negative strip
滑脱negative strip ratio
滑脱结晶器振动mold oscillation with negative strip
滑脱运动结晶器mold with negative strip
滑脱阶段negative strip stage
距离负滑脱negative strip distance ratio
运动距离负滑脱negative strip ratio of moving distance
速度负滑脱negative strip velocity ratio