
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
人力提供来source of labour supply
人力资会计human asset accounting
税款扣缴stoppage at the source
扣缴税款tax deducted at source
tax at source
source tax
税收source taxation
课税taxation at source
从可靠来获取有关信息The relevant information is obtained from reliable sources
以自然资为基础的生产单位resource-based unit
以资为基础的投资机会研究resource-based opportunity study
供应来sources of supply
信息来information source
信息资information resource
原材料资raw materials resources
各生产要素的成本及来情况cost and availability of production factors
商品货merchandise resources
在水强化二氧化碳的天然矿泉水natural mineral water fortified with carbon dioxide from the source
对自然资拥有的主权sovereign rights over natural resources
岁入来source of revenue
工业上极为重要的自然资natural resources that are of great importance to industry
开发国家自然资develop the natural resources of a country
开发海洋石油资exploit offshore oil resources
开发自然资tap natural resources
政府对领海资的管辖权the government's claim of dominion over the resources of the marginal sea
最佳资配置optimal resource allocation
有些国家的石油资正在迅速消耗The oil resources in some countries are rapidly wasting
性优越性superiority of an origin of nature
森林资保护protection of forest resources
流动资金来source of current fund
流通资金来与用途表statement of sources and use of working capital
环境及资保护environmental and resource protection
统计来statistical sources
考虑货take supply of goods into account
消耗总量total energy consumed
自然资丰富be abundant in natural resources
自然资经济学economics of natural resources
自行开发地表水private development of surface supplies
请告你方新的货情况Please inform us of the fresh supply of goods in that case
亦缩为 Exc.exchequer
财务资financial resources (包括:银行信贷 (banker's credit)、流动资产 (current asset)、自有资本 (equity capital)、政府补助金 (government financial grant)、公开认股 (public subscription)、卖方信贷(supplier's credit) 等)
充足be in abundant supply
渐趋短缺Supplies are running short
货物来source of goods
估价resources appraisal
使用resources utilization
分析resources analysis
利用水平level of resources utilization
组合assembling resources
耗尽depletion of resources
配置deployment of resources
雄厚的企业enterprise with substantial resources
预测resources forecasting
资料数据source of data
资金来与运用表source and disposition statement
资金来与运用表statement of sources and application of funds (指资金表 (funds statement))
资金来与运用表source and uses statement
资金来运用表sources and uses statement (指资金表 (funds statement)、财务状况变动表 (statement of changes in financial position))
资金筹措来sources of financing
进口货物来source of imports
面向资的工业resource-oriented industry