
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing | all forms
一次能primary energy
不充分inadequate source rock
不可再生能non-renewable energy
不可更新资nonrenewable resources
不连续discrete source
世界能会议World Energy Conference
世界能会议加拿大国家委员会Canadian National Committee of the World Energy Conference
世界能会议南非国家委员会South African National Committee of the world Energy Conference
世界能研究署World Energy Research Authority
世界能问题world energy resources problem
东北亚能论坛会Northeast Asia Energy Forum
中子刻度neutron source calibration
中子夹持器neutron source holder
中子辐射neutron emitter
开关main power switch
主动式航空电磁系统active airborne electromagnetics system
主动方法active source method
主电main power supply
主电primary power
主要 key source bed
乙电B-power supply
互层状interbedded source rock
offset distance
井中震downhole source
产能有限的资capacity constrained resource
人为污染man-made pollution source
人工遥感active remote sensing
人工放射man-made radioactive source
人工震artificial seismic source
传统能traditional energy
伺服电自动储罐标尺servo-powered automatic tank gauge
伽马gamma ray source
伽马辐射gamma emitter
低能量震low-energy seismic source
供应来supply source
偶极子辐射dipole source
偶极电dipole-current source
自控开关automatic control switch of light
光信号optical signal source
光学电单元optical power unit
美国全国资回收中心National Center for Resource Recovery
全国资开发委员会National Council for Resource Development
全球共享资global shared resource
英国伦敦全球能研究中心Centre of Global Energy Studies
全球能研究伦敦中心London Center of Global Energy Studies
common-source point
共享资shared resource
共震common source
共震点道集common-source point gather
包体endogenous enclosure
endogenous vein
内爆震implosive source
分布spread source
分布式能distributed energy source
切断电power dump
初探资primary explored resources
美国剑桥能研究协会Cambridge Energy Research Associates
加利福尼亚保护与开发委员会California Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission
美国加利福尼亚能委员会California Energy Commission
加拿大矿业与能技术中心Canadian Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology
加拿大矿业与能技术中心Canada Center for Mineral and Energy Technology
加拿大能、矿产与资源Canadian Energy, Mines, and Resources
加拿大能研究学会Canadian Energy Research Institute
加拿大能管道协会Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
加速器中子accelerator neutron source
电磁法moving-source method
化学起chemical origin
阿拉斯加大学北极矿产资研究所Institute of Arctic Mineral Resources
美国匹兹堡能研究中心Pittsburgh Energy Research Center
半空间体积semi-space volume source
距密度测井single density log
单能伽马monoenergetic source
单色光monochromatic source
压力pressure source
压电晶体换能器震piezoelectric crystal transducer source
压缩波点compressional point source
压缩空气compressed air source
原始石油资ultimate petroleum resources
合同能管理contract energy management
包体cognate inclusion
cogenetic rock
岩浆岩comagmatic rock
异晶体cognate xenolith
捕虏岩cognate xenolith
cogenetic gas
深成岩体eogenetic pluton
火山碎屑accessory pyroclast
组合consanguinity association
裂隙cognate fissures
同位素isotope source
侵蚀retrogressive erosion
地下水起groundwater origin
地下震subsurface seismic source
地下震subsurface source
地幔岩浆source mantle
地热资geothermal resources
地热资勘探exploration for geothermal resources
地热资评价assessment for geothermal resources
地球化学烃岩评价geochemical source rock evaluation
地球资信息earth resources information
地球资卫星earth resources terrestrial satellite
美国地球资实验室Earth Resources Laboratory
地震震seismic hypocenter
地震震seismic energy source
地震震动力学seismic source dynamics
地面surface source
地面震surface energy source
参数图法source parameter map technique
尺度source dimension
垂向震vertical source (井中)
垂锤震weight drop sources
备用电emergency power supply
备用电standby power supply
美国 ,俄克拉何马大学夏基能中心Sarkeys Energy Center
美国夏威夷天然能实验室Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii
夏普球对称波动方程Sharpe's equation
包体accidental inclusion
包体exogenous enclosure
non-idiogenous gas
氧化硅胶结物extrastratal silica cement
exotic stream
exotic river
物质allogenic material
覆盖层allochthonous mantle
外电external power
回声flutter echo
沉积物polyenic sediment
距中子测井multispaced neutron log
多井距垂直地震剖面walkaway VSP
多元无天线阵multielement parasitic array
一接收机距测深far-zone sounding
大气污染air pollution sources
大气污染atmospheric pollution sources
天体射电astronomic radio source
天然气资gas resources
天然气资评价natural gas resource assessment
天然资natural resources
夺流captured source
fixed-source method
补偿系统fixed source compensation system
定向伽马射线collimated gamma ray source
定向震directional source
定标reference source
宽带点wide-band point source
层外来extrastratal source
屏极电plate power supply
屏极电设备plate power unit
岩浆magmatic hearth
常规资conventional resources
mantle source rock
mantle source gas
干线电main supply
应急技术能会议Emerging Technology Energy Conference
应急电emergency power source
开关式电switching type power supply
包体accidental inclusion
异常anomaly source
径向震radial source (井中)
待发现资undiscovered resources
美国得克萨斯工业能消费者Texas Industrial Energy Consumers
总资total resources
恒流constant current source
感应激发极化inductive-source induced polarization
感应致电阻率inductive source resistivity
扩散diffuse source
挤压震implosive source
探明资identified resources
推测资hypothetical resources
美国能源部摩根敦能技术中心Morgantown Energy Technology Center
改进的震参数成像improved-source parameter imaging
放射radiation source
放射参考radioactive reference source
放射性radioactive reference source
数据data generator
新能new energy
日本新能与工业技术开发组织New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
新能评价new source review
新西兰能研究和开发委员会New Zealand Energy Research and Development Committee
易生气gas-prone source rock
易生油oil-prone source rock
智力资intelligence resource
最佳震深度optimal focal depth
最小相位可控震相关minimum-phase vibroseis correlation
最终天然气资ultimate gas resources
最终石油资ultimate petroleum resources
信标active beacon
地震测量active seismic measurement
支路active leg
陷波滤波器active notch filter
有效烃effective source bed
有机起organic origin
未动用资untapped resources
未发现资undiscovered resources
未成熟immature source rock
本地能indigenous energy
本底background source
机械地震震mechanical seismic source
机械震mechanical source
板极电plate supply
板极电B-power supply
板锤震sledge hammer
枯竭spent source rock
标准蟹式可控震standard crab vibrator
美国格汉德•大福克斯能研究中心Grand Forks Energy Research Center
概算表外资probable contingent resource
横波可控震shear wave vibrator
横波蟹式可控震shear wave crab vibrator
横波震shear wave source
次经济资sub-economic resources
欧佩克世界能模型OPEC World Energy Model
air source
gas source rock
气—岩对比gas-source rock correlation
气体震gas source
气体震地震剖面仪gas source seismic profiler
气动声pneumatic sound source
气动震技术gas source technique
气压pneumatic supply
气枪震airgun energy source
气枪震air gun source
气爆震gas gun
气爆震gas exploder
water source
water supply well
water source well
contributing region
water source
source water
水下震underwater source
水力资water power resources
水平层点震模拟plane-layer point source modeling
水文地热资hydrogeothermal resource
水污染点source of water pollution
水污染面area source of water pollution
水热资hydrogeothermal resource
水脉冲震HydraPul se
水陆资使用模拟water and land resource utilization simulation
反映法method of convergence-source mapping
沉积物来source of sediment
沉积物来sedimentary derivation
oil sources
petroleum source bed
source rock
岩丰度source-rock richness
岩指数source-rock index
岩指标source rock indication
岩指标source-rock criterion
岩评价source rock evaluation
物质source material
油气资hydrocarbon resources
油气资预测assessment of petroleum resources
流动mobile source
shallow source
浅海陆沉积neritic terrigenous sedimentation
海上震marine seismic source
海洋压缩空气震marine pneumatic seismic source
海洋地震震marine seismic source
海洋地震震阵列marine seismic source array
海洋石油资offshore petroleum resources
液压系统电hydraulic power supply
液压震seismic thumper
清洁能技术clean energy technology
温度参考temperature reference
overflow stream
偶极子赤道轴equatorial axis of source dipole
source storage container
source rock
intensity of radiation source
检距source-receiver offset
致噪声source-generated noise
潜在油potential source rock
潜在烃potential source bed
潜在烃potential source rock
潜在资potential resources
澳大利亚持续发展能工业协会Sustainable Energy Industry Association of Australia
source of ignition
火山volcanic water
炸药震explosive energy source
炸药震dynamite source
地震记录point-source seismograms
测深法point sounding method
组合point source array
point source solution
透射point-source transmission
point source array
点震single source
点震point source
爆炸声explosive sound source
英国牛津能研究所Oxford Institute of Energy Study
source area
物理physical source
环太平洋能与矿产资源会议Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conference
环太平洋能与矿产资源理事会Circum Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources
环太平洋能矿产资源会议Circum Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conference
生物化学起biochemical origin
生物来biogenetic derivation
甲电A-power supply
中断power interruption
变换器supply convertor
开关main switch
指示灯power light
接口power interface
故障power fail
机组power-supply set
power board
power panel
电缆feed cable
线power line
线power conductor
动力线power line
触发line trigger
阻抗source impedance
频率power frequency
电激发electrically stimulated source
电火花震spark source
电磁线electromagnetic line source
瞬时点反射transient point-source reflection
稳压电stabilized voltage supply
稳定中子stable neutron source
稳谱stabilizer source
空气枪组合震airgun array source
筒式气爆震sleeve exploder
管线采集line acquisition supply
管道能运输energy transport by pipeline
红外光infrared source
红外发射infrared emitter
红外线infrared source
纵波可控震compressional wave vibrator
纵波点compressional point source
纸张业、化工业与能业工作者联合会Paper Allied-industrial, Chemical and Energy Workers Union
美国能委员会American Energy Commission
美国能联合会American Energy Union
美国能Department of Energy
美日自然资开发和利用会议United States and Japan Conference on the Development and Utilization of Natural Resources
美国联邦能办公室Federal Energy Office
聚爆式震implosive source
美国肯塔基能中型实验室Kentucky Energy Cabinet Laboratory
肯塔基能研究实验中心Kentucky Center for Energy Research Laboratory
脉冲impulse source
蒸汽枪震steam gun source
image point
虚震virtual source
虚震image source
衰竭油depleted source rock
袭夺captured source
valley head
优化配置optimal allocation of resources
保护resources conservation
保护与开采法案Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
勘探resource exploration
host country of the resources
底数resource base
研究中心Center for Resource Studies
美国研究所Human Resources Research Institute
resources tax
空间resource space
规模resource extent
评价resources assessment
评价resource evaluation
评价方法resource assessment methodology
调查resource exploration
遥感remote sensing of resources
配置和规划系统resource allocation and planning system
资金来与运用表statement of source and application of funds
超长震组合super-long source array
车装可控震truck-mounted vibrator
辐射强度intensity of radiation source
通用震子组合versatile source subarray
钻头震地震测量drill-bit seismic
钻机风rig air supply
锯齿形震线设计zig zag design
镅一铍中子americium-beryllium neutron source
镅铍americium-beryllium source
分距long spacing
距中子测井long spaced neutron
距声波deep borehold compensated sonic
距密度测井long spaced densilog
距探测器long spaced detector
距测量long spacing measurement
距计数率long spacing count rate
距计数率计long spaced count rate meter
阳极电电压anode supply voltage
加拿大阿尔伯达省资商会Alberta Chamber of Resources
加拿大阿尔伯达省资委员会Alberta Council of Resources
意大利阿德里亚天然气能Gas Energy Adrian
阿拉伯能研究所Arab Energy Institute
供给terrigenous supply
terrigenous province
有机质terrestrial organic matter
terrestrial water
沉积terrigenous deposit
沉积物terrigenous sediment
沉积物terrigene sediment
浊积岩terrigenous turbidite
矿物terrigenous mineral
碎屑岩terrigenous elastic rocks
碎屑沉积相sedimentary facies of terrigenous elastics
组分terrigenous constituent
补给terrigenous supply
软泥terrigene mud
陆上地震震land seismic source
陆上震surface-source crew
陆地震land source
中心source center
source borehole
位置source location
信号source signature
信号source signal
信号反褶积source signature deconvolution
信号记录source signature record
剩余静校正source residual static
focal region
source region
同步装置energy source synchronizer
source field
大小source dimension
子波source signature
子波source wavelet
强度source level
强度source strength
-接收器排列source-receiver geometry
-接收器排列source-receiver array
控制器energy source controller
检波器间隔source-detector spacing (S-D spacing)
source wave
深度source depth
focal point
shot point
source point
相位source phase
线间距source line interval
组合source pat tern
组合multiple sources
组合source array
energy source boat
source boat
药包seismic charge
虚反射source ghost
hypocentral distance
focal length
vibrator vehicle
面解focal-plane solution
非再生能non-renewable energy
非再生能技术评价non-renewable energy technology evaluation
非再生能资源评价non-renewable energy resources assessment
非再生资nonrenewable resources
非商品能non-commercial energy
非常规油气资unconventional petroleum and gas resources
非常规石油资unconventional petroleum resources
非活性inactive source rock
非炸药震nondynamite seismic source
非炸药震non-explosive source
非零井距垂直地震剖面offset vertical seismic profiling
顺序启动电sequenced power up
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