
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
美国净化墨西哥联合体Clean Gulf Associates
creek A narrow inlet or bay, especially of the sea (窄小的入口或湾区,特别是指海湾。)
bay An open, curving indentation made by the sea or a lake into a coastline (形成于海或者湖的朝向海岸线的开阔,弯曲的缺口。)
gulf An inlet of the sea of large areal proportions, more indented than a bay and generally more enclosed (海上面积比例较大的小湾, 比海湾更为弯曲且通常较为封闭。)
美国墨西哥地区污染控制区Bay Area Pollution Control District
美国旧金山地区空气污染控制区Bay Area Air Pollution Control District