
Terms for subject Company name containing | all forms
中国港工程有限责任公司China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd
全球运筹发展协会GLCT The Global Logistics Council of Taiwan
国际物流暨供应链协会Taiwan International Logistics and Supply Chain Association
物流管理协会Taiwan Association of Logistics Management
哈得逊海石油与天然气公司Hudson' s Bay Oil and Gas Company
英国哈德逊海公司Hudson' s Bay Company
美国出版公司Gulf Publishing Company
阿联酋石油公司Gulf Petroleum Company
美国墨西哥能源与矿产公司Gulf Energy and Mineral Company
阿拉伯国家合作委员会GCC The Cooperation Council For the Arab States of The Gulf
玻利维亚海石油公司Bolivian Gulf Oil Company
埃及苏伊士石油公司Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company
利比亚阿拉伯石油公司Arab Gulf Oil Company
青岛前集装箱码头有限公司Qingdao Qianwan Container Terminals Co., Ltd