
Terms for subject Exhibitions containing | all forms
世界旅World Tourism Day
亚洲会展与旅管理局协会Asian Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaus
休闲旅leisure traveler
会展与旅管理局Convention and Visitors Bureau
会议,奖励旅,大型会议和展览meeting, incentive, convention & exhibition
假日旅vacation tour
公众艺厅recreation hall
公费旅facility trip
出境outbound travel
出境outbound tourism
出境outbound tourist
包办package tour
包办inclusive tour
团体旅party tour
团体旅group travel
团体旅group tour
国际旅博览会协会The International Tourism Trade Fairs Association
境外散客旅foreign independent tour
奖励性团体旅group incentive trip
奖励性旅incentive travel
奖励性旅参与率incentive attendance
奖励性旅目的地incentive destination
套餐package tour
套餐inclusive tour
实习导student guide
翻译guide interpreter
持证导licensed tourist guide
探险旅adventure trip
公司tourist company
办公室tourist office
商品tourist commodities
tour group
批发商tour operator
接待业hospitality industry
推介会tourism promotion conference
散客independent traveler
散客free independent traveler
票价tour-basing fares
管理局tourist administration bureau
胜地visitor attractions
a rubberneck bus
酒店tourist hotel
spring outing
乐宫fun house
冰衣swimming suits
园会gala party
戏厅game booth
戏娱乐场amusement arcade
戏机amusements machines
标卡尺slide gauge
泳帽bathing cap
泳池swimming pool
excursion ship
cruise ship
cabin cruiser
艇帆balloon sail
pleasure trip
览列车excursion train
览套票excursion ticket
式麦克风roving microphone
电子戏产品video games
autumn outing
美国会议与旅者管理局Convention & Visitors Bureau
美国旅产业协会Travel Industry Association of America
观光sightseeing tour
随团旅guided tour
露天乐园amusement park
露天乐场fun fair