
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
石油工业安全特别工作组Upstream Petroleum Industry Task Force on Safety
鱼类migratory fish Fishes that migrate in a body, often between breeding places and winter feeding grounds (全体迁移的鱼类,迁移经常发生在繁殖地和冬季食物区之间。)
tourism The temporary movement of people to destinations outside their normal places or work and residence, the activities undertaken during their stay in those destinations and the facilities created to cater for their needs (暂时性移动的人,目的是要走出他们正常生活和工作的场所,活动开展期间,留在这些地点和设施以满足他们的所需。)
touristic zone Any section of a region which attracts travelers, often because of its scenery, objects of interest or recreational activities (某个地区吸引游客的任何部分,往往是因为它的景色、趣物或娱乐活动。)
单位touristic unit No definition needed (无需定义)
场所tourist facility All the services connected with tourism, especially when regarded as an industry (所有与旅游有关的服务,尤其是被当作一个产业时。)
活动管理touristic activity management The administration, promotion, organization and planning for the business or industry of providing information, transportation, entertainment, accommodations and other services to travelers or visitors (为旅客或游客提供信息、交通、娱乐、住宿和其它服务的管理、促进、组织和计划。)
线路touristic route An established or selected course for travel consisting, typically, of secondary roads with significant scenic, cultural, historic, geological or natural features and including vistas, rest areas, and interpretive sites matching the scenic characteristics of the course (一条已建立或选择的旅游路线,常由二级公路组成,公路有着景色优美的、文化的、历史的、地理的或自然的地物,包括景观、休息区和与线路景区特色相匹配的讲解场所。)
植物phytoplankton Planktonic plant life (浮游植物生命。)
生物plankton Small organisms (animals, plants, or microbes) passively floating in water (小型生物(动物、植物或微生物被动地漂浮在水上)。)
乐场amusement park An open-air entertainment area consisting of stalls, side shows etc. (设有摊位和表演等的开放式游乐区域。)
娱乐, 打发时间的娱乐;消遣。game play, An amusement or pastime; diversion
牧民族nomad 1. A member of a people or tribe who move from place to place to find pasture and food. 2. Nomads include gypsies, desert tribes such as the Bedouin and the many primitive tribes in the Americas, Asia and Australia. Herding survives as a way of life around the Sahara, in the Middle East, in Asia as far east as western India, and in the Asian parts of the USSR. The end of pastoral nomadism would be regrettable not merely on account of the independence and distinctiveness of this way of life but because this type of economy may be a more rational means of raising large numbers of animals under arid conditions than is capital-intensive ranching (1. 一个民族或部族的成员为寻找牧场和食品从一个地方移动到另一个地方。2.游牧民族,包括吉普赛人、沙漠部落如贝都因人和美洲、亚洲和澳洲的许多原始的部落。在中东的撒哈拉、亚洲东至印度西部、苏联的亚洲部分,放牧作为一种生活方式继续存在。牧民游牧的结束将是令人遗憾的,不仅要考虑这种生活方式的独立性和独特性,而是因为这种经济形式可能是一种在干旱条件下相对资本密集的大牧场来说喂养大量动物更合理的方法。)
集水区;下catchment area 1. An area from which surface runoff is carried away by a single drainage system. 2. The area of land bounded by watersheds draining into a river, basin or reservoir (1. 一个区域,从那里通过一条排水系统来排放地面径流。 2. 通过分水线来界定的地域,排放到河里、内港或水库。)