
Terms for subject Nautical containing | all forms
不论到顺序free of turn
中转port of transhipment
中途转运intermediate port
中途转运way port
中途转运port of call
harbor dues
供体donor port
停靠way port
停靠intermediate port
停靠port of call
port dues
harbour dues
全回转作拖船Duckpeller harbour tug boat
工况departure condition
引水员dropping out ward pilot
出发或地点port or place of departure
压载departure ballast
英国军舰到外国口进行正式访问show the flag
升高的直升机raised helicopter port
port of delivery
port congestion
受体recipient port
国际船舶和口设施保安 ISPS 规则International Ship and Port Facility Security ISPS Code
基地base port
基地base port state
overall length of a ship
安全safe port
安全避风safe haven
完税后交货到指定目的delivered duty paid-named place of destination
2009尽早实施2009年香国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约中的技术标准Early implementation of the technical standards of the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships,
2009 年香国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Cycling of Ships, 2009
开放open harbor
指定目的的船上交货free on board-named port of destination
指定目的的船上交货delivered ex ship-named port of destination
指定目的的装运港船上交货free on board-named port of shipment
指定装运的船边交货free alongside-named port of shipment
标志航道口最外边的浮标farewell buoy
沿途停靠way port
沿途停靠intermediate port
沿途停靠port of call
ocean ports
作拖船harbor tug
务费port charges
口保安员port security officer
口卸货能力port discharge capacity
口卸货能力port discharge capability
口国当局port state authority
口国当局的应急策略application of port state' contingency strategies
口国监督port state control
口国监督检验port state control survey
口当局port administration
口拥挤port congestion
口税harbour dues
口船舶岸电供电技术green port power supply technology
口设备保安员port facility security officer
口设施port facilities
口设施保安计划port facility security plan
口费wharfage dues
口费port charges
口选择port option
湾调查harbour survey
湾调查船harbour research ship
登船port of embarkation
登记port of register
目的pore of destination
目的或地点port or place of destination
目的支付运费freight forward
直升机helicopter port
蒸汽机船outgoing steamer
离船port of disembarkation
工程harbour works
工程harbour work
船/界面活动ship/port interface
船籍home port
装油装油码头oil loading terminal
装货port of loading
转船trans shipment port
转运port of transhipment
输出overall length of a ship
运输站经营人operator of a transport terminal
避风附加费refuge surcharge shipping
集装箱container port
零排放zero emission port
国际金融中心International Finance Centre