
Terms for subject Nautical containing 港口 | all forms | in specified order only
英国军舰到外国港口进行正式访问show the flag
国际船舶和港口设施保安 ISPS 规则International Ship and Port Facility Security ISPS Code
标志港口航道口最外边的浮标farewell buoy
港口保安员port security officer
港口卸货能力port discharge capacity
港口卸货能力port discharge capability
港口国当局port state authority
港口国当局的应急策略application of port state' contingency strategies
港口国监督port state control
港口国监督检验port state control survey
港口当局port administration
港口拥挤port congestion
港口harbour dues
港口船舶岸电供电技术green port power supply technology
港口设备保安员port facility security officer
港口设施port facilities
港口设施保安计划port facility security plan
港口wharfage dues
港口port charges
港口选择port option