
Terms for subject Commerce containing 港口 | all forms | in specified order only
中途港口intermediate port
停靠太平洋沿岸主要港口make calls at chief ports on the Pacific coast
僻地港口附加费out port surcharge
内陆港口close port
利物浦港口装卸条件Liverpool terms
天然港口natural harbor
季节港口seasonal port
租船指定港口particular port
港口习惯快速装卸customary quick despatch
港 口惯例customs of port
港口亦缩为 Harb.harbour
港口仓库设施port warehousing facilities
港口代理人port agent
港口代理人agent at the port
港口吞吐量volume of freight handled at ports
港口吞吐量volume handled at ports
港口惯例port practice
港口租船契约port charter
港口port rate
港口harbour lues
港口装卸耽搁日数中星期日除外Sundays excepted in laydays
港口船只harbour craft
港口被大块冰堵塞了The harbour was blocked in by heavy masses of ice
港口装卸惯例custom of the port handling
港口装卸设备harbour equipment
港口设备harbour accomodation
港口port duties
港口port dues
港口harbour dues
港口费用port charges (包括:泊位费 (berthage),超重费 (heavy lift charges),码头捐 (pier dues),引水费 (pilotage),港口税(port dues), 搬运费 (porterage),检疫费(quarantine charges),拖船费 (tug boat charges))
港口运输代理人port agent
港口防御harbour defence
直达港口direct port
租船英国或欧洲大陆某一港口United Kingdom or Continent
装货港口port of embarkation
西加拿大港口West Canadian ports
该船将停靠欧洲各主要港口The vessel will touch at main ports in Europe
转口贸易港口entrepot port
近距离的港口close-in port
进口港口port of entry
租船选定的港口picked port
铁路与港口railways and harbours
驶到港口的另一边put over to the other side of the harbour