
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
三二三水处理3:2:3 hot water treatment
三斜面three span greenhouse
上升rising temperature
上述above-mentioned temperature
不加热塑料unheated plastic greenhouse
不同物种的低生物学cryobiology of various species
不等叶簇non-isothermal foliage
不等屋面uneven-span house
不能回复度敏感突变体irreparable temperaturesensitive mutant
世界气距平world temperature departure
intermediate temperature
植物mesotherm (mesotherma)
植物型mesothermal type (typus mesothermalis)
植物群落mesothermophytia (mesothermophytia)
温室intermediate house
菌群intermediate temperature group
中和neutral temperature
过低hypothermy (hypothermia)
休克shock temperature
冷却器pistorius condenser
列氏度表Reaumur thermometer
beginning temperature
化学度计chemical thermometer
化学反应等chemical reaction isotherm
化学的体调节chemical thermoregulation
各向同性度因子isotropic temperature factor
合理床轮作rational bed crop rotation
同地syngeothermal (syngeothermalis)
圆顶curvilinear house
圆顶curved-rest greenhouse
圆顶curved-roof greenhouse
上升效应soil temperature-raising effect
earthy room
控制soil temperature control
测量soil temperature measurement
soil surface temperature
土壤加soil heating
夏季低low summer temperature
夏季低不育cold-summer sterility
夏干summer dry moderate
nocturnal temperature
night temperature
控制night-time temperature control
夜间nocturnal temperature
夜间night temperature
夜间土壤nocturnal soil temperature
夜间恒管理constant night-time temperature control
大气度廓线探测卫星系统atmospheric temperature profile sounder
small greenery
小气候microclimatic temperature
开槽冷浴法木材防腐open hot and cold bath process
开管海水度表unprotected reversing thermometer
异常低abnormal low temperature
异常高abnormal high temperature
引火flashing temperature
response to temperature
基因temperature-sensitive gene
基因ts gene
degree of thermosensitivity
temperature sensibility
thermonasty (thermonastia)
sensitivity to temperature
性品种thermosensitive variety
性品种temperature response variety
temperature-sensitive period
thermosensitive (thermosensitivus)
阶段thermophase (thermophasis)
成熟前preripening temperature
指针型度计dial thermometer
最低temperature minimum
最低极限minimum threshold temperature
最低空气minimum air temperature
最低等线minimum isotherm
最低草grass-minimum temperature
最低草grass minimum thermometer
最低阈值minimum threshold temperature
最低限 minimal limiting temperature
最冷月份平均度等值线isoryme (isorymes)
最常见prevailing temperature
最适prefered temperature
最适temperature optimum
V. R.最适preferred temperature
最适cardinal temperature
最适度范围optimum temperature range
最适度范围optimal temperature range
最适度范围most favourable temperature range
最适水optimum water temperature
最高temperature maximum
月最高monthly maximum temperature
有效active temperature
有效度带zone of effective temperature
有效度范围effective temperature range
有效最低maximum effective temperature
有效积effective accumulative temperature
有效积effective heat unit summation
有效积effective temperature summation
有效积amount of effective temperature
有效积法则law of total effective temperature
有效积算effective accumulated temperature
有效积算effective accumulative temperature
木制all-wood house
标准fiducial temperature
标准度表normal- thermometer
标准促成typical forcing house
标准木制typical all-wood house
标准气normal air temperature
植床shelf hothouse
植物plant temperature (phytotemperatura)
植物栽培temperature of plant growing
模拟全球度升高simulation rise in global temperature
日变化diurnal variation of temperature
日振幅diurnal amplitude of temperature
测量air temperature measurement
气体加gaseous heating
气柱平均mean temperature of air column
warming table
周期thermoperiod (thermoperiodus)
周期性thermoperiodity (thermoperioditas)
周期现象thermoperiodicity (thermoperiodismus)
周期现象thermoperiodism (thermoperiodismus)
和 X 射线soft X-ray
和 X 射线投影soft X-ray projection
和冬季mild winter
和冬季地区mild-winter region
和反应指显微阵列杂交过程的反应compromise reaction
和反应条件指显微阵列杂交过程condition of compromise reaction
和噬菌体感染temperate phage infection
和天气benign weather
和感染temperate infection
和日mild day
和株病毒resident virus
和海洋气候mild-maritime climate
和病毒moderate virus
和相temperate phase
和菌株protecting strain
temperature house
上盆greenhouse potting
栽培 作物glass-raised crop
室 CO₂含量greenhouse CO₂content
盆栽换盆greenhouse repotting
盆栽换盆greenhouse potting on
室 CO₂浓度控制greenhouse CO₂content control
室二氧化碳含量greenhouse CO₂content
室作glass-raised crop
室作greenhouse plant
室作glasshouse plant
室作物glasshouse crops
室促成栽培greenhouse forcing culture
室保温greenhouse heat conservation
室光环境的控制control of light environment for greenhouse
室养花房指陈列或观赏的温室conservatory house
室养花房指陈列或观赏的温室ornamental house
室内测定test in greenhouse
室变温管理varying temperature management of greenhouse
室喷雾机greenhouse sprayer
室园艺greenhouse gardening
室园艺greenhouse horticulture
室园艺horticulture under glass
室园艺hot-house gardening
室园艺gardening under glass
室园艺学hot gardening
室园艺学greenhouse horticulture
室土壤glasshouse soil
室土壤水分控制greenhouse soil moisture control
室土壤灭菌sterilization of glasshouse soil
室土壤空气greenhouse soil air
室培养greenhouse culture
室实验台greenhouse flat
室强制通风greenhouse forced ventilation
室控制装置greenhouse controller
室数据greenhouse data
室果品hot-house fruit
室样本greenhouse sample
室栽培greenhouse cropping
室栽培hot-house raising
室栽培indoor culture
室栽培greenhouse growing
室栽培glasshouse cultivation
室栽培culture under glass
室栽培作物greenhouse-grown crop
室植台glasshouse bench
室植株greenhouse plants
室植物stove plants
室植物indoor plants
室植物warmhouse plant
室植物greenhouse plants
室湿度控制greenhouse humidity control
室灌排greenhouse irrigation and drainage
室灌溉排水greenhouse irrigation and drainage
室热量平衡greenhouse heat balance
室环境greenhouse environment
室环境工程greenhouse environment engineering
室生长茎秆greenhouse-grown straw
室盆栽greenhouse potting
室盆栽greenhouse pot culture
室盆栽试验greenhouse pot experiment
室种植台greenhouse flat
室种植台工作台greenhouse bench
室管理greenhouse care
室类型glasshouse type
室粉虱glasshouse white-fly
室粉虱greenhouse whitefly
室组continuous house
室综合征greenhouse syndrome
室综合环境控制comprehensive environment control of greenhouse
室耕作greenhouse cropping
室育苗器conservatory (conservatorius)
室育苗室green house
室育苗室conservatory house
室自然通风greenhouse natural ventilation
室节能greenhouse energy conservation
室花卉indoor flower
室芽接greenhouse budding
室葡萄栽培greenhouse vine culture
室葡萄栽培conservatory vine-culture
室蓟马greenhouse thrips
室蓟马glasshouse thrips
室蔬菜栽培vegetable growing under glass
室蛞蝓greenhouse slug
室蛞蝓keeled slug
室覆盖薄膜greenhouse covering film
室观察greenhouse observation
室试验test in greenhouse
室试验盆greenhouse pot
室试验误差greenhouse experiment error
室资料greenhouse data
室透明覆盖材料transparent cover material of greenhouse
室通风ventilation of greenhouse
室通风greenhouse ventilation
室降温greenhouse cooling
寒带temperate frigid zone
州蜜柑 Citrus unshiuSatsuma mandarin
州蜜柑矮缩satsuma dwarf
州蜜柑矮缩satsuma dwarf virus
州蜜橘矮缩病毒satsuma dwarf virus
差分层指水体thermal stratification
差商数temperature-difference quotient
地区temperate region
林带temperate forest zone
带作物temperate crops
带国家temperate countries
带地区temperate district
带地区temperate area
带型禾temperate grasses
带多年生temperate perennial grasses
带岛屿群temperate insular group
带常绿林temperate evergreen forest
带林warm forest zone
带栋林temperate oak forest
带植物区系flora of the temperate zone
带植物志flora of the temperate zone
带沼泽temperate marsh
带海temperate sea
带海洋性气候moderate marine climate
带的extratropical (extratropus)
带的extratropic (extratropus)
带禾谷类作物temperate cereals
带纬度区temperate latitudes
带草原草地temperate grassland
带阔叶树temperate zone broadleaved tree
带雨林temperate rain forest
temperate frame
glass bed
hot ground
warm frame
garden frame
床促成栽培hotbed forcing
床土壤bed soil
床场hotbed ground
床墙框frame of hotbed
床形式form of frame
床播种机hotbed seeder
床栽培hotbed culture
床栽培hotbed growing
床栽培hotbed cultivation
床框支高lifting a hotbed frame
床植物hotbed plant
床温度bed temperature
床电热器electric seedbed heater
床秧田hotbed nursery
床肥料manure for hotbed
床育苗hotbed raising seedlings
床育苗growing seedling in hotbed
床试验frame experiment
床软化栽培blanching in nursery bed
thermal gradient
temperature (temperatura)
分布廓线temperature profile
度上升度数amount of temperature rise
度下降temperature drops
度交替temperature alternation
度公差temperature tolerance
度分析thermal analysis
度动态dynamic change of temperature
度反应response to temperature
度反应品种temperature response variety
度变动temperature shift
度变化fluctuation of temperature
度变率variability of temperature
度同步化synchronization of temperature
度基点cardinal point of temperature
度增高increase of temperature
度对交换的效应temperature effect on crossing over
度差temperate difference
度常数aliquote (aliquotus)
度循环仪temperature cycler
度总和amount of temperature
度感觉temperature sensation
度抗性temperature resistance
度抗性功能型functional type of temperature resistance
度敏感基因ts gene
度敏感度degree of thermosensitivity
度敏感性temperature sensibility
度敏感性thermosensitivity (thermosensitivitas)
度敏感性sensitivity to temperature
度敏感性品种thermosensitive variety
度敏感性突变temperature-sensitive mutation
度敏感期temperature-sensitive period
度敏感机能temperature-sensitive function
度敏感物质temperature-sensitive substance
度敏感突变型temperature-sensitive mutant
度敏感突变细胞temperature-sensitive mutant cell
度敏感系统temperature-sensitive system
度敏感致死temperature-sensitive lethal
度条件的突变temperature-conditional mutation
度极限temperature threshold
度梯度凝胶电泳temperature gradient gel electrophoresis
度模式temperature pattern
度法则temperature rule
度活动力thermal activity
度热力thermodynamic scale of temperature
度状况temperature condition
度突变jump in temperature
度突降abrupt fall of temperature
度系数temperature coefficient (Q40)
度系数Q 10
度胁迫temperature stress
度胁迫stress of temperature
度自记曲线图thermogram (thermogramma)
度节律thermorhythm (thermorhythma)
度表刻度thermometric scale
度表液体管中thermometric fluid
度表球部thermometer bulb
度表的thermometric (thermometricus)
度表管thermometer tube
度表读数thermometer reading
度衰减temperature degeneration
度订正correction for temperature
度调节homoiothermism (- homothermism)
度调节机制thermoregulatory mechanism (mechanismus thermoregulatorius)
度调节的thermoregulatory (thermoregulatorius)
度起落fluctuation of temperature
度较差范围temperature range
度限temperature limit
度需要量temperature requirement
度频率frequency of temperature
度风向图wind rose temperature
度驯化temperature acclimation
性腐殖sweet humus
性腐殖质gentle humus
敏系统temperature-sensitive system
时容量time-temperature tolerance
时曲线time- temperature curve
暖地区warm region
暖地区型指水稻品种warm area type
暖季节warm season
暖日mild day
暖森林带warm forest zone
暖气候生态型warm-climate ecotype
植物发育期阶段thermostage (thermostaticum)
temperature scales
scale of thermometer
temperate frame
hot water
供水warm-water trough
水养殖水温保持在 20°C 以上warm water cultivation
水处理法method of hot water treatment
水浸麻hot water retting
汤去雄法hot water emasculation method
汤处理脱涩法removal of astringency by treatment with warm water
汤浸种warm water seed treatment
汤浸种hot water treatment
汤浸种hot water seed treatment
汤浸种hot water dressing
汤浸种消毒hot-bath disinfection method
汤浸种法method of hot water treatment
汤浸种法hot water disinfection
汤消毒法hot water disinfection
汤脱涩deastringency with hot water
汤集团去雄法hot water for bulk emasculation
泉养鱼fish culture in hot-spring
泉水thermal water
泉池water-warming pool
泉池water warming pond
泉渠water-warming canal
泉生物hot spring organism
泉生的thermal (thermalis)
warm bath
湿图解temperature-moisture diagram
湿处理thermal-wet treatment
湿拌种thermal-wet treatment
湿红外辐射仪temperature humidity infrared radiometer
湿自记曲线thermohygrogram (thermohygrogramma)
湿自记曲线hygrothermogram (hygrothermogramma)
指温度突然变动temperature shock
热指数thermal index
热环境thermal environment
热疗法heat therapy
熵图tephigram (tephigramma)
盐关系temperaturesalt relation
盐关系T. S. relation
盐曲线图temperaturesalt diagram
盐曲线图T. S. diagram
盘驱动器Winchester disk drive
血动物warmblood animal
血动物warm -blooded animal
血的hematothermal (haematothermalis)
量指数index of warmth
阻效应thermo-resistive effect
生活vital temperature
生物biotemperature (biotemperatura)
生物活动度临界biokinetic temperature limits
生物量高分解biomass pyrolysis
生育度的零度zero of vital temperature
生长度范围growth temperature range
生长期有效积植物生长期内逐日温度与生物学下界温度的差之和growing degree-day
真喜euthermophilous (euthermophilus)
程序变temperature programming
缓慢加slow warming
耐低low temperature tolerance
耐低植物型microthermal type
萌发germination temperature
蘑菇mushroom hothouse
巧克力couverture chocolate
生长室air-conditioned growth room
homothermic (homoiothermus)
homoiothermic (homoiothermus)
驾驶室air-conditioned cab
调节controlled greenhouse
调节度适应modulative temperature adaption
调节点set-point temperature
贝氏度计Beckmann thermometer
thermonegative (thermonegativus)
负向negative thermotropism
preferendum (praeferendum)
作物thermophilous crops
thermophilic form (forma thermophila)
性洄游thermal migration
thermophilous (thermophilus)
mesophilous (mesophilus)
mesophilic (mesophilus)
细菌mesophilous bacteria (bacteria mesophilae)
细菌25〜35°Cmesophilic bacteria
适低hypothermophilous (hypothermophilus)
逆增inversion temperature
逐日最低度平均值mean daily minimum temperature
逐月加负荷指每月暖房需要的热气量monthly heating load
逐次升干澡法drying method by gradual rise of drying temperature
通用all-purpose frame
通风度表aspirated thermometer
通风度计aspirated thermometer
蔬菜warm- required vegetable
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