
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
二次secondary addition
保护渣加管flux feed tube
修正性加剂corrective addition
全自动合金加系统fully automated alloy addition system
冶金加剂metallurgical addition agent
包内ladle addition
去硫加剂sulphur remover
合金加剂alloying addition
合金加剂alloy addition
合金加剂alloying agent
合金加剂finishing addition
合金加剂alloy additive
向熔池加辅助燃料addition of supplementary fuel to bath
含碳加剂carbon-bearing additive
固体加剂solid addition
固体燃料加量solid fuel level
型砂加剂sand additive
型砂加剂foundry sand additive
addition item
增碳加剂carburizing addition
容许加少量矿石的温度范围"ore with caution" range
弥散加剂dispersing additive
惰性加剂inert additive
成核加剂nucleation agent
成核加剂nucleation additive
掺铟合金加剂indium-doped addition alloy
改善切削性加剂free machining addition
改善易切性用加剂free cutting additive
改善落砂性能用加剂breakdown additive
无机加剂inorganic agent
最后加剂finishing material
有机加剂organic additive agent
有机加剂organic addition
杂质加剂impurity addition
氧化物加剂oxide addition
氧化铁皮加料roll-scale additions
氧化镁加剂magnesia addition
氯化物加剂chloride addition
adding (的)
加元素additional element
加剂addition (With a small addition of aluminum, e.g. about 35 kg for a 220 to 240 tonne heat together with Si / Mn, almost all the aluminum is consumed in this combined deoxidation with Si and Mn. 在硅锰复合脱氧时添加少量铝,如一炉 220 ~240t 的钢水添加 35kg 左右铝,在此种情况下几乎所有的铝都将消耗殆尽。)
加剂intrusion agent
加剂added material
加剂掺杂致密化sophisticated densification
加剂分布distribution of addition
加剂槽addition bin
加剂浓度additive concentration
加剂称重料斗miscellaneous weigh hopper
加剂给料机additive feeder
加剂设施additive facilities
加合金processing alloy
加合金addition of alloy
加合金process alloy
加合金元素alloying addition (① When the steel-making process is complete, the molten metal is run out into large ladles, some holding as much as 300 tonnes, depending on the size and type of the plant; alloying additions are put into the ladle during pouring, to give the desired steel composition. 炼钢结束,将钢水倒人大型钢包。视炼钢设备规模和类型,一些钢包容量可达 300t。 在浇注时,将合金剂加人钢包,以便获得所需的钢水成分。② Many varieties of cast iron can be produced, by selection of different pig irons, by variations of the melting conditions in the cupola, and by special alloying additions, but in general the two main classifications are into white cast irons and grey cast irons. 通过选用不同的生铁、化铁炉中不同的化铁条件及添加专用合金剂等,可以生产出多种铸铁。但一般而言,铸铁分为两大类一白口铸铁和灰铸铁。)
加合金元素alloying addition
加合金元素alloy addition
加料addition material
加料adding material
加料added material
加材料filler material
加比percent addition
加比rate of addition
加比addition level
加率percent addition
加白云石的球团dolomite pellet
加矿石feeding of ore
加矿石feed ore
加设备adding equipment
加辅助燃料addition of supplementary fuel
加量rate of addition
加量feed rate
加量addition level
加金属filler material
加金属feeding of metal
加金属additive metal
料器filling vessel
炼钢加剂steelmaking addition agent (【技】在炼钢过程中,除主要合金成分外,添加在钢水中以形成和促进钢的所需性能的任何物质。这些物质包括脱氧剂、增碳剂、粒度控制剂、改进机加工性能的元素以及能强化主要合金成分固有良好性能的元素等。)
炼钢加剂addition agent for steelmaking (Addition agent for steelmaking refers to any material other than the principal alloying constituents, added to the molten metal to produce or promote desirable properties in the steel. 炼钢添加剂指的是除主要合金组分外,添加到钢水中的、用于形成或促进钢的良好性能的物质。)
熔剂装入系统flux handling system
熔剂加管flux feed tube
熔融加物melted addition
燃料加剂fuel additive
燃料加器fuel feeder
燃料加量fuel addition
盛钢桶加剂料仓ladle additions bunker
矿物加物mineral additive
矿石加剂feed ore addition
矿石加料ore addition
硅质加剂siliceous additive
碱性加剂basic addition
粉末加剂powder additive
精炼加剂curative agent
加剂anticorrosive additives
胶体加剂colloidal additive
脱氧加剂finishing addition
脱氧加物deoxidizing addition
膨润土bentonite addition
膨润土加剂bentonite additive
膨润土加比bentonite/ore ratio
萃取加剂extraction modifier
蓄电池加剂battery additive
补充加剂secondary addition
计算机控制的合金加系统computer controlled alloy addition system
计算机控制的合金加系统computer-controlled alloy addition system
轧制氧化加料roll scale additions
转炉加剂料仓converter additions bunker
转炉加料处理converter additions handling
转炉加料搬运converter additions handling
辅助加剂auxiliary agent
辅助加剂secondary addition
返矿加量return fines content
返矿加量return fines level
返矿加量proportion of return fines
造渣加剂slag-making addition
造渣加剂slag-forming addition
酸洗加剂pickling addition
金属加剂metallic addition
金属卤化物加剂metal halide additive
钢包加剂ladle additions
钢包加剂料仓ladle addition bunker
钢包合金料加器ladle alloy feeder
钢包合金料加器ladle feeder for alloy
钢包合金料加器ladle feeder
钢锭模加剂mould addition
铁合金加法ferroalloy adding method
铁水罐加剂iron ladle addition
铜合金加剂焊条bronze welding rod
加合金hafnium addition alloy
加合金chromium addition
加合金terbium addition
加合金zirconium addition
加合金cadmium addition
防冻加剂antifreeze admixture
防腐加剂anticorrosive additives
除硫加剂additive for desulphuration
非金属加剂non-metallic additive