
Terms for subject Engineering geology containing 混凝土 | all forms | in specified order only
不合规格混凝土faulty concrete
二次搅拌混凝土remixed concrete
低强混凝土weak concrete
偏心预压混凝土预制桩eccentrically-precompressed precast-concrete pile
充填混凝土fill concrete
充气混凝土多孔混凝土blown-out concrete
冬季混凝土浇筑cold weather concreting
分批拌合混凝土batch of concrete
加气混凝土bubble concrete
劣质混凝土poor quality concrete
双排混凝土桩防渗墙two ranks of concrete pile curtains
受氯化物损害的混凝土chloride contaminated concrete
后张预应力钢筋混凝土post-tensioned reinforced concrete
后张法预应力混凝土post-tensioned concrete pile
后张预制混凝土post-tensioned precast concrete slab
和易性好的混凝土workable concrete
和易性差的混凝土unworkable concrete
混凝土支护shotcrete support
混凝土防护shotcrete protection
喷射混凝土projected concrete
喷射混凝土衬砌shotcrete lining
喷注混凝土air-placed concrete
喷浆混凝土gunite concrete
噴射混凝土襯砌shotcrete lining
固定式混凝土搅拌机stationary concrete mixer
圆柱形混凝土试件cylindrical concrete test specimen
坍落度大的塑性混凝土quaking concrete
塑性混凝土防渗墙plastic concrete cut-off wall
壓漿混凝土prepakt concrete
多孔混凝土perforated concrete
大体积混凝土挡墙mass concrete wall
夯实扩底混凝土compacted expanded base concrete pile
夯實擴座混凝土compacted expanded base concrete pile
套管混凝土cased concrete pile
导管混凝土封底tremie seal
导管法灌筑混凝土tremie concrete
導管法澆灌混凝土tremie concrete
導管澆灌混凝土封底tremie seal
少孔隙混凝土concrete of low porosity
岩石混凝土接触面rock concrete interface
常规混凝土conventional concrete
干填混凝土预填砂石后压浆的混凝土dry-packed concrete
干填充混凝土dry pack
干拌混凝土dry mixed concrete
干拌混凝土dry batched concrete
干拌喷射混凝土dry-mix shotcrete
干硬性混凝土concrete of stiff consistency
干硬性混凝土拌合料dry mix
废弃混凝土sacrificial concrete
异形混凝土沉箱deformed concrete caisson
引气混凝土blown-out concrete
快硬混凝土high-early strength concrete
快硬混凝土fast setting concrete
混凝土concrete pile driving
挤压混凝土衬砌extruded concrete lining
振冲混凝土vibroflotation concrete pile
振动混凝土柱桩concrete vibro column pile
振动混凝土灌注vibro-concrete pile
整平作用的混凝土regularizing concrete
新拌混凝土as-mixed concrete
新浇混凝土green concrete
新鲜混凝土as-mixed concrete
无坍落度混凝土zero slump concrete
无套管混凝土灌注桩uncased concrete pile
无套管混凝土灌注桩shell-less pile
无筋混凝土un-reinforced concrete
早强混凝土high-early strength concrete
普通混凝土average concrete
木屑混凝土wood waste concrete
未硬混凝土green concrete
标准配比混凝土standard mix concrete
格排式混凝土cellular concrete block
气喷混凝土pneumatically-applied concrete
水下混凝土浇筑underwater concreting
水下混凝土灌筑tremie placement
水下浇注混凝土concreting underwater
水下浇筑混凝土concreting in water
水下澆注混凝土subaqueous concreting
水冲法下沉混凝土concrete pile jetting
水底混凝土subaqueous concreting
水泥混凝土铺面cement concrete pavement
水泥粘结混凝土罩面层cement bonded concrete overlay
沥青混凝土基层asphalt concrete base
基础托换法兰基静压预制混凝土小桩Franki Miga pile
泡沫混凝土bubble concrete
泵送混凝土concrete pumping
活性混凝土集料reactive concrete aggregate
活节混凝土块罩面护坡articulated concrete matting
活节混凝土块褥垫护坡articulated concrete mattress
活节铺块式混凝土铺面articulated mat concrete pavement
浇筑混凝土concrete placement
消波混凝土块体wave dissipating concrete block
混凝土中心搅拌厂centralized concrete mixing plant
混凝土中心搅拌机center mixer
混凝土可灌注性concrete placeability
混凝土和易性workability of concrete
混凝土喷射concrete spraying
混凝土喷射机械concrete spraying machine
混凝土喷射枪concrete gun
混凝土喷射泵concrete injector
混凝土喷灌gunite work
混凝土圬工concrete in-situ
混凝土地下连续墙concrete diaphragm wall
混凝土坍落度试验concrete slump test
混凝土块挡concrete block retaining wall
混凝土块重力式墙concrete-block gravity wall
混凝土增塑剂concrete plasticizer
混凝土concrete pillar
混凝土concrete jacket
混凝土崩解concrete disintegration
混凝土工程concrete works
混凝土底板concrete apron
混凝土强度concrete strength
混凝土成分ingredient of concrete
混凝土扶壁concrete buttress
混凝土抗压强度concrete compressive strength
混凝土抗压强度concrete compression strength
混凝土护墙concrete apron
混凝土护面堆石坝concrete-faced rockfill dam
混凝土拌合concrete mix
混凝土拌合物mix of concrete
混凝土拌合车agitating truck
混凝土振动机concrete vibrator
混凝土振捣concrete vibration
混凝土捣固concrete consolidating
混凝土捣实器concrete rammer
混凝土排桩concrete piling
混凝土搅拌concrete agitation
混凝土搅拌机cement mixer
混凝土搅拌站concrete plant
大體積混凝土mass concrete wall
混凝土支壁concrete buttress
混凝土斜面浇灌法advance slope method
混凝土未加工表面beton brut
混凝土条形基础concrete strip foundation
混凝土板桩工程concrete piling
混凝土样品concrete sample
混凝土格床基础concrete grillage
坡面混凝土格排作业工程concrete crib work
混凝土桩基础concrete pile foundation
混凝土桩的送桩concrete pile follower
混凝土楼板concrete floor
混凝土浇筑placing of concrete
混凝土浇筑concrete placing
混凝土浇筑摊铺concrete placer
混凝土灌注桩bored concrete pile
混凝土灌注设备concrete-spouting plant
混凝土的收缩concrete contraction
混凝土砌体concrete masonry
混凝土离析concrete segregation
混凝土离析concrete disintegration
混凝土稠度concrete consistence
混凝土立方块特征强度characteristic concrete cube strength
混凝土立方块试样cube concrete test specimen
混凝土等级concrete class
混凝土管桩concrete tube pile
混凝土管桩concrete pipe pile
混凝土拆模后粗表面beton brut
混凝土缓凝剂concrete retarder
混凝土薄壳桩concrete shell pile
混凝土螺旋桩concrete screw-pile
混凝土蠕变creep of concrete
混凝土表面气穴损害cavitation damage
混凝土衬砌水渠concrete lining canal
混凝土规格concrete specification
混凝土超挖衬砌concrete for overbreakage
混凝土连续墙continuous concrete wall
混凝土连续浇筑uninterrupted concreting
混凝土道路concrete road
混凝土配合比设计concrete design
混凝土配料拌合厂concrete batching and mixing plant
混凝土重力式钻采平台concrete gravity platform
混凝土充填钢管桩concrete filled steel pipe pile
混凝土铺盖concrete apron
混凝土铺砌坡concrete slope paving
混凝土锚墙concrete deadman
混凝土锚桩concrete deadman
混凝土锥形桩concrete-taper pile
混凝土防渗墙concrete diaphragm wall
混凝土隔水墙concrete cut-off wall
混凝土骨料aggregate for concrete
混水喷射混凝土wet mixed shotcrete
湿式喷射混凝土wet mixed shotcrete
灌浆混凝土grout concrete
焦炭屑混凝土coke breeze concrete
现场拌制混凝土field concrete
现场搅拌混凝土job-mixed concrete
现场浇注混凝土job-poured concrete
现场浇注混凝土cast-in-situ concrete
现场浇筑混凝土poured-in-place concrete
现浇混凝土concrete in-situ
现浇混凝土field concrete
现浇混凝土on-site concrete
现浇混凝土in situ concrete
现浇混凝土cast concrete
现浇混凝土管柱桩cast-in-place cased concrete pile
混凝土套接的木桩concrete-spliced wood pile
用特密管灌築混凝土tremie concrete
砂砾石混凝土sand and gravel concrete
硬化混凝土hardened concrete
碎木块混凝土wood waste concrete
碾压混凝土concrete-rolled dam
离心法制混凝土centrifugally spun concrete pipe
离心法制成的钢筋混凝土centrifugally compacted reinforced concrete pile
离心法浇制混凝土centrifugal concrete pile
离心法预制混凝土打入桩centrifugally-cast concrete driven pile
离心蒸压混凝土centrifugal autoclaved concrete pile
离心预应力混凝土centrifugal prestressed concrete pile
移动式混凝土mobile concrete pump
竹筋混凝土bamboo concrete
粉煤灰混凝土coke breeze concrete
粗糙搅拌混凝土harsh mixture
混凝土un-reinforced concrete
混凝土垫层blinding concrete
耐酸混凝土acid resisting concrete
胶质混凝土colloidal concrete
膨胀水泥混凝土expansive-cement concrete
膨胀页岩轻集料混凝土shale concrete
自压实混凝土self-compacting concrete
袋装混凝土用于水下工程sacked concrete
车载混凝土truck-mounted concrete pump
连续浇筑混凝土continuous concreting
速凝混凝土fast hardening concrete
速凝混凝土fast setting concrete
速凝混凝土early strength concrete
钢丝网加固喷射混凝土wire mesh-reinforced shotcrete
现浇钢壳混凝土cased pile
钢筋混凝土beton armee
钢筋混凝土steel reinforced concrete
钢筋混凝土armored concrete
钢筋混凝土reinforced wall
钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete column
钢筋混凝土柱箍concrete collar
钢筋混凝土砌块reinforced concrete segment
美国钢筋混凝土研究会Reinforced Concrete Research Council
钢筋网喷射混凝土锚杆支护wiremesh-shotcrete-rock bolt support
钢管混凝土pipe column
钢管套混凝土水中Breuchaud pile
钻孔泥浆下浇筑混凝土concreting under drilling mud
镇重用混凝土ballast concrete
陶粒混凝土all-haydite concrete
集中拌制混凝土centrally mixed concrete
集中拌制混凝土central-mixed concrete
離心澆鑄混凝土貫入樁centrifugally-cast concrete driven pile
離心蒸汽壓混凝土centrifugal autoclaved concrete pile
預力混凝土prestressed concrete
預力混凝土管柱prestressed concrete drilled caisson
预制混凝土prefabricated concrete
预制混凝土构件precast concrete
预填集料混凝土prepakt concrete
预填集料混凝土grouted concrete
预填骨料压浆混凝土prepacked aggregate concrete
先张法或后张法预应力混凝土锚固区anchorage zone
预拌混凝土ready-mixed concrete
预拌混凝土运送车ready mix truck
高标号混凝土high strength concrete
高流动度混凝土guss concrete
高流动性混凝土high fluidity concrete
高流态混凝土high fluid state concrete