
Terms for subject Construction containing 混凝土 | all forms | in specified order only
冬季制造混凝土工厂winterized concrete plant
加气混凝土砌块aerated concrete block
去气混凝土即用真空法抽去气泡的混凝土deaerated concrete
受钉混凝土可打钉的混凝土nailing concrete
受钉混凝土可打钉的混凝土nailable concrete
固化的经过养护硬化的混凝土matured concrete
塑性坍落度大的混凝土quaking concrete
塑性混凝土即坍落度大的混凝土plastic concrete
多孔蜂窝状混凝土hollow concrete
大体积大块混凝土mass concrete
大块大体积混凝土mass concrete
混凝土rammed concrete
就地浇筑混凝土concrete in situ
就地浇筑混凝土cast-in-situ concrete
就地浇筑灌注混凝土poured-in-place concrete
带有金属外壳的现浇混凝土simplex pile
带橡皮垫圈的钢筋混凝土reinforced rubber gasket concrete pipe
影响混凝土和易性的因素factors affecting workability of concrete
影响混凝土强度的因素factors influencing concrete strength
成熟混凝土经过养护硬化matured concrete
我们现有大量新旧混凝土搅拌车出售。在这里您就能购买到自己所需的混凝土搅拌车!We have a huge selection of new and used concrete mixing trucks for sale. Buy the concrete mixing trucks you need right here!
震动台振捣混凝土shock concrete
排列成多层的楔形反坦克混凝土障碍物dragon's teeth
新拌混凝土green concrete
新拌新浇混凝土未完全凝固green concrete
新拌混凝土的性质properties of fresh concrete
新浇新拌,未硬结的混凝土fresh concrete
无筋混凝土路面unreinforced concrete pavement
无细混凝土no-fines concrete
流态 可槽运的混凝土chutable concrete
浇注的混凝土cast concrete
浇灌混凝土用的设备concreting equipment
混凝 土抗压强度concrete compressive
混凝 土渗透性concrete permeability
混凝土与钢筋的黏结力cooperation of concrete and steel
混凝土体积变化concrete volume changes
混凝土分类concrete specification
混凝土制品Concrete Products
混凝土动力锯缝机concrete power saw
混凝土化学腐蚀concrete chemical attack
混凝土吸水性concrete absorption
混凝土坍落度试验slump test of concrete
混凝土塑性收缩plastic concrete shrinkage
混凝土外加剂concrete admixtures
混凝土外壳jacket of concrete
混凝土薄,浇筑concrete lift
混凝土干燥收缩drying concrete shrinkage
混凝土抗拉强度concrete tensile
混凝土指定混合料prescribed mixes of concrete
混凝土路面振动夯实concrete vibrator
混凝土捣实因数试验compacting factors test of concrete
混凝土搅拌车concrete mixing truck
混凝土断裂破裂模量concrete modulus of rupture
混凝土施工Concrete Construction
混凝土标准离差standard deviation of concrete
混凝土标准离差concrete standard deviation
混凝土泊松比concrete Poisson's ratio
混凝土泌水concrete bleeding
混凝土流动桌试验flowtable test of concrete
混凝土浇注 摊铺concrete placer
混凝土浇注工concrete placer
混凝土浇筑块的高度height of lift
混凝土溶析concrete leaching
混凝土特征concrete characteristic
混凝土用预应力钢丝prestressed concrete wire
混凝土的养护curing of concrete
混凝土的分类specification of concrete
混凝土的变形deformation of concrete
混凝土的可灌注 砌筑concrete placeability
混凝土的和易性workability of concrete
混凝土的弹性变形elastic deformation of concrete
混凝土的徐变变形creep deformation of concrete
混凝土的性质concrete properties
混凝土的离析segregation of concrete
混凝土的耐久性durability of concrete
混凝土硫酸盐侵蚀concrete sulphate attack
混凝土碱-集料的反应concrete alkali-aggregate reactions
混凝土磨损concrete wear
混凝土稳定性concrete stability
混凝土立方块强度试验cube concrete test
混凝土组成concrete constituents
混凝土经时变形concrete time-dependency
混凝土维勃稠度试验该试验由瑞典 Bahmer(1940) 完成,英国标准 BS1881 第二部分,通过把一个标准混凝土圆锥变成密实的平圆柱体所用的时间,即 V-B 时间,用 s做单位,规定精确到 0.5 sV-B consistometer concrete
混凝土翘曲卷曲,弯翘concrete warping
混凝土自动收缩autogenous concrete shrinkage
混凝土设计混合料designed mixes of concrete
混凝土试配concrete trial mixes
混凝土质量控制quality control of concrete
混凝土路面刷毛brush finish
混凝土量测concrete measurement
混凝土钢筋steel for concrete reinforcement
混凝土非破损性试验concrete nondestructive testing
混凝土风化concrete weathering
焦炭屑混凝土coke cement concrete
环筋箍筋混凝土hooped concrete
硬化混凝土的性质properties of hardened concrete
硬稠干硬(性)混凝土stiff concrete
离心浇注的混凝土spun concrete
混凝土路面unreinforced concrete pavement
少灰混凝土poor concrete
轻质煤渣混凝土砌块breeze blocks
连续钢筋混凝土路面continuous-reinforced slab
钢筋与混凝土共同受力协同作用collaboration of steel and concrete
钢筋与混凝土间的握grip between concrete and steel
间隙不连续级配混凝土gap-graded concrete
难灌筑的混凝土unworkable concrete
集料混凝土砌块aggregate concrete block
预填 骨料混凝土prepackag ed concrete
预填骨料混凝土prepakt concrete
预填 骨料混凝土prepack ed concrete
预应力混凝土用钢steel for prestressed concrete
高级优质混凝土quality concrete